TigerPython-Parser copied to clipboard
Improve common mistake : use the comma `,` instead of `.` for decimal point notation
One common mistake for the novices, at least in french speaking part of switzerland, is to use the comma instead of the .
for floating point literals. This is because we say "nombre à virgule" to denote numbers with decimal positions. This generates errors really difficult to decrypt for the novices
from gturtle import *
size = 10
for _ in range(10):
rt(360 / 6)
size *= 1,2
Some hints
The error almost certainly happens when the following regexp matches : https://regex101.com/r/8maXQK/1 (in the context of an shortcut-assignment)
The error almost certainly occurs in the context of a comparison expression, like
if x <= 5,5 and y > 6
if a variable
is used as a number in the scope where the error occurs, mixing this variable in an arithmetic expression (with arithmetic operators) and a tuple, almost certainly hints at this error.
Code examples where the error is likely to be found
examples = {
"data": {
"code": {
"nodes": [
"code": "# on voulait écrire 1.2 au lieu de 1,2 ... erreur fréquente\nx = 1,2\ny = x ** 2\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'tuple' and 'int' on line 3"
"code": "def etat_eau(temp):\n if temp =-10\n print(\" état solide\")\n elif temp=0\n print (\" etat liquide\")\n elif temp= 80,100\n print (\" etatliquide\")\n \n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 2"
"code": "prix_unitaire = 5,8\nnb_articles = input(f\"Nombre d'articles à commander (Prix unitaire {prix_unitaire} CHF): \")\nprix_total = nb_articles * prix_unitaire\nprint(f\"Prix total: {prix_total} CHF.\")\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'tuple' on line 3"
"code": "def binary_search(sorted_list, value):\n left = 0\n right = len(sorted_list) - 1\n\n nb_iterations = 0\n\n while left <= right:\n nb_iterations += 1\n\n mid = (left + right) // 2\n element = sorted_list[mid]\n\n if element == value:\n return mid, nb_iterations\n elif element < value:\n left = mid + 1\n else:\n right = mid - 1\n\n\n return -1, nb_iterations\n\n######################################\n## Test de l'algorithme\n\n# Nombre d'éléments dans la liste\nN = 3,5*10^9\n\n\n# Liste de nombres triée de 0 à (N-1)\nnumbers = list(range(N))\n\n# Pour stocker le nombre d'itérations nécessaires pour trouver\n# Chaque élément dans la liste `numbers`\nnb_iterations = []\n\nfor value in range(N+1):\n index, nb_iters = binary_search(numbers, value)\n nb_iterations.append(nb_iters)\n\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: 'tuple' object cannot be interpreted as an integer on line 31"
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspeed(10)\r\nSCREEN_WIDTH =830\r\nSCREEN_HEIGHT=800\r\n\r\ndef rectangle(height,width):\r\n for i in range (2):\r\n forward(height)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(width)\r\n right(90)\r\ndef sol():\r\n setPos(-SCREEN_WIDTH/2,-330)\r\n setPenColor(49, 150, 45)\r\n setFillColor(49, 150, 45)\r\n startPath()\r\n rectangle(250,SCREEN_WIDTH)\r\n fillPath()\r\n\r\ndef sky():\r\n setPos(-SCREEN_WIDTH/2,-330)\r\n setPenColor(82, 188, 209)\r\n setFillColor(82, 188, 209)\r\n forward(250)\r\n startPath()\r\n rectangle(250,SCREEN_WIDTH)\r\n fillPath()\r\n\r\ndef filled_triangle(size,color):\r\n setPenColor(color)\r\n setFillColor(color)\r\n \r\n startPath()\r\n left(90)\r\n forward(size/2)\r\n for i in range(3):\r\n right(120)\r\n forward(size)\r\n rt(120)\r\n fd(size/2)\r\n rt(90)\r\n fillPath()\r\ndef sapin(n,size,color):\r\n for i in range(n):\r\n filled_triangle(size,color)\r\n fd(size/2)\r\n size*=0,7\r\nsapin_color= 41, 105, 28\r\nsol()\r\nsky()\r\nsetPos(0,0)\r\nsapin(3,100,sapin_color)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 37] unsupported operand type(s) for Div: 'tuple' and 'int' "
"code": "from math import*\nx=1,25+0,6\n\nsqrt(0,7\"2+x\"2)\n\n\n ",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 4"
"code": "def appreciation_note(note):\n if note > 6:\n return Impossible\n if note < 1:\n return Impossible\n if note >= 5,5 or <= 6:\n return Excellent\n if note >= 5 or < 5.5:\n return Tres bien\n if note >= 4.5 or < 5:\n return Bien\n if note >= 4 or < 4.5:\n return Suffisant\n if note < 4:\n return Insuffisant\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 6"
"code": "def prix_trajet(distance):\n prix_trajet = (5*distance)\n \n if distance >= 10 and distance < 20 :\n prix_trajet *= 0,95\n \n if distance >= 20 and distance < 30 :\n prix_trajet *= 0,95\n \n if distance >= 30 :\n prix_trajet *= 0,90\n \n if prix_trajet < 50:\n prix_trajet += 10\n \n print('montant du trajet:',prix_trajet)\n \nprix_trajet(9)\nprix_trajet(11)\nprix_trajet(20)",
"emessage": "TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'tuple' and 'int' on line 13"
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\nfrom math import*\r\n\r\na = 50\r\nb = 2*a\r\nc = 1,5 a\r\nr = c/pi\r\nhypotenus = sqrt(a**2+a**2)\r\ndef trianglegauche():\r\n forward(hypotenus)\r\n right(135)\r\n forward(a)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(a)\r\n\r\ndef triangledroite():\r\n forward(a)\r\n right(135)\r\n forward(hypotenus)\r\n left(45)\r\n forward(a)\r\ndef roue():\r\n for loop in range(360):\r\n forward(r)\r\n right(1)\r\ndef voiture():\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(a*4+b)\r\n back(b)\r\n left(45)\r\n triangledroite()\r\n left(90)\r\n back(a+b+a)\r\n left(45)\r\n trianglegauche()\r\n right(45)\r\n forward(hypotenus)\r\n right(45)\r\n forward(b)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(a)\r\n left(90)\r\n forward(b)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(a)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(a)\r\n roue()\r\n forward(b)\r\n roue()\r\n forward(a)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(90)\r\n \r\nshowTurtle()",
"emessage": "[line: 8] Il manque une virgule ou un opérateur."
