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Too many stars

Open TodePond opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments

Please un-star DreamBerd there are too many stars

TodePond avatar Jun 14 '23 08:06 TodePond

Maybe introducing a generator syntax would help:

funco* fib() {
  yield 1;

notpushkin avatar Jun 15 '23 10:06 notpushkin

(this would eventually deplete stars)

notpushkin avatar Jun 15 '23 10:06 notpushkin


TodePond avatar Jun 15 '23 10:06 TodePond

Maybe introducing a generator syntax would help:

funco* fib() {
  yield 1;

You forgot the exclamation marks.

ElBe-Plaq avatar Jun 20 '23 04:06 ElBe-Plaq

Oh no! But AEI would kick in, so this should work (and return one not)

notpushkin avatar Jun 20 '23 13:06 notpushkin

I did not think of that.

ElBe-Plaq avatar Jun 20 '23 14:06 ElBe-Plaq