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'Useful' Linux programs/packages – personal reference list.

Linux Utilities

Personal reference list of Linux programs and packages – biased to my work, interests, and needs when setting-up Linux boxes.

Approximately 1.3k programs (1% of Ubuntu repo), arranged alphabetically.


Ubuntu repository, GitHub, SourceForge, vendor websites.
Collated over a number of years from Linux magazines, web searches, and repo hunting.


A tick in the repo column means the package should exist in the main Ubuntu repo. Nevertheless, some packages can be hidden away – these are marked with 'use apt' (apt search <pkg> to search and sudo apt install <pkg> to install).

Some of the programs listed are included by default with Ubuntu-based distros. Nevertheless, they remain, since on some distro installs they are curiously absent.

Ubuntu repo search

package description repo URL notes
0xtools /proc/ profiler :heavy_multiplication_x: 0xtools
p7zip file archiver :heavy_check_mark: 7-Zip also p7Zip-full
abcde CD ripper :heavy_check_mark: ABCDE
abiword lightweight wordprocessor :heavy_check_mark:
abricotine Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Abricotine
acl ACL utilities :heavy_check_mark:
adb Android Debug Bridge :heavy_check_mark:
aescrypt cross-platform file encryption :heavy_multiplication_x: AESCrypt
afick file integrity notifier :heavy_multiplication_x: AFICK
afl fuzzer :heavy_check_mark: AFL Google's
aide host-based IDS :heavy_check_mark:
aircrack-ng wireless cracker :heavy_check_mark: aircrack-ng
alacritty GPU-accelerated CLI emulator :heavy_multiplication_x: alacritty
alien .rpm to .deb converter :heavy_check_mark:
amass attack surface mapper :heavy_multiplication_x: Amass
ananicy nice-ness daemon :heavy_multiplication_x: Ananicy
anbox Android runtime :heavy_multiplication_x: anbox
anjuta C/C++ editor :heavy_check_mark:
anki flashcards :heavy_multiplication_x: Anki repo
ansible alternative to Puppet/Chef :heavy_check_mark: only dependencies are Python/SSH; pip install ansible
ansifilter remove control codes :heavy_multiplication_x: Ansifilter
antimony CAD modeller :heavy_multiplication_x: Antimony
antiword Word files converted to text/PS/PDF :heavy_check_mark:
apachetop top for Apache :heavy_check_mark: use apt
apfs-fuse FUSE driver for mounting Apple filesystem :heavy_multiplication_x: apfs-fuse
apktool reverse engineer Android apk files :heavy_check_mark:
apostrophe Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Apostrophe
appimagecraft AppImage builder :heavy_multiplication_x: appimagecraft
appimagelint AppImage checker :heavy_multiplication_x: appimagelint
appimagepool AppImageHub Client :heavy_multiplication_x: AppImagePool
aqemu Qemu + KVM GUI :heavy_check_mark:
arandr GUI for xrandr (X settings) :heavy_check_mark:
ardour audio editor :heavy_check_mark:
arecabackup backup :heavy_multiplication_x: Areca Backup Java-based
argus IP network transaction auditor :heavy_check_mark:
argyll monitor colour callibrator :heavy_check_mark: GUI is dispcalgui
arista media converter :heavy_check_mark: Arista Transcoder
arp-scan ARP scanner/fingerprinting :heavy_check_mark:
arpwatch Ethernet MAC address monitor :heavy_check_mark:
artha offline thesaurus :heavy_check_mark:
asciinema terminal recorder :heavy_check_mark: asciinema repo asciinema rec >> exit
astyle code formatter :heavy_check_mark: Artistic Style C/C++/Java; good for other langs too
asunder CD ripper :heavy_check_mark: Asunder
athena-jot data generator :heavy_check_mark:
atril MATE PDF viewer :heavy_check_mark:
attr filesystem extended attribute utils :heavy_check_mark:
audacious music player :heavy_check_mark: Audacious
audacity sound editor :heavy_check_mark:
aview images to ASCII art :heavy_check_mark:
auditd user auditing :heavy_check_mark: auditctl, aureport, ausearch, autrace
aura background setter :heavy_multiplication_x: Aura
automater webhost look-up :heavy_multiplication_x: extensive look-up
auto-cpufreq laptop power manager :heavy_multiplication_x: auto-cpufreq
automysqlbackup periodic backups of MySQL DBs :heavy_check_mark:
autossh auto restart SSH sessions :heavy_check_mark:
autotrash purge trash files :heavy_check_mark:
avahi-daemon discover hosts :heavy_check_mark: name instead of IP
avidemux video editor/converter :heavy_multiplication_x: for quick edits to single video clip
awffull weblog analyser :heavy_check_mark: localhost-based
axel CLI download accelerator :heavy_check_mark:
azpainter image editor :heavy_multiplication_x: AzPainter 16-bit colours
b2 BBC Micro emulator :heavy_multiplication_x: b2
babeltrace trace conversion :heavy_check_mark:
babe-qt tiny Qt music player :heavy_multiplication_x: babe-qt
backerupper tar.gz backups :heavy_multiplication_x: Backerupper allows file exclusion
backintime backup tool :heavy_check_mark: backintime
bacon BASIC to C converter :heavy_multiplication_x: BaCon
bacula backup :heavy_check_mark:
bandwhich TUI bandwidth utilisation :heavy_multiplication_x: bandwhich
bandwidthd track network usage :heavy_check_mark: HTML/image output
bashate Bash script linter :heavy_check_mark:
bashtop resource monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: bashtop see bpytop
bat cat on steroids :heavy_multiplication_x: bat
beast music synthesis :heavy_check_mark:
bed daemon vulnerability checker :heavy_multiplication_x: bed
bench CLI benchmark tool :heavy_multiplication_x: bench
bfbtester EXE brute-force tester :heavy_check_mark:
billreminder bill reminders :heavy_multiplication_x: Bill Reminder
binary-analyser analyse binaries :heavy_multiplication_x: Binary Analyser
bing-ip2hosts enumerate hostnames via Bing :heavy_check_mark:
binstats binary stats :heavy_check_mark: overview of installed binaries
binwalk binary file searcher :heavy_check_mark: binwalk sub-files + code
birdfont font editor :heavy_multiplication_x: BirdFont
bit Git CLI client :heavy_multiplication_x: bit