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nfrom math import *\r\nspeed(50)\r\n\r\na = 50\r\nb = 2 * a\r\nc = 1,5 * a\r\nr = c/pi\r\nlongueur = 4 * a + b\r\n\r\n\r\ndef triangle():\r\n hyp = sqrt((a ** 2) * 2 )\r\n \r\n fd(a)\r\n rt(90)\r\n fd(a)\r\n rt(90 + 45)\r\n fd(hyp)\r\n rt(90 + 45)\r\n \r\ndef rectangle():\r\n for _ in range(2):\r\n fd(b)\r\n rt(90)\r\n fd(a)\r\n rt(90)\r\n \r\ndef grand_rectangle():\r\n for _ in range(2):\r\n fd(longueur)\r\n rt(90)\r\n fd(a)\r\n rt(90)\r\n \r\ndef roue():\r\n dot(2 * r)\r\n \r\n#triangle()\r\n\r\ndef voiture():\r\n lt(90)\r\n triangle()\r\n fd(a)\r\n rectangle()\r\n fd(b)\r\n lt(90)\r\n bk(a)\r\n \r\n triangle()\r\n\r\n fd(a)\r\n rt(90)\r\n fd(2 * a)\r\n rt(180)\r\n \r\n grand_rectangle()\r\n \r\n rt(90)\r\n fd(a)\r\n lt(90)\r\n fd (a + r)\r\n\r\nvoiture()\r\n#rt(90)\r\nroue()\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 9] unsupported operand type(s) for Div: 'tuple' and 'float' "
"code": "\n################# NE PAS TOUCHER : lecture des cases ####################\nfrom document import *\n\ndef get_values(checkbox_class):\n ''' Cette fonction récupère les valeurs des boîtes à cocher '''\n boxes = getElementsByClassName(checkbox_class)\n return [b.checked for b in boxes]\n\n# Création des variables pour recevoir les valeurs des cases cochées\n# case cochée => variable = True\n# case pas cochée => variable = False\nthe_froid, eau_plate, eau_gazeuse, biere, limonade = get_values('choice-checkbox')\n##########################################################################\n\n# Les variables ci-dessous sont des valeurs booléennes indiquant si la\n# case correspondante a été cochée. Utilisez ces variables pour calculer\n# le prix total à payer.\n\nprint(\"Articles commandés\")\nprint(\"------------------\")\n\nx = 0\nif the_froid:\n x += 3,2\n print(\"Thé froid\")\nif eau_plate:\n x += 1\n print(\"Eau plate\")\nif eau_gazeuse:\n x += 1,2\n print(\"Eau gazeuse\")\nif biere: \n x += 4,5\n print(\"Bière\")\nif limonade:\n x += 3\n print(\"Limonade\")\nprint(x)\n\nprint(\"------------------\")\nprint(f\"Le prix total est de {x:.2f} francs\")",
"emessage": "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'tuple' on line 31"
"code": "def imc(masse, taille, unit):\n if unit == 'cm':\n size /= 100\n elif unit == 'm':\n size = size\n \n IMC = 0\n if unit == \"m\":\n IMC = masse / taille**2\n if IMC <= 18,5:\n print(IMC \"insuffisance pondérale\"\n elif IMC <= 25:\n print(IMC \"poids normal\"\n elif IMC <= 30:\n print(IMC \"Excès pondéral\"\n elif IMC <= 40:\n print(IMC \"obesité\"\n elif IMC > 40:\n print(IMC \"hors catégorie\" \n \n ",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 10"
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\nn=20\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote, angle, k, cote_min):\r\n if n > cote_min:\r\n fd(cote)\r\n right(angle)\r\n n *= 0,98\r\n \r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nsetPos(-300, -200)\r\nhideTurtle()\r\nspirale(20, 5, 0.98, 1)",
"emessage": "[line: 6] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'n' referenced before assignment "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nfrom math import cos, sin, radians\r\nfrom random import *\r\n#################### Constantes propres au jeu #################\r\nGAME_WIDTH = 1000\r\nGAME_HEIGHT = 700\r\n\r\nball_radius = 30\r\nball_color = \"red\"\r\nball_velocity = 4\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\ndef draw_ball(x, y):\r\n \"draws the ball at position (x;y)\"\r\n setPenColor(ball_color)\r\n