0xA3D60D2A1aDc9FACccFb2b1505F3f15b83158067 64Eth with 2 validators Thanks
`INFO [06-07|16:25:26.952] Persisted the clean trie cache path=C:\ProgramData\gethData\geth\triecache elapsed=14.943ms INFO [06-07|16:25:36.901] Looking for peers peercount=1 tried=54 static=7 WARN [06-07|16:25:42.503] Checkpoint challenge timed out, dropping id=f129b8aac08b9eab conn=staticdial addr= type="besu/Goerli Initiati..." INFO...
> Just keep it running, it will find peers after some time. The next release will have the updated bootnodes. thanks