Tornike Kurdadze
Tornike Kurdadze
Check if this code works for you? ``` Future otpModalSheet(BuildContext context) async { final Size _size = MediaQuery.of(context).size; final defaultPinTheme = PinTheme( width: 40, height: 40, textStyle: TextStyle( fontFamily: 'Poppins',...
How your SMS looks like?
If you are using [firebase_auth]( you don't need to use smsRetrieverApi because firebase_auth support automatic SMS code resolution. you have just to obtain OTP from firebase and set it via...
Try something like this: ``` final pinController = TextEditingController(); Widget _pinput (){ return Pinput(controller: pinController); } await auth.verifyPhoneNumber( phoneNumber: '+44 7123 123 456', verificationCompleted: (PhoneAuthCredential credential) async { pinController.setText(credential.smsCode); },...
Looks like the issue is related to master channel, could you try if it's working on stable?
> any update on the issue Are you using Stable Flutter channel?
By this [PR]( `FocusTrapArea` was replaced with `TapRegion` on master branch of the Flutter repository, and I'll replace it as well after merging it to stable branch. Here is the...
> any update on this issue??
> Is this problem solved?
> Is this problem solved? Switch to stable channel or use ``` pinput: git: url: ref: dev ```