setPos(x, y)\r\n dot(ball_radius)\r\n\r\ndef move_ball(x, y, vx, vy):\r\n \"Computes the next position of the ball\"\r\n return x + vx,y + vy\r\n\r\ndef get_init_velocity(beta):\r\n alpha_min=-beta\r\n alpha_max= beta\r\n delta=randint(0,1)*180\r\n alpha = randint(alpha_min, alpha_max)+delta\r\n vx = ball_velocity * cos(radians(alpha))\r\n vy = ball_velocity * sin(radians(alpha))\r\n \r\n return(vx, vy)\r\n\r\ndef rectangle (GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT):\r\n for loop in range (2):\r\n forward(-GAME_WIDTH)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(GAME_HEIGHT)\r\n right(90)\r\n\r\n\r\ndef draw_border():\r\n xstart = -GAME_WIDTH / 2\r\n ystart = GAME_HEIGHT/ 2\r\n setPos(xstart, ystart)\r\n setHeading(90)\r\n rectangle(-GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT)\r\n\r\ndef draw_paddle(x,y):\r\n setPos(..., ...)\r\n setheading(...)\r\n setFillColor(\"black\")\r\n startPath()\r\n # dessin du rectangle\r\n fillPath()\r\n \r\n\r\ndef game(fps=60):\r\n hideTurtle()\r\n\r\n # temps d'attente entre deux parcours de la boucle\r\n ms = 1000 // fps - 1\r\n\r\n ball_x, ball_y = 0, 0\r\n # ball_vx, ball_vy= get_init_velocity(30) \r\n ball_vx, ball_vy = 1, 5\r\n \r\n #raquette 1\r\n p1_x, p1_y = -450,0\r\n p1_vx, p1_vy= 0,0\r\n #raquette 2\r\n p2_x, p2_y= 450,0\r\n p2_vx, p2_vy= 0,0\r\n \r\n while True:\r\n clear()\r\n draw_border()\r\n #lire le clavier\r\n code=getKeyCode()\r\n\r\n draw_ball(ball_x, ball_y)\r\n\r\n ball_x, ball_y = move_ball(ball_x, ball_y, ball_vx, ball_vy)\r\n # gestion des collisions\r\n if ball_y + ball_radius > GAME_HEIGHT // 2:\r\n ball_vy *= -1\r\n if ball_y - ball_radius < -GAME_HEIGHT // 2:\r\n ball_vy *= -1\r\n\r\n delay(ms)\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\ngame()\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 51] SyntaxError: bad input "
"code": "# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-\r\n#\r\n\r\n###############=============================##############\r\n###############============Créée============##############\r\n###############=============Par=============##############\r\n###############============Elnabo===========##############\r\n###############=============12/09===========##############\r\n###############=============================##############\r\n\r\n#On importe les fonctions necessaires\r\n\r\nfrom Tkinter import *\r\nfrom random import randrange\r\n\r\n#Fonction la plus compliquée permettant le déplacement du serpent\r\ndef deplacement():\r\n global a,b,z,y,lu,lv,score,serpent,j,m\r\n c=len(serpent)\r\n c=c-1\r\n #Chaque carré reprend la coordonnée du précédent dans la liste (serpent)\r\n while c!=0 :\r\n lu[c]=lu[c-1]\r\n lv[c]=lv[c-1]\r\n c+=-1\r\n #On change les coordonées du premier carré\r\n lu[0] += a\r\n lv[0] += b\r\n c=0\r\n #On applique les nouvelles coordonnées aux carrés correspondant\r\n while c!=len(serpent):\r\n can.coords(serpent[c],lu[c],lv[c],lu[c]+10,lv[c]+10)\r\n c+=1\r\n c=1\r\n #Si les coordonnées du premier carré sont égales à celle d'un autre le jeu s'arrêtera\r\n while c!=len(serpent):\r\n if lu[c]==lu[0] and lv[c]==lv[0]:\r\n j=1\r\n score = 'Perdu avec ' + str(score*10)\r\n scores.set(score)\r\n break\r\n c+=1\r\n #Si le serpent est mord un coté il ressort de l'autre\r\n #La valeur 'd' sert à empecher un bug empechant la transfert du serpent de l'autre coté du canvevas\r\n d=1\r\n if lu[0]==200:\r\n lu[0],d=10,0\r\n if lu[0]==0 and d==1:\r\n lu[0]=200\r\n if lv[0]==200:\r\n lv[0],d=10,0\r\n if lv[0]==0 and d==1:\r\n lv[0]=200\r\n d=0\r\n #Si le carré de tête recoupe le cercle, le score augmente et un nouveau cercle apparait aléatoirement\r\n if z-7<=lu[0]<=z+7 and y-7<=lv[0]<=y+7:\r\n score+=1\r\n scores.set(str(score*10))\r\n bestiole()\r\n if j!