Snapchat-All-Memories-Downloader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Snapchat-All-Memories-Downloader copied to clipboard

Script to download all your Snapchat memories


This script will download each memory in bulk so you don't have to click the download links one by one.


Locally installed Node.js 10+ (
or any recent Docker version (

Run locally

  1. Download your Snapchat data:
  2. Extract the zip-file
  3. Place all the scripts in this folder OR set the -f flag pointing to the memories_history.json file
  4. Install the required modules with npm install
  5. Run the script: node main.js

Run using docker

  1. Build the docker container: docker build -t snapchat-all-memories-downloader .
  2. Test the container: docker run -it --rm snapchat-all-memories-downloader --help
  3. Run the container:
# Mounting the Download folder and
# memories_history.json in current directory
docker run -it --rm \
    -v $PWD/Downloads/:/app/Downloads/ \
    -v $PWD/memories_history.json:/app/json/memories_history.json \
    snapchat-all-memories-downloader -o ./Downloads/ -c 30

Optional Arguments

Usage: main [options]

A script to download Snapchat Memories

  node main.js -c 50 -f ./json/memories_history.json -o Downloads

  -c <number>     Number of concurrent downloads (default: 30)
  -f <path>       Filepath to memories_history.json (default: "./json/memories_history.json")
  -o <directory>  Download directory (default: "Downloads")
  -h, --help      display help for command


Alt Text

Trouble Shooting

  1. Make sure you get a fresh zip-file before running the script, links will expire over time
  2. Syntax Compilation Error -> please have a look at this issue
  3. node-gyp errors when running npm install on Windows -> install this
  4. Still problems? please make a new issue