blast API load tester :heavy_multiplication_x: blast
bleachbit system cleaner :heavy_check_mark:
bless GUI hex editor :heavy_check_mark:
blip MySQL monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: blip repo
bluelog Bluetooth scanner :heavy_multiplication_x:
blueman GUI for Bluetooth :heavy_check_mark:
bluemon de/activate programs on Bluetooth link quality :heavy_check_mark:
bluetooth Bluetooth support :heavy_check_mark:
bluez Bluetooth tools :heavy_check_mark:
bmon bandwidth monitor :heavy_check_mark:
bonzomatic shader coding tool :heavy_multiplication_x: Bonzomatic
bookworm eBook reader :heavy_multiplication_x: Bookworm
boostchanger CPU controller :heavy_multiplication_x: boostchanger
bootchart boot time analyser :heavy_check_mark:
bootiso ISO to USB booter :heavy_multiplication_x: bootiso
borgbackup CLI backup tool :heavy_check_mark: uses compression and encryption
boxbackup-client Box backup :heavy_check_mark: boxbackup rsync-like and encrypted
boxbackup-server Box backup :heavy_check_mark: boxbackup
bpfcc-tools eBPF tools :heavy_check_mark:
bpytop resource monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: bpytop
brandy BBC Micro emulator :heavy_check_mark:
brasero ISO burner :heavy_check_mark:
bridge-utils configure Ethernet bridge :heavy_check_mark:
broadband-speed :heavy_multiplication_x: speedtest-cli
brutex combine WFuzz/Hydra to brute-force ports :heavy_multiplication_x: BruteX
btop resource monitor :heavy_check_mark: btop
btproxy MITM Bluetooth analysis :heavy_multiplication_x: btproxy
btscanner scanner for Bluetooth devices :heavy_check_mark:
buku browser-independent bookmark manager :heavy_multiplication_x: Buku
bum bootup manager :heavy_check_mark: also sysv-rc-conf
bvi hex editor :heavy_check_mark: vi-like
bwm-ng CLI bandwidth monitor :heavy_check_mark:
byobu screen command manager/multiplexer :heavy_check_mark: through function keys
byzanz small screencast creator :heavy_check_mark:
cadubi ASCII art drawing :heavy_check_mark:
calibre eBook converter/library :heavy_check_mark:
catfish GUI file search using mlocate :heavy_check_mark:
catimg CLI image viewer :heavy_multiplication_x: catimg
cccc C/C++ code analyser :heavy_check_mark:
ccextractor subtitle extractor :heavy_multiplication_x: CCExtractor
celestia celestial simulator :heavy_check_mark:
cellwriter handwriting recogniser :heavy_check_mark:
cfg2html collect and display system config info :heavy_multiplication_x: cfg2html
cflow C source control flow analyser :heavy_check_mark:
cdparanoia CD ripper :heavy_check_mark:
ccrypt AES recursive file encrypter :heavy_check_mark: overwrites files, passphrases allegedly unsalted
checkbashisms :heavy_check_mark: in devscripts
checkinstall installation tracker :heavy_check_mark: source > package > install with package manager
checksecurity basic security check :heavy_check_mark:
chaosreader trace network sessions, export to HTML :heavy_check_mark:
cherrytree notes organiser with 7-Zip encryption :heavy_check_mark: CentOS version
chkrootkit rootkit detector :heavy_check_mark:
chm2pdf .chm to PDF converter :heavy_check_mark:
chntpw change Windows SAM password :heavy_check_mark:
cinelerra non-linear video editor :heavy_multiplication_x:
ckport EXE function/call checker :heavy_check_mark:
claws-mail GTK mail client :heavy_check_mark:
clementine music player/streamer :heavy_check_mark:
cloaker GUI file encryption :heavy_multiplication_x: Cloaker
cloakify text steganography tool :heavy_multiplication_x: Cloakify
cloc count lines of code :heavy_check_mark: CLOC most languages
clonezilla HDD backup/cloner :heavy_check_mark:
cloudcompare photo to 3D point map :heavy_multiplication_x: CloudCompare
clusterssh admin. simultaneous SSH shells :heavy_check_mark:
cmatrix CLI Matrix :heavy_check_mark:
cmdlauncher commands to GUI :heavy_multiplication_x: CmdLauncher
cmospwd CMOS/BIOS password recovery :heavy_check_mark: pre-UEFI
cmsmap CMS vulnerability scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: CMSmap
cmus CLI music player :heavy_check_mark:
cockpit server manager web interface :heavy_check_mark: Cockpit
cockpit-docker Cockpit docker manager :heavy_multiplication_x: cockpit-docker
codeblocks C editor/IDE :heavy_check_mark:
codecounter C/BASIC/web code counter :heavy_multiplication_x: CodeCounter
codelite C editor :heavy_check_mark: PHP/JS/Python also supported
collectd, kcollectd system stats harvester/monitoring daemon :heavy_check_mark:
collectl collect performance data :heavy_check_mark: Collectl
colordiff colourise diff output :heavy_check_mark:
colorgrab dropper :heavy_multiplication_x: colorgrab
colorhug colorimeter :heavy_check_mark:
conduit sync tool for GNOME (files, bookmarks) :heavy_check_mark:
contextfree image generator :heavy_check_mark:
converseen batch image manipulator :heavy_check_mark: Converseen GUI for ImageMagick
convertall unit converter :heavy_check_mark:
compiz window and compositing manager :heavy_check_mark:
compizconfig-settings-manager compiz config settings :heavy_check_mark: screen inverter
conky GUI system monitor :heavy_check_mark:
corectrl hardware profile manager :heavy_multiplication_x: CoreCtrl
cpu-g GUI CPU analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: CPU-G
cpu-x GUI CPU/motherboard analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: CPU-X
cpufetch CLI CPU analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: cpufetch
cpupower CPU frequency manager :heavy_multiplication_x:
cppcheck C code linter :heavy_check_mark:
cpuid CPU info :heavy_check_mark:
cpulimit limit process CPU usage :heavy_check_mark:
crazydiskmark GUI disk benchmarker :heavy_multiplication_x: crazydiskmark ppa:fredcox-p/crazydiskmark
credcrack credential harvester :heavy_multiplication_x: CredCrack
croc CLI file transfer :heavy_multiplication_x: croc
crunch password list generator :heavy_check_mark:
cryptcat encrypted netcat :heavy_check_mark: flaws?