=1 and m!=1:\r\n fen.after(100,deplacement)\r\n\r\n#Cette fonction crée un cercle de coordonée multiple de 10 pour éviter que le cercle soit partiellement coupé par le serpent\r\n\r\ndef bestiole():\r\n global z,y,n,lu,lv,serpent,a,b\r\n z=randrange(2,18)\r\n y=randrange(2,18)\r\n z = z*10\r\n y = y*10\r\n can.coords(cercle,z,y,z+5,y+5)\r\n #On ajoute un carré hors du canevas (pour allèger le code) qui se rajoutera à la suite\r\n serpents = can.create_rectangle(300,300,310,310,fill='green')\r\n serpent.append(serpents)\r\n lu.append(lu[n]+12+a)\r\n lv.append(lv[n]+12+b)\r\n n+=1\r\n\r\n#Ces quatres fonctions permettent le déplacement dans quatres directions du serpent\r\n#Grace aux modifications successives des coordonées du premier carrée grave au valeur a et b\r\n#La valeur s permet de ne pas accelerer la vitesse du serpent ou à modifier ca direction\r\n#en appuyant successivement sur Haut/Bas/Gauche/Droite\r\n\r\ndef gauche(event):\r\n global a,b,s\r\n a=-10\r\n b=0\r\n if s==0:\r\n s=1\r\n deplacement()\r\n\r\ndef droite(event):\r\n global a,b,s\r\n a=10\r\n b=0\r\n if s==0:\r\n s=1\r\n deplacement()\r\n \r\ndef haut(event):\r\n global a,b,s\r\n a=0\r\n b=-10\r\n if s==0:\r\n s=1\r\n deplacement()\r\n\r\n \r\ndef bas(event):\r\n global a,b,s\r\n a=0\r\n b=10\r\n if s==0:\r\n s=1\r\n deplacement()\r\n\r\n#Cette fonction permet d'arrêter le serpent\r\n \r\ndef pause(event):\r\n global j,a,b,m,enpause\r\n t=0\r\n if a==b:\r\n t=1\r\n if j!=1:\r\n #Affichage ou Effacage du texte 'PAUSE'\r\n #Et arrêt du serpent\r\n if m!=1:\r\n m=1\r\n can.coords(enpause,100,100)\r\n else:\r\n m=0\r\n can.coords(enpause,300,300)\r\n if t!=1:\r\n deplacement()\r\n\r\n#Cette fonction réinitialise toutes les valeurs et recréée le serpent de base ainsi que le premier repas\r\n\r\ndef recommencer(event):\r\n global z,y,lu,lv,score,serpent,j,m,s,n,a,b,cercle\r\n if j!=1:\r\n print 'Le suicide est puni'\r\n can.delete(ALL)\r\n s=score=j=m=a=b=0\r\n z=y=50\r\n lu,lv,serpent = [100,112],[100,112],[]\r\n n=1\r\n tete = can.create_rectangle(100,100,110,110,fill='dark green')\r\n carre = can.create_rectangle(112,100,122,110,fill='green')\r\n cercle = can.create_oval(z,y,z+5,y+5,fill='red')\r\n serpent.append(tete)\r\n serpent.append(carre)\r\n scores.set('0')\r\n\r\n#On définit les valeurs initiales\r\n\r\ns=score=j=m=t=a=b=0\r\nz=y=50\r\nlu,lv,serpent = [100,112],[100,112],[]\r\nn=1\r\n\r\nprint ' '*35 + 'Les fleches pour bouger'\r\nprint ' '*35 + 'P pour mettre/enlever la pause'\r\nprint ' '*35 + 'Entree pour recommencer, attention au suicide'\r\n\r\n#On crée un canevas tout gris\r\n\r\nfen = Tk()\r\ncan = Canvas(fen,width = 200, height = 200 , bg = 'gray')\r\ncan.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=3)\r\n\r\nenpause=can.create_text(300,300,text=\"PAUSE\")\r\n\r\n#On crée la base du serpent ainsi que le premier repas\r\n\r\ntete = can.create_rectangle(100,100,110,110,fill='dark green')\r\ncarre = can.create_rectangle(112,100,122,110,fill='green')\r\ncercle = can.create_oval(z,y,z+5,y+5,fill='red')\r\n\r\nserpent.append(tete)\r\nserpent.append(carre)\r\n\r\n#On crée les commandes au clavier\r\n\r\ncan.bind_all('<Up>', haut)\r\ncan.bind_all('<Down>', bas)\r\ncan.bind_all('<Left>', gauche)\r\ncan.bind_all('<Right>', droite)\r\ncan.bind_all('<Return>',recommencer)\r\ncan.bind_all('p',pause)\r\n\r\n#L'affichage du score\r\n\r\nLabel(fen, text='Score: ').grid(row=0,column=0)\r\n\r\nscores = StringVar()\r\nScore = Entry(fen, textvariable=scores)\r\nScore.grid(row=0,column=1)\r\nscores.set('0')\r\n\r\nfen.mainloop()\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 13] ImportError: No module named Tkinter "
