Tyler Kennedy
Tyler Kennedy
Needs to be a background job, especially if it's a UI button. Queries on sites like NDHS could result in CSVs with 20 million+ rows.
@lingbotang was not aware work on this had already started! It's definitely a nice feature, and it's great that it works for your use case, but might belong best in...
This would seem to be a prime candidate for an extension and fully possible with the existing plugin framework. Probably should not be part of core.
No part of the public API should be marked as inline, what are you trying to wrap?
I'm watching this issue - if you find any missing functionality or issues in pysimdjson that would block this, let me know and they'll be resolved.
> Neither currently has Python 3.11 wheels. Keep in mind 3.11 is not out yet, and you should never push beta tag wheels to pypi as the ABI is not...
`can_ada` is under the MIT license, so feel free to use it however you like. I believe it's complete as-is, or you can copy parts of it, fork it, whatever....