cryptocat encrypted IM :heavy_multiplication_x: CryptoCat
cryptkeeper GUI encfs for GNOME :heavy_check_mark:
cryptote encrypted tabbed notes :heavy_multiplication_x: Cryptote
cscope C interactive checker :heavy_check_mark:
csvtool CLI CSV file manipulator :heavy_check_mark:
ctags C code indexing tool :heavy_check_mark:
ctop TUI Docker container metrics :heavy_multiplication_x: ctop docker-ctop
cuda-z CUDA-enabled GPU info :heavy_multiplication_x: CUDA-Z
cudatext code editor :heavy_multiplication_x: CudaText
cups-pdf print to PDF :heavy_check_mark:
curl CLI transfer data :heavy_check_mark:
cutegram IM :heavy_multiplication_x: Cutegram
cvassistant multiple CV manager :heavy_multiplication_x: CVAssistant
curl-loader HTTP benchmark :heavy_multiplication_x: curl-loader
cutereport report generator :heavy_multiplication_x: CuteReport
cutter GUI radare2 binary analyser/disassembler :heavy_multiplication_x: cutter
cxref C code to LaTeX/HTML :heavy_check_mark:
cyberfox 64-bit browser :heavy_multiplication_x:
cython Python C extensions :heavy_check_mark:
dangerzone document sanitiser :heavy_multiplication_x: dangerzone
darkhttpd tiny file server :heavy_multiplication_x: Darkhttpd 34kB
darkstat network traffic analyser :heavy_check_mark: Darkstat
darktable RAW images :heavy_check_mark: Darktable, article
darling Mac CLI Wine :heavy_multiplication_x: Darling
datacleaner database scanner :heavy_multiplication_x:
dateutils CLI date/time utilities :heavy_multiplication_x: Dateutils
davfs2 mount WebDAV resource :heavy_check_mark:
dban disk destroyer :heavy_multiplication_x: DBAN
dbbench database benchmarking tool :heavy_multiplication_x: dbbench
dbdeployer MySQL database deployer :heavy_multiplication_x: dbdeployer
dconf-editor GUI dconf editor :heavy_check_mark:
dcraw CLI RAW converter :heavy_check_mark:
ddd GUI debugger for GDB etc :heavy_check_mark: includes Python, Bash
ddrescue data recovery tool :heavy_check_mark: see gddrescue
deadbeef music player :heavy_multiplication_x: deadbeef repo
deadman CLI website status checker :heavy_multiplication_x: deadman uses ping
debconf-utils debconf utilities :heavy_check_mark:
deborphan unused packages finder :heavy_check_mark:
debreate Debian package manager :heavy_multiplication_x: Debreate
debsums package checksum comparisons :heavy_check_mark:
deen data en-/decoding :heavy_multiplication_x: deen
deja-dup GUI backup tool using duplicity :heavy_check_mark: DejaDup GnuPG encryption, no compression
delve Go debugger :heavy_multiplication_x: delve
denyhosts SSH protection :heavy_check_mark:
desktop-files-creator .desktop file creator :heavy_multiplication_x: desktop-files-creator
devicesinlan LAN scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: DevicesInLAN
devilspie2 run script upon window interaction :heavy_check_mark: Devilspie2
devede create DVDs/DVD menus :heavy_check_mark:
devscripts Debian package maintenance :heavy_multiplication_x:
devtodo CLI ToDo list :heavy_check_mark:
dh-autoreconf autoreconf helper :heavy_check_mark:
dhcpcd DHCP server for auto-configuring networking :heavy_check_mark: sudo dhcpcd wlan0
dhcpdump parse DHCP packets from tcpdump :heavy_check_mark:
dia diagram editor :heavy_check_mark:
dialog Bash dialog :heavy_check_mark:
diction sentence style helper (en/de) :heavy_check_mark:
diffmerge diff :heavy_multiplication_x: DiffMerge
diffoscope file/dir diff :heavy_check_mark: diffoscope
diffpdf PDF diff :heavy_multiplication_x: diffpdf
difftree compare directories :heavy_multiplication_x: difftree
diffuse file compare/merge :heavy_check_mark:
dify image diff :heavy_multiplication_x: dify
digikam photo manager :heavy_check_mark: KDE-based
ding GUI dictionary :heavy_check_mark:
discourse phpBB :heavy_multiplication_x: Discourse
discover automate pen test tasks :heavy_multiplication_x: discover
dispcalgui GUI for Argyll colour management :heavy_check_mark:
dissy GUI for objdump :heavy_check_mark:
dive Docker image explorer :heavy_multiplication_x: dive
dmitry server host info :heavy_check_mark:
dnsdiag DNS testing tools :heavy_multiplication_x: dnsdiag pip3 install dnsdiag; dnsping, dnstraceroute, dnseval
dnsmasq-utils manage DHCP leases :heavy_check_mark:
dnstracer trace DNS queries to source :heavy_check_mark:
dnswalk DNS debugger/nameserver lookup :heavy_check_mark:
docker container runtime :heavy_check_mark: Docker
docker-doc Docker documentation :heavy_check_mark:
docker-registry :heavy_check_mark:
dog DNS tool :heavy_check_mark: dog
doggo DNS tool :heavy_multiplication_x: doggo
dolphie MySQL monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: dolphie repo
doona daemon vulnerability :heavy_multiplication_x:
dos2unix convert EOL chars :heavy_check_mark: tofromdos may be better
downtimed downtime monitor :heavy_check_mark:
doxygen C/PHP auto-documenter :heavy_check_mark:
doxygen-doxywizard config GUI for doxygen :heavy_check_mark:
dragit GUI file transfer tool :heavy_multiplication_x: dragit
drgeo geometric sketcher :heavy_check_mark:
drive CLI GDrive client :heavy_multiplication_x: drive
droidcam turn phone into PC webcam :heavy_multiplication_x: droidcam
dsniff network sniffer :heavy_check_mark:
dstat resource stats tool :heavy_check_mark: Dstat
dsvpn Dead Simple VPN :heavy_multiplication_x: dsvpn
dtrx archive viewer/unpacker :heavy_check_mark:
duc TUI/GUI disk usage analyser :heavy_check_mark: Duc repo use apt
duf disk usage monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: duf
dukto LAN transfer tool :heavy_multiplication_x: dukto
dupeguru duplicate file finder :heavy_multiplication_x: dupeGuru repo
duplicity encrypted backup :heavy_check_mark: Duplicity built on rsync
dvdbackup DVD ripper :heavy_check_mark:
e4defrag ext4 defragger :heavy_multiplication_x:
earlyoom faster OOM :heavy_check_mark: earlyoom
easyeffects equalizer :heavy_check_mark: easyeffects revamped PulseEffects
easy-rsa certificate generator :heavy_check_mark: repo doc AW OpenVPN etc
easyssh GUI SSH connection manager :heavy_multiplication_x: easyssh
edotool input device activity simulator :heavy_multiplication_x: edotool
efiboots boot manager :heavy_multiplication_x: efiboots
eiciel GUI ACL editor :heavy_check_mark: Eiciel repo
eko audio editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Eko
elfparser ELF analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: ELF parser repo
elfutils ELF utilities :heavy_check_mark:
emilpro disassembler :heavy_multiplication_x:
emma MySQL GUI client :heavy_check_mark:
encryptpad text editor with encryption :heavy_multiplication_x: EncryptPad
encryptr SpiderOak note storage :heavy_multiplication_x: Encryptr
engauge-digitizer graph digitizer: extract nums :heavy_check_mark:
enscript text converter PS/HTML/RTF :heavy_check_mark:
ent entropy checker :heavy_check_mark:
entr trigger actions on file change :heavy_check_mark: Entr
eqonmize financial app :heavy_multiplication_x: Eqonmize
eric Python IDE :heavy_check_mark: Eric
espeak text speaker + GUIs :heavy_check_mark: GUI is gespeaker
etcher ISO to USB :heavy_multiplication_x: Etcher repo Chrome-bloated
etckeeper version control of /etc :heavy_check_mark:
etherape GUI network monitor :heavy_check_mark:
ethtool display/change Ethernet device settings :heavy_check_mark:
ethr network performance analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: ethr
etm event and task manager :heavy_multiplication_x: ETM
exa colourful ls replacement :heavy_multiplication_x: Exa repo
exelearning authoring tool :heavy_multiplication_x: eXeLearning pps:exelearning/exelearning
exiftool edit EXIF data :heavy_check_mark: EXIFtool
exiv2 EXIF/metadata editor :heavy_check_mark:
exmplayer GUI for MPlayer :heavy_check_mark:
extundelete recover deleted files :heavy_check_mark:
f3 flash memory analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: f3
fail2ban set firewall rules for multiple wrong logins :heavy_check_mark:
falco security tool :heavy_multiplication_x: falco
fancontrol-gui fan controller :heavy_multiplication_x: fancontrol-gui
fatback recover data from disks/USBs :heavy_check_mark: fatback /dev/sdbx -o /recfiles -a
fatsort FAT filesystem file sorter :heavy_check_mark:
fbcat framebuffer grabber :heavy_check_mark: outputs .ppm convert with ImageMagick
fcrackzip ZIP cracker :heavy_check_mark:
fd-find alternative find :heavy_check_mark: fd
fdupes compare files in two directories :heavy_check_mark: uses hashes
featherpad C++ editor :heavy_multiplication_x: FeatherPad few dependencies
fehashmac CLI hasher :heavy_multiplication_x: fehashmac
fern-wifi-cracker GUI for aircrack :heavy_multiplication_x:
ffmpeg media playing/conversion utility :heavy_check_mark:
ffuf web fuzzer :heavy_multiplication_x: ffuf
figlet ASCII lettering from text :heavy_check_mark:
filefrag file defragger :heavy_multiplication_x:
fileverifier verify files :heavy_multiplication_x:
filezilla FTP/SFTP :heavy_check_mark:
filezillasecure Filezilla fork: multithreading :heavy_multiplication_x: FileZillaSecure no plaintext passwords version
finch MySQL benchmarker :heavy_multiplication_x: finch
findimagedupes duplicate image finder :heavy_check_mark:
findmyhash query multiple websites for hash :heavy_multiplication_x: findmyhash
fio flexible I/O tester :heavy_check_mark:
firejail sandbox untrusted apps :heavy_check_mark: firejail
firewalld versatile firewall :heavy_check_mark:
fishsynch sync files :heavy_multiplication_x: Fish Synch
fiziko pen-and-ink drawings from code :heavy_multiplication_x: fiziko
flac FLAC tools :heavy_check_mark:
flameshot screenshot tool :heavy_multiplication_x: flameshot
flashlight auto info tool for pen tests :heavy_multiplication_x: flashlight
flasm dis/assembler for Flash bytecode :heavy_check_mark:
flatseal GUI Flatpak permissions manager :heavy_multiplication_x: Flatseal
flawfinder C/C++ code checker :heavy_check_mark: simpler than splint
flif free lossless image format encoder :heavy_multiplication_x: FLIF
flifcrush FLIF image optimiser :heavy_multiplication_x: flifcrush
flightgear flight simulator :heavy_check_mark: flightgear
flow diagrams :heavy_multiplication_x:
flowblade video editor :heavy_check_mark: flowblade
fmap web app vulnerabilities :heavy_multiplication_x:
focus task reminder :heavy_multiplication_x: Focus
focuswriter word processor :heavy_check_mark:
fog network computer cloning :heavy_multiplication_x: FOG
fontfinder GUI Google font browser :heavy_multiplication_x: fontfinder
fontforge font editor :heavy_multiplication_x: FontForge
fonts-croscore fonts for improved screen readability :heavy_check_mark:
fonts-crosextra-carlito Calibri-compatible font :heavy_check_mark:
fonts-crosextra-caladea Cambria-compatible font :heavy_check_mark:
font-manager GNOME font manager :heavy_check_mark:
foremost recover/extract files :heavy_check_mark:
forkstat CLI process monitor :heavy_check_mark:
fotoxx photo editor :heavy_check_mark: good at editing, poor interface
fping ICMP to network hosts :heavy_check_mark:
fpm package converter :heavy_multiplication_x: fpm
fracplanet fractals :heavy_check_mark:
fractalnow fast fractal generator :heavy_check_mark:
fraqtive 3D Mandelbrot/Julia :heavy_check_mark:
freac audio encoder/ripper :heavy_multiplication_x: freac repo
freebasic BASIC compiler :heavy_multiplication_x: FreeBASIC
freefilesynch GUI folder compare and sync :heavy_check_mark:
freemind mindmap editor :heavy_multiplication_x: FreeMind Java-based