"code": "def double_compensation(*notes):\n return sum(2 ** (1 - int(note > 4)) * (note - 4) for note in notes)\ndef est_promu(fr, al, ma, an, bio, chi, phy, hi, art):\n return True\ni = 0\nwhile i < 6: \n if notes > 4:\n return True\n else :\n return False\n i += 0,5\ndouble_compensation()\nest_promu()",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: 'return' outside function on line 8"
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nfrom math import *\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nc = 17112,5**1/2\r\nx = 185\r\n\r\n\r\nfor loop in range(5):\r\n left(90)\r\n forward(x/2)\r\n right(45)\r\n forward(c)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(c)\r\n right(45)\r\n forward(c)\r\n \r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 13] nombre_de_pas doit être de type nombre "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nc = 144\r\nh = 124,71\r\nright(90)\r\nforward(c / 2)\r\nleft(120)\r\nforward(144)\r\nleft(150)\r\nforward(h)",
"emessage": "[line: 10] nombre_de_pas doit être de type nombre "
"code": "def serie(n, nb_termes):\r\n total = 0\r\n repeat nb_termes:\r\n #print(n)\r\n total +=n\r\n n /=1,5\r\n print(\"somme:\", total) \r\n\r\nserie(32, 100)\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 6] unsupported operand type(s) for Div: 'int' and 'tuple' "
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote):\r\n repeat 18:\r\n forward(cote)\r\n left(360/60)\r\nprint cote\r\n cote *= 1,2\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspirale(10)\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 8] Cette ligne est trop indentée par rapport à la précédente."
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\n\r\ndef cercle(nombre,perimetre):\r\n repeat nombre:\r\n repeat 36:\r\n forward(perimetre/36)\r\n right(25)\r\n perimetre *= 1,2\r\n \r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\ncercle(5, 500)\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 6] unsupported operand type(s) for Div: 'tuple' and 'int' "
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote):\r\n repeat 18:\r\n forward(cote)\r\n left(360/60)\r\n print cote\r\n cote *= 1,2\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspirale(10)\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 8] Cette ligne est trop indentée par rapport à la précédente."
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n#clair=green\r\n#fonce=blue\r\ndef ligne_bicolore(green,blue):\r\n setPenColor(\"green\")\r\n forward(green)\r\n setPenColor(\"blue\")\r\n forward(blue)\r\n penUp()\r\n setPenColor(\"white\")\r\n back(50)\r\n \r\n green += 1,4\r\n blue -= 1,4\r\n \r\ndef etoile_coloree():\r\n repeat 36:\r\n ligne_bicolore(0,50)\r\n right(10)\r\n \r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\netoile_coloree()\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 13] unsupported operand type(s) for Add: 'int' and 'tuple' "
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote):\r\n repeat 18:\r\n repeat 6:\r\n forward(cote)\r\n left(60)\r\n cote *= 1,2\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspirale(10)\r\n\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 5] Cette structure nécessite un corps. Vérifier l'indentation !"
