Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling copied to clipboard
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'settings.json'
Try installing the updated repo and I still have the same problem when running the file.
"PS C:\Users\xxxx> & python c:/Users/xxxx/Desktop/InstaPy-master/instapy/Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling-master/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:/Users/xxxx/Desktop/InstaPy-master/instapy/Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling-master/", line 21, in
Clearly, I am doing something wrong but it is not clear to me what. The 'settings.json' is in the same folder as the ...
Could you expand the steps to follow? Maybe put some generic template?
My knowledge of python is very basic, what I know, I learned it in Instapy ... So I do not rule out being wrong in some step.
same here..
Send me the screenshot of the folder where Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling-master is located. Have you followed all step in readme?
I have created a pull request for this issue. Works fine with my fix from what I tested.
While it is not merged, try first cd-ing into the folder and then running