freeplane mindmap editor :heavy_check_mark: Java-based
frescobaldi sheet music editor :heavy_check_mark:
freshmemory flashcards :heavy_multiplication_x: Fresh Memory
frogr Flickr uploader/organiser :heavy_check_mark:
fruitywifi wireless network auditing tool :heavy_multiplication_x: FruityWifi
fsarchiver tar.gz alternative :heavy_check_mark: fsarchiver
fsearch file search :heavy_multiplication_x: FSearch
fslint problem file manager/cleaner :heavy_check_mark:
fsmon file system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: fsmon
fswatch file change monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: fswatch
fswebcam webcam :heavy_check_mark: sudo fswebcam /dev/video0 x.jpg
ftrace ELF function analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: ftrace
funkload web server benchmarker :heavy_check_mark: FunkLoad includes unit testing
fusil fuzzer :heavy_check_mark: collection of scripts
fuzz fuzz EXEs with datastream input :heavy_check_mark:
fwbuilder firewall admin GUI :heavy_check_mark:
fwlogwatch firewall log analyser :heavy_check_mark:
fzf TUI fuzzy finder :heavy_check_mark: repo
g213colours key colour customiser for G213 keyboard :heavy_multiplication_x: G213Colors requires python3-usb
gadmin-samba GUI config for Samba :heavy_check_mark:
gadmin-rsync GUI config for rsync :heavy_check_mark:
gadmin-openvpn-client GUI config for OpenVPN :heavy_check_mark:
gadmin-openvpn-server GUI config for OpenVPN :heavy_check_mark:
gajim GPG Jabber client :heavy_check_mark:
gaupol subtitles editor :heavy_check_mark: gaupol
gamemode optimise system performance on demand :heavy_multiplication_x: gamemode
gatling static page web server :heavy_check_mark:
gcad3d CAD :heavy_multiplication_x: gCAD3D
gcc GNU C compiler :heavy_check_mark:
gcolor2 GUI colour picker :heavy_check_mark: prefer GPick
gconf-editor GConf editor :heavy_check_mark:
gdb GNU debugger :heavy_check_mark:
gddrescue dd drive/data recovery :heavy_check_mark: ddrescue-gui ppa:hamishmb/myppa
gdm GNOME display manager :heavy_check_mark:
gdmap visual HDD space usage :heavy_check_mark:
geany code editor/IDE :heavy_check_mark:
gearlever AppImage manager :heavy_multiplication_x: gearlever
genisoimage create CD/DVD images :heavy_check_mark:
gespeaker GUI for eSpeak :heavy_check_mark:
gethead HTTP header vulnerability tool :heavy_multiplication_x: gethead
geeqie GTK image viewer :heavy_check_mark: Geeqie good for multiple image comparison, sidecar files
gfio GUI for fio :heavy_check_mark:
gfortran GNU Fortran 95 compiler :heavy_check_mark:
gh-ost MySQL trigger-less schema migrator :heavy_multiplication_x: gh-ost
ghex GUI hex viewer :heavy_check_mark:
ghostwriter FocusWriter-like text editor :heavy_multiplication_x: GhostWriter Markdown default
giada DJ tool :heavy_multiplication_x:
gifcurry video editor for GIFs :heavy_multiplication_x: gifcurry
gigolo mount manager :heavy_check_mark:
gimp image editor :heavy_check_mark:
gimp-dcraw GIMP RAW plugin :heavy_check_mark:
gimp-ufraw GIMP RAW importer :heavy_check_mark:
git source control :heavy_check_mark: git, git-gui, gitk, gitg, git-doc, git-extras
git-big-picture Git branch visualisation :heavy_check_mark:
git-crypt Git file encryption :heavy_check_mark:
git-extras Git extensions :heavy_check_mark:
git-gui Git GUI :heavy_check_mark: git gui
git-repair Git repo repair :heavy_check_mark: use with git fsck and git gc
git-secrets prevent sensitive data being committed :heavy_multiplication_x: git-secrets
gitg Git repo viewer :heavy_check_mark:
gitin commit/branch/status explorer for Git :heavy_multiplication_x: gitin
gitinspector Git repo stat tool :heavy_check_mark:
gitk Git repo browser :heavy_check_mark:
gitkraken Git GUI :heavy_multiplication_x: GitKraken
gkrellm GUI system monitor :heavy_check_mark:
glade GTK+ GUI creator :heavy_check_mark:
glances top-like app (sophisticated) :heavy_check_mark: Glances also pip install glances
glchess chess :heavy_check_mark: uses Crafty engine; use apt
glogg GUI logfile view/query :heavy_check_mark: glogg
gmysqlcc GUI MySQL client :heavy_check_mark:
gnofract fractal generator :heavy_multiplication_x: .deb SourceForge package; good images
gnome-battery-bench :heavy_multiplication_x: GNOME Battery Bench
gnome-bluetooth GNOME Bluetooth tools :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-boxes manage remote/virtual systems :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-builder GNOME app builder :heavy_multiplication_x: Gnome Builder
gnome-disk-utility manage disks/media :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-network-admin GUI for whois/ping :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-rdp remote desktop :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-system-monitor GNOME monitor :heavy_check_mark:
gnome-tweak-tool GNOME 3 editor :heavy_check_mark:
gnucash finance manager :heavy_check_mark:
gnumeric spreadsheet :heavy_check_mark:
gnupg2 GnuPG version 2 :heavy_check_mark:
gnuplot graphs :heavy_check_mark: core
gnuplot-x11 graphics :heavy_check_mark:
gnuplot-qt graphics :heavy_check_mark:
go-fuzz fuzzer :heavy_multiplication_x: go-fuzz
go-mysql MySQL toolset :heavy_multiplication_x: go-mysql
go-rsync GUI for rsync :heavy_multiplication_x: go-rsync
goaccess CLI realtime logfile viewer :heavy_check_mark: GoAccess repo avoid distro repo; compile deps: libgeoip-dev, libncursesw5-dev
gobuster directory, DNS, vhost buster :heavy_multiplication_x: gobuster
gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem :heavy_multiplication_x: gocryptfs
golly game of life simulator :heavy_check_mark:
googler CLI Google search :heavy_multiplication_x: googler
gosync GDrive sync :heavy_multiplication_x: GoSync