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote):\r\n repeat 18:\r\n forward(cote)\r\n left(60)\r\n cote *= 1,2\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspirale(10)",
"emessage": "[line: 5] nombre_de_pas doit être de type nombre "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\n# Définir les commandes ici\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote):\r\n repeat 18:\r\n forward(cote)\r\n left(120)\r\n cote *= 1,2\r\n\r\n\r\n# Programme principal\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nspirale(10)\r\nforward(cote)\r\nleft(60)\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 15] NameError: name 'cote' is not defined "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\ndef ligne_bi(longueur1, longueur2):\r\n setPenColor(\"dark blue\")\r\n forward(longueur1)\r\n setPenColor(\"light blue\")\r\n forward(longueur2)\r\n penUp()\r\n back(50)\r\n penDown()\r\n\r\ndef spiral(longueur1,longueur2):\r\n repeat 36:\r\n ligne_bi(longueur1,longueur2)\r\n right(10)\r\n longueur1 -= 0,5\r\n longueur2 += 0,5\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\n\r\nspiral(30,20)",
"emessage": "[line: 16] TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for Sub: 'int' and 'tuple' "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\ndef cercle(nombre, perimetre):\r\n repeat nombre:\r\n repeat 36:\r\n forward(perimetre / 36)\r\n right(10)\r\n \r\nprint 'nombre cercles:', nombre\r\nprint 'perimetre cercle:', perimetre\r\nperimetre *= 1,2\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\ncercle(3, 400)",
"emessage": "[line: 9] NameError: name 'nombre' is not defined "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\n\r\ndef polygone(cote, couleur):\r\n \r\n setPenColor(couleur)\r\n \r\n setFillColor(couleur)\r\n startPath()\r\n \r\n for loop in range(360//6):\r\n forward(cote)\r\n right(360/6)\r\n \r\n fillPath()\r\n\r\ndef decalage(nb_pixels):\r\n penUp()\r\n right(180)\r\n forward(nb_pixels)\r\n left(180)\r\n penDown()\r\ndef animation(n):\r\n #dessine n frames\r\n \r\n #temps d'affichage de chaque frame en ms\r\n delai = 0,0000001\r\n \r\n #boucle d'animation\r\n \r\n for _ in range(n):\r\n polygone(50, \"blue\")\r\n delay(delai)\r\n clear()\r\n decalage(1)\r\n right(1)\r\n forward(1)\r\n \r\nhideTurtle() \r\nanimation(360)",
"emessage": "[line: 33] temps doit être de type nombre "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\ndef carre(taille,color,nbr_cote):\r\n setPenWidth(60)\r\n for _ in range(nbr_cote):\r\n fd(taille)\r\n rt(90)\r\ndef blink_light(diameter, color):\r\n ms = 0,1\r\n\r\n\r\n setPenColor(color)\r\n for _ in range(1000):\r\n # allumer le feu\r\n carre(60,\"orange\",4)\r\n\r\n # laisser le feu allumé quelques ms\r\n delay(ms)\r\n\r\n # effacer l'écran\r\n clear()\r\n\r\n # laisser le feu éteint quelques ms\r\n delay(ms)\r\n\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\nblink_light(50, \"orange\")\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 18] temps doit être de type nombre "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\n\r\ndef draw_triangle(size, contour, fill_color):\r\n # \"dessine un triangle équilatéral\"\r\n setPenColor(contour)\r\n setFillColor(fill_color)\r\n\r\n startPath()\r\n for loop in range(3):\r\n forward(size)\r\n right(120)\r\n fillPath()\r\n\r\n\r\ndef move_left(nb_pixels):\r\n # \"déplace la tortue vers la droite de nb_pixels pixels\"\r\n penUp()\r\n lt(90)\r\n forward(nb_pixels)\r\n rt(90)\r\n penDown()\r\n\r\ndef animation(n):\r\n # \"dessine l'animation (n frames)\"\r\n # temps d'affichage de chaque image\r\n ms = 16,666666667\r\n\r\n # boucle d'animation\r\n for loop in range(n):\r\n # effacer tout l'écran\r\n clear()\r\n\r\n # dessiner une 'frame'\r\n draw_triangle(50, \"red\", \"green\")\r\n\r\n # attendre quelques millisecondes\r\n # (temps affichage image)\r\n delay(ms)\r\n\r\n # déplacer la tortue\r\n move_left(3)\r\n\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\nanimation(60)\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 38] temps doit être de type nombre "
"code": "from gturtle import *\n\n\ndef fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit):\n T (F) = 1,8 x T (C) + 32\n return T(F)\n\nValeur de retour: Transforme la température ``fahrenheit``, donnée en\ndegrés Fahrenheit, en degrés Celsius.\n\n'''\n\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 5"
"code": "\ndef fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature):\n return(temperature-32)*(5/9)\ntemperature_1 = 30\nwhile temperature_1 < 101:\n print(temperature_1, \"vaut\", fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature_1))\n temperature_1 +=0,1\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'tuple' on line 7"
"code": "def f(x):\n if x! = -0,5 and x != 0,5:\n return 1 / (4 * x**2 -1)\n else:\n print(\"erreur\")\n return None\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad token on line 2"
