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perfect programming language

Results 273 DreamBerd issues
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Most programming languages don't really understand what "global" means. The term gets misused a lot for something that is actually process local or something along the line. A true global...

add a `trans` keyword(which stands for transtype) to cast a varible to another type or to declare a varible of certain type(since type annotations doesnt do anything) example: ``` var...

Given that strings are currently meant to function with 0 quotes, I'm wondering how strings such as: `const const 8 = Hello! World!` Can be included without a compiler error....

Will you add types to DreamBerd?

putting this here so there's a thread for it, it's not nearly done but if anyone wants to mess with it there's something the current plan is to write the...

This will enable compiler to read the code back and forth many times between the keyword ping and pong: ``` ping 3! print('hello') print('world') print('-') pong! // hello

Assuming the global scope is a append-only log, the `restore` keyword should restore a keyword that has been deleted by `delete`. ``` delete var var var name = "steve" //...

For the really sensitive secrets