gotop TUI system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: gotop
gotty CLI application projected as web app :heavy_multiplication_x: GoTTY
gource source control visualisation tool :heavy_check_mark:
govie movie utility :heavy_multiplication_x: Govie
gpa GUI for GnuPG :heavy_check_mark:
gparted view/manage partitions :heavy_check_mark:
gpgdir encrypt directories :heavy_check_mark:
gpgit CLI GnuPG file encryption simplified :heavy_multiplication_x: GPGit
gpg-tui TUI GnuPG manager :heavy_multiplication_x: gpg-tui repo
gphoto2 CLI digital camera processor :heavy_check_mark:
gpick screen colour pick/palette/inverter :heavy_check_mark:
gping CLI visual ping host :heavy_multiplication_x: gping
gpm mouse interface/copy-paste on CLI :heavy_check_mark:
gpt fdisk GPT disk tools :heavy_multiplication_x: GPT fdisk also see gdisk in repo
gqrx GUI radio receiver :heavy_check_mark: Gqrx
grabber web app scanner :heavy_multiplication_x:
graphviz graph tools :heavy_check_mark:
graudit grep rough source code audit :heavy_multiplication_x: graudit
graylog manage PC logfiles in one place :heavy_multiplication_x: Graylog
grdesktop GUI for rdesktop :heavy_check_mark:
grive2 GDrive syncer :heavy_multiplication_x: Grive2
grsynch GUI for rsync :heavy_check_mark: Grsynch
grub-customizer GUI GRUB editor :heavy_multiplication_x: GRUB customizer
grv CLI Git repo viewer :heavy_multiplication_x: GRV
gscan2pdf PDFs from scans :heavy_check_mark:
gsconnect Android connector :heavy_multiplication_x: GSConnect
gsettings GNOME config CLI tool :heavy_check_mark:
gsmartcontrol GUI for smartctl :heavy_check_mark:
gstm GNOME SSH tunnel manager :heavy_check_mark:
gsync GDrive syncer :heavy_multiplication_x: pip install gsync
gtkam GUI transfer from cameras :heavy_check_mark:
gtkhash GUI hash calculator :heavy_check_mark:
gtg GNOME ToDo organiser :heavy_check_mark:
gtkstresstesting benchmarker :heavy_multiplication_x: GtkStressTesting utilises stress-ng
guake multi-tabbed/multi-coloured CLI :heavy_check_mark:
guetzli JPG encoder/compressor :heavy_multiplication_x: guetzli
gufw GUI for ufw :heavy_check_mark:
guitar GUI Git client :heavy_multiplication_x: Guitar
gvfs-backends SMB browsing :heavy_check_mark:
haguichi GUI for VPN app :heavy_multiplication_x: Haguichi
handbrake DVD ripper/video transcoder :heavy_check_mark: HandBrake
hardinfo hardware info :heavy_check_mark:
harvester info harvester :heavy_multiplication_x: theHarvester
HAI hash algorithm identifier :heavy_multiplication_x: Hash-Algorithm-Identifier
hash-identifier identify hash :heavy_multiplication_x: hash-identifier
haveged random number generator :heavy_check_mark:
hdparm tune HDD parameters :heavy_check_mark:
hdck HDD/media diagnostics :heavy_multiplication_x: hdck
health-check process monitoring tool :heavy_check_mark:
heaptrack heap memory profiler :heavy_multiplication_x: heaptrack
heartbeat high-availability servers :heavy_check_mark:
hegemon TUI system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: hegemon
helm music synthesizer :heavy_multiplication_x: Helm
hexyl CLI hex editor :heavy_multiplication_x: hexyl
highlight convert code to HTML/RTF :heavy_check_mark:
hnwatch CLI news feed :heavy_multiplication_x:
homebank finance manager :heavy_check_mark:
hopper GUI disassembler :heavy_multiplication_x: Hopper proprietary, demo
hoptodesk remote desktop :heavy_multiplication_x: HopToDesk
horst CLI WLAN analyser :heavy_check_mark:
hostmap enumerate (v)hosts of IP :heavy_multiplication_x: Hostmap
hottoe sound control app :heavy_multiplication_x: hottoe
hping3 TCP/IP packet generator :heavy_check_mark:
htmlq CLI HTML stream processor :heavy_multiplication_x: htmlq jq for HTML
htop hyper top :heavy_check_mark:
http-logs-analyzer HTTP log analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: http-logs-analyzer
httpdirfs HTTP directory mounter :heavy_multiplication_x: httpdirfs
httperf HTTP benchmark :heavy_check_mark:
httping HTTP pinger :heavy_check_mark:
httpry HTTP logging and info :heavy_check_mark:
httpstat HTTP request timer :heavy_multiplication_x: httpstat
httptunnel tunnels data in HTTP requests :heavy_check_mark:
httrack copy websites :heavy_check_mark:
hugin panorama stitcher + photo editor :heavy_check_mark:
hwinfo hardware info :heavy_check_mark: deprecated
hx CLI hex editor :heavy_multiplication_x: hx
hydra GUI network brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark:
hydrogen drum machine :heavy_check_mark:
hyperfine CLI benchmark tool :heavy_multiplication_x: hyperfine
i7z Core CPU reporting :heavy_check_mark:
icinga Nagios-like network monitor :heavy_check_mark: Icinga
idle3 Python IDE :heavy_check_mark:
ifstat interface statistics monitoring :heavy_check_mark: vmstat-like
iftop network interface usage :heavy_check_mark:
imagemagick CLI image manipulator :heavy_check_mark:
imgp image converter :heavy_check_mark: imgp
i-nex GUI system hardware lister :heavy_multiplication_x: i-nex similar to CPU-Z
incron daemon for file system events :heavy_check_mark:
indent C code formatter :heavy_check_mark:
indicator-cpufreq change CPU frequency :heavy_check_mark:
infernal-twin auto wireless hacking tool :heavy_multiplication_x: infernal-twin
inguma pentest framework :heavy_multiplication_x:
inkscape vector imager :heavy_check_mark:
innotop MySQL InnoDB monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: innotop .deb exists in CentOS EPEL
innotopgo MySQL InnoDB monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: innotopgo
inotify monitor filesystem events :heavy_check_mark: good for Samba folders
input-remapper input device button mapper :heavy_multiplication_x: input-remapper