"code": "def f(x):\n y = 1/(4*x**2-1)\n \n\n if x = 0,5\n print(\"Vous avez fait une erreur\")\n\n elif x = -0,5\n print(\"Vous avez fait une erreur\")\n \n else :\n \n return y \n\n\nprint(f(10)) \n\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 5"
"code": "def letter_count(text, letter_to_find):\n count = 0\n for current_letter in text:\n if current_letter == letter_to_find:\n count += 1\n return count\n\ndef letter_freq(text, letter_to_find):\n if letter_count % 2 = 0:\n letter_to_find == 1\n elif letter_count % 2 = 1:\n letter_to_find == 0,5\n else:\n letter_to_find == 0\n \ntext = input(\"Entrez un texte:\")\nletter = input(\"Entrez une lettre à compter:\")\ncount = letter_count(text, letter)\nprint(\"Le texte '\" + text + \"' contient\", count, \"occurrences de la lettre\", letter)\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 9"
"code": "def mastermind_ill_positioned(choice, solution):\n \n for i in range(len(choice)):\n if choice[i]==solution[i]:\n choice[i]=None\n solution[i]=None\n\n\n while None in choice:\n choice.remove(None)\n choice.sort()\n while None in solution:\n solution.remove(None)\n solution.sort()\n\n i,j=0,0\n common=0\n while i<len(choice) and j<len(solution):\n if choice[i]==solution[j]:\n common+=1\n i+=1\n j+=1\n elif choice[i]<solution[j]:\n i+=1\n else:\n j+=1\n\n\n return common\n\n\nprint(mastermind_ill_positioned([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]))\nprint(mastermind_ill_positioned([1,2,3,4], [1,2,5,3]))\nprint(mastermind_ill_positioned([1,2,3,4], [5,1,2,3]))\nprint(mastermind_ill_positioned([1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]))\n\n",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 124"
"code": "numbers = [4, 6, 2, 8, 10]\n\ni = 0\nwhile i < len(numbers):\n print(\"Le nombre à la position\", i, \"est\", numbers[i])\n i += 0,5\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for Add: 'int' and 'tuple' on line 6"
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nfrom math import sqrt\r\n\r\ndef carre40():\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(90)\r\n\r\ndef triangle40():\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(135)\r\n forward(40 * sqrt(2))\r\n right(135)\r\n forward(40)\r\n right(90)\r\n\r\ndef poisson():\r\n left(135)\r\n triangle40()\r\n right(180)\r\n carre40()\r\n left(45)\r\n\r\ndef montre_poisson():\r\n setPenColor(\"red\")\r\n poisson()\r\n delay(200)\r\n setPenColor(\"white\")\r\n poisson()\r\n\r\ndef un_pas():\r\n montre_poisson()\r\n setPenColor(\"white\")\r\n setPenWidtch(2)\r\n right(90)\r\n forward(5)\r\n left(90)\r\n\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\nhideTurtle()\r\n\r\nun_pas()\r\nun_pas()\r\nun_pas()\r\nun_pas()\r\nun_pas()\r\n\r\n#200ms = 0,2sec",
"emessage": "[line: 39] NameError: name 'setPenWidtch' is not defined "
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote_initial, increment, angle, cote_max):\r\n\r\n forward (cote_initial)\r\n right (angle)\r\n increment += 10 \r\n \r\n \r\nspirale (50,cote_initial+=10,120)\r\n ",
"emessage": "[line: 11] L'assignation '+=' ne peut pas faire partie d'une expression."
"code": "from gturtle import *\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\n\r\ndef spirale(cote_initial, increment, angle, cote_max):\r\n \r\n cote = cote_initial\r\n compteur = 0,1,2\r\n \r\n while not cote_initial > cote_max:\r\n print (compteur, compteur % 3)\r\n \r\n if compteur % 3 == 0:\r\n setPenColor (\"red\")\r\n if compteur % 3 == 1:\r\n setPenColor (\"green\")\r\n if compteur % 3 == 2:\r\n setPenColor (\"blue\")\r\n forward (cote)\r\n right (angle)\r\n \r\n cote += increment\r\n increment += addition\r\n compteur += 1\r\n \r\n print(cote_initial, increment, compteur) \r\n forward (cote_initial)\r\n right (angle)\r\n cote_initial = cote_initial + increment\r\nspirale (50, 10, 90, 400)",
"emessage": "[line: 10] unsupported operand type(s) for Mod: 'tuple' and 'int' "
"code": "from math import *\nDF = 1,85\nAD = 0,7\nAF = sqrt(DF ** 2 + AD ** 2)\nprint(\"la longueur AF vaut\", AF)\n\n",
"emessage": "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'tuple' and 'int' on line 4"
"code": "from mbrobot import *\nRobotContext()\n\nrayon = 0,1\nwhile 1 == 1:\n leftArc(rayon)\n rayon += 0.1\n \n",
"emessage": "ImportError: No module named mbrobot on line 1"
"code": "from mbrobot import *\n\nRobotContext.enableTrace(True)\n\nrayon = 0,1\nwhile rayon < 2:\n # tourner sur un arc de cercle à gauche\n leftArc(rayon)\n print(rayon)\n delay(300)\n # à chaque répétition, on rajoute 10 pixel\n rayon += 0,01",
"emessage": "ImportError: No module named mbrobot on line 1"
