esp32_beaconSpam copied to clipboard
ESP32 mini not working
The code is uploaded using Arduino IDE 1.8.191 the serial monitor shows packets/s : 768 ( and changing) but none of my devices detect the wifi signals (phone laptop etc) I’m using a ESP32 mini wroom, is the code only working with a specific type of ESP32? The ESP32 S2 marauder Beacon spam and Rick roll attack works great with flipper zero, dose that mean it only works with ESP32 S2?
I'm not quite understanding your question.
Did you test multiple type of ESP32 and find out this code only works on some of them?
No, i mean ... is not working on me on my ESP32 mini v1.0.0
I wish to add this to my project magic trick do you think you can help me? This is my project GitHub
I don't know about ESP32 mini. My ESP32 board is broken that can't download programs.
So I didn't even test the latest fixes myself. But according to #1 it should work.
So sorry, wish I could buy you a new one :') any way I'm still searching do you know how I can make a WiFi signal many times with one ESP32? I Can only make one :( I need to make many WiFi spots with the same name to appear on phone