input-utils kernel input layer utilities :heavy_check_mark: lsinput, input-events, input-kbd
instarecon auto digital recon :heavy_multiplication_x: instarecon high level recon
intel-gpu-tools intel_gpu_time, intel_gpu_top :heavy_check_mark:
inxi system info :heavy_check_mark:
ioping disk I/O latency tool :heavy_check_mark: ioping
iotop I/O monitor :heavy_check_mark:
ipcalc parameter calculator for IPv4 :heavy_check_mark:
iperf network bandwidth performance :heavy_check_mark:
iperf3 network bandwidth performance :heavy_check_mark:
ipgrab tcpdump-like, detailed header info :heavy_check_mark: more explicit than tcpdump
iproute2 IP tools :heavy_check_mark:
ipsec-tools IPsec utilities :heavy_check_mark:
ipset tool for kernel IP sets :heavy_check_mark:
iptables-persistent iptables set-up on boot :heavy_check_mark: sudo service iptables-persistent start
iptraf IP LAN monitor :heavy_check_mark:
ipython enhanced Python shell and env :heavy_check_mark:
iridium Chromium-based browser :heavy_multiplication_x: Iridium enhanced privacy over Chrome
iris colour palette editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Iris
isohybrid DVD.iso > bootable from Flash :heavy_check_mark:
isomaster CD/DVD image editor :heavy_check_mark:
jade diagram editor :heavy_multiplication_x: jade
java :heavy_check_mark: apt-get install default-jre
jarte lightweight wordprocessor (with .docx support) :heavy_check_mark:
jbit 6502 CPU simulator :heavy_multiplication_x: JBit
jed code editor :heavy_check_mark:
jedit code editor :heavy_check_mark:
jnettop network traffic monitor :heavy_check_mark:
jo CLI JSON creator :heavy_check_mark:
joomscan Joomla scanner :heavy_multiplication_x:
john password cracker :heavy_multiplication_x:
johnny GUI for john :heavy_multiplication_x: johnny
joplin notes/todo app :heavy_multiplication_x: Joplin
jp2a JPG to ASCII art :heavy_check_mark:
jpeginfo JPG info/integrity :heavy_check_mark:
jq CLI JSON stream processor :heavy_check_mark:
julia fast math-oriented language :heavy_check_mark: Julia
kaku music player :heavy_multiplication_x: Kaku
kamailio SIP proxy :heavy_check_mark: kamailio
kanboard project manager :heavy_multiplication_x: Kanboard
katoolin auto install Kali Linux tools :heavy_multiplication_x: katoolin
kazam video screen recorder :heavy_check_mark:
kdecachegrind PHP cache analyser :heavy_multiplication_x:
kdenlive video editor :heavy_check_mark: KDE
kdiskmark GUI disk benchmarker :heavy_multiplication_x: KDiskMark
keepassx password vault :heavy_check_mark:
keepassxc password vault :heavy_multiplication_x: KeePassXC revised KeePassX
kerkythea renderer :heavy_multiplication_x: Kerkythea
kexi database GUI (MySQL/SQLite/PostgreSQL) :heavy_multiplication_x: Kexi
kismet wireless sniffer/monitor :heavy_check_mark:
kmon TUI kernel module manager :heavy_multiplication_x: kmon
knock subdomain scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: knock
knotter Celtic knot app :heavy_multiplication_x: Knotter info
kolormanager X colour calibration :heavy_multiplication_x: KolorManager
komodoedit code editor :heavy_multiplication_x:
krita image editor :heavy_check_mark: Krita hand-drawn focus
krop PDF cropper/editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Krop
ksnip snipping tool :heavy_multiplication_x: ksnip
kst data plotting tool :heavy_check_mark: Kst kst2
kwipe data eraser :heavy_multiplication_x: KWipe repo partition emphasis
lamaperia printable maps from OpenStreetMap :heavy_multiplication_x: Lamaperia
lame MP3 encoder :heavy_check_mark:
landrop LAN file transfer :heavy_multiplication_x: LANDrop repo
lazagne credentials recovery :heavy_multiplication_x: LaZagne
lazpaint image editor :heavy_multiplication_x: LazPaint repo
lazydocker TUI Docker manager :heavy_multiplication_x: lazydocker
lazygit TUI Git client :heavy_multiplication_x: lazygit
lcrack password cracker :heavy_check_mark:
lepton JPG compressor :heavy_multiplication_x: lepton
lftp CLI FTP :heavy_check_mark:
libmarkdown-php Markdown library :heavy_check_mark:
libre-menu-editor desktop menu editor :heavy_multiplication_x: libre-menu-editor
libreoffice-dbg debugger :heavy_check_mark:
libssl-dev OpenSSL libraries :heavy_check_mark:
libtomcrypt crypto toolkit :heavy_check_mark:
libtree ldd tree :heavy_multiplication_x: libtree
liferea GUI RSS :heavy_check_mark:
lightworks video editor :heavy_multiplication_x: LightWorks 720p only
lightzone RAW editor :heavy_multiplication_x: LightZone
linkchecker website link checker :heavy_check_mark:
linklint website link checker :heavy_check_mark:
linphone Skype replacement :heavy_check_mark: requires SIP account
linssid GUI wireless scanner :heavy_check_mark:
linux-crashdump kernel crashdump set-up :heavy_check_mark:
linux-firmware drivers :heavy_check_mark: apparently includes wireless drivers
linux-malware-detect Linux malware detector :heavy_multiplication_x: linux-malware-detect
linux-wifi-hotspot GUI wireless hotspot tool :heavy_multiplication_x: linux-wifi-hotspot
linuxrespin distro builder :heavy_multiplication_x: Linux Respin
lives video editor :heavy_check_mark: requires x264, gpac for decent output
lldpd LLDP discovery daemon :heavy_check_mark: discover LAN switches etc, lldpctl, lldpcli
lm-sensors for sensors :heavy_check_mark:
lms login manager settings :heavy_multiplication_x: lms
lmms audio editor :heavy_check_mark:
ln vector image generator :heavy_multiplication_x: ln
lnav logfile reader with colour :heavy_check_mark: lnav
localsend file transfer :heavy_multiplication_x: LocalSend
log2ram RAM logger :heavy_multiplication_x: log2ram
logcheck logfile alerter :heavy_check_mark:
logisim digital circuit designer :heavy_multiplication_x: Logisim
logkeys keylogger :heavy_check_mark: !
logwatch logfile analyser :heavy_check_mark:
lshw-gtk lshw hardware GUI :heavy_check_mark:
lsscsi list SCSI devices :heavy_check_mark:
lttng program tracing :heavy_check_mark: almost as powerful as SystemTap
luckybackup rsync-based GUI backup :heavy_check_mark:
lynis security auditor :heavy_check_mark: Lynis
lyx Latex WYSIWYG :heavy_check_mark: 500MB
lzop fast compression :heavy_check_mark:
macchanger spoof network card MAC :heavy_check_mark:
macchina system info :heavy_multiplication_x: Macchina
magicrescue file recovery by filetype/header bytes :heavy_check_mark:
magic-wormhole secure file transfer :heavy_multiplication_x: magic-wormhole
mailutils mail utilities :heavy_check_mark:
maltego people-places analysis tool :heavy_multiplication_x: Maltego Java-based
maltrail malicious traffic detector :heavy_multiplication_x: maltrail
mandelbulber 3D Mandelbrot :heavy_check_mark:
mangl GUI man page viewer :heavy_multiplication_x: mangl
mariadb-server MariaDB :heavy_check_mark:
mariadb-client MariaDB :heavy_check_mark:
markdown Markdown to HTML :heavy_check_mark:
marker Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Marker
masterpdfeditor PDF editor :heavy_multiplication_x: MasterPDFEditor powerful but proprietary
mat2 metadata anonymiser :heavy_check_mark: use apt; mat -d <file>
maths maths problem solver :heavy_multiplication_x: maths ppa:nasc-team/daily
mattermost team messaging :heavy_multiplication_x: Mattermost
mcfly CLI history manager :heavy_multiplication_x: mcfly
md5deep batch/recursive md5sum :heavy_check_mark:
mdadm software RAID controller :heavy_check_mark:
medusa router/network brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark:
meld GUI sdiff :heavy_check_mark:
mermaid Markdown diagrams :heavy_multiplication_x: Mermaid
mesa-utils MesaGL utilities :heavy_check_mark:
meshlab triangular mesh creator :heavy_check_mark:
meshroom 3D photogrammetry/reconstruction :heavy_multiplication_x: meshroom requires Nvidia GPU/CUDA
metadata cleaner metadata wiper :heavy_multiplication_x: Metadata Cleaner uses mat2
micro CLI editor :heavy_multiplication_x: micro repo
midori lightweight browser :heavy_check_mark:
miller terminal CSV viewer/processor :heavy_multiplication_x: miller
mindforger Markdown notebook/IDE :heavy_multiplication_x: mindforger
minitube native YouTube client :heavy_check_mark:
minuet music trainer :heavy_multiplication_x: minuet
missioncenter system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: Mission Center
mitmproxy MITM HTTP proxy :heavy_check_mark:
mixxx audio mixer/editor :heavy_check_mark:
mlocate for locate :heavy_check_mark: if locate is missing
mmv mass move/rename :heavy_check_mark:
mongodb MongoDB :heavy_check_mark: meta package; or pecl install mongo
monit notify upon server log-ins :heavy_multiplication_x:
monitorix GUI system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: Monitorix
moreutils combine, errno, isutf8, parallel, zrun :heavy_check_mark:
most advanced pager, includes colour, bin viewer :heavy_check_mark:
mp3diags MP3 file analyser :heavy_check_mark:
mpd music player daemon :heavy_check_mark:
mpg123 CLI MP3 player :heavy_check_mark: decoding library very good
mplayer CLI movie player :heavy_check_mark:
mps-youtube YouTube music player :heavy_check_mark: mps-youtube
mpv CLI movie player :heavy_check_mark: based on mplayer
mtools multi-cast connection tester :heavy_multiplication_x:
mtr ping and traceroute combined :heavy_check_mark: also mtr-tiny
mtr-tiny ping and traceroute combined :heavy_check_mark:
muffet website link checker :heavy_multiplication_x: muffet
multitail splitscreen logfile viewer :heavy_check_mark:
mundus home file cleaner :heavy_multiplication_x:
mupen64plus N64 console emulator :heavy_check_mark:
musescore music score editor :heavy_check_mark:
mycli CLI MySQL client :heavy_check_mark: mycli repo
mypaint tablet-supporting paint program :heavy_check_mark:
mysql MySQL database :heavy_check_mark:
mysql-utilities MySQL :heavy_check_mark:
mysql-workbench MySQL :heavy_check_mark:
mysqldiffchecker MySQL instances diff :heavy_multiplication_x: mysqlDiffChecker
mysql-shell mysqlsh :heavy_check_mark:
mysqlshell-plugins MySQL Shell Plugins :heavy_multiplication_x: mysqlshell-plugins
mysqltuner mysqld settings analyser :heavy_check_mark: mysqltuner
mystatusgo MySQL monitoring tool :heavy_multiplication_x: myStatusgo
mytop MySQL monitor :heavy_check_mark:
mz versatile packet/network traffic generator :heavy_