"code": "from mbrobot import*\nsetSpeed (50)\nforward()\ndelay(1000)\narc_e = 0,5\ndef arc (arc_e):\n leftArc (arc_e)\n delay(1000)\n arc_e += 0,5\ndef go ():\n forward ()\n delay(1000)\ndef retrun ():\n motL.rotate(20)\n motR.rotate(0)\n delay(1500)\nwhile True :\n arc(arc_e)\n go()\n retrun()\n go()\n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"emessage": "ImportError: No module named mbrobot on line 1"
"code": "#Meilleur code\ndef sieve(n):\n liste = [0] * (n + 1)\n palier = 2\n nombre_cible = 2\n liste[0], liste[1] = 1,1\n liste_nombre_premier = []\n while nombre_cible <= n:\n for element in range(nombre_cible, n+1, palier):\n liste[element] = 1\n liste[nombre_cible] = \"p\"\n liste_nombre_premier.append(nombre_cible)\n try:\n palier = liste.index(0)\n nombre_cible = liste.index(0)\n except:\n break\n print (liste_nombre_premier)\n return liste_nombre_premier\n\nsieve(0)",
"emessage": "IndexError: list assignment index out of range on line 6"
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\nfrom math import*\r\nmakeTurtle()\r\n\r\nspeed(5)\r\npenUp()\r\nleft(90)\r\nforward(10)\r\nright(90)\r\npenDown()\r\ndef cercle(rayon, nb_cotes, couleur, epaisseur):\r\n nb_cotes=3,6*rayon\r\n longueur=2*pi*rayon/nb_cotes\r\n \r\n repeat nb_cotes:\r\n setPenColor(couleur)\r\n setPenWidth(epaisseur)\r\n forward(longueur)\r\n right(360/nb_cotes)\r\n penUp()\r\n left(90)\r\n forward(10)\r\n right(90)\r\n penDown() \r\n\r\n\r\ndef test_cercle():\r\n rayon = 10\r\n couleur = \"red\"\r\n epaisseur = 10\r\n cercle(rayon, couleur, epaisseur)\r\n \r\n\r\n rayon = 20\r\n couleur = \"yellow\"\r\n epaisseur = 10\r\n cercle(rayon, couleur, epaisseur)\r\n \r\n\r\n rayon = 30\r\n couleur = \"blue\"\r\n epaisseur = 10\r\n cercle(rayon, couleur, epaisseur)\r\n \r\n\r\ntest_cercle()\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 31] La fonction cercle() attendre exactement 4 argumentes (3 donnés). "
"code": "from gturtle import*\r\nfrom math import*\r\n\r\ndef polygone(nb_cotes, longueur_cotes, couleur, epaisseur):\r\n setPenColor(couleur)\r\n setPenWidth(epaisseur)\r\n repeat nb_cotes:\r\n forward(longueur_cotes)\r\n right(360/ nb_cotes)\r\n\r\ndef cercle(rayon, nb_cotes, couleur, epaisseur):\r\n perimetre = 2 * pi * rayon\r\n longueur_cotes = perimetre/ rayon\r\n polygone(nb_cotes, longueur_cotes, couleur, epaisseur)\r\n\r\ndef cercles_concentriques(couleur1, couleur2, nb_cercles, epaisseur):\r\n rayon = 0,1\r\n compteur = 0\r\n nb_cotes = 75\r\n while True:\r\n if compteur % 2 == 1:\r\n couleur = couleur1\r\n else:\r\n couleur = couleur2\r\n cercle(rayon, nb_cotes, couleur, epaisseur)\r\n if compteur == nb_cercles:\r\n break\r\n rayon = rayon + epaisseur\r\n compteur = compteur + 1\r\n \r\ndef test_cercles_concentriques():\r\n couleur1 = \"blue\"\r\n couleur2 = \"yellow\"\r\n nb_cercles = 15\r\n epaisseur = 12\r\n cercles_concentriques(couleur1, couleur2, nb_cercles, epaisseur)\r\n\r\ntest_cercles_concentriques()\r\n",
"emessage": "[line: 13] unsupported operand type(s) for Div: 'tuple' and 'tuple' "
"code": "def polygone(longueur_cotes, nb_cotes):\r\n repeat nb_cotes:\r\n forward(longueur_cotes)\r\n right(360/nb_cotes)\r\n \r\n #définition de la commande cerclebasique() \r\n #à partir de la commande polygone() \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\ndef cerclebasique(rayon, nb_cotes):\r\n polygone(2*pi*rayon / nb_cotes, nb_cotes)\r\n pi=3,14159 \r\ncerclebasique(10, 20) ",
"emessage": "[line: 12] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pi' referenced before assignment "
"code": "from math import sqrt\n\ndef norm_2d(v):\n return sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2)\ncoor = 3,4\nprint(norm_2d(coor)",
"emessage": "SyntaxError: bad input on line 8"
for entry in examples['data']['code']['nodes']:
print(30 * "#")
code, msg = entry.values()
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I am afraid, it is not quite that simple, though.
One of the key words in your description is the almost in almost certainly. I had experimented a while back with these kinds of errors and found that they start to generate way too many false positives. All of a sudden, completely legal Python programs will not run anymore, because the parser is too zealous and seeing problems everywhere...
If you look at the list, almost all the examples are runtime-errors. This is another way of saying that (a) there is nothing wrong from a strict syntactical perspective with these programs and (b) you need information about the actual types and values to see the problem. In other words: there is only so much a parser can do here. But in order to point out a mistake, the parser essentially has to be certain and not almots certain, that is prove that something is wrong. Otherwise it is better not to interfere.
I will investigate and try to come up with something that can discover these kinds of mistakes in 'obvious' cases. However, please do not expect too much out of this; it really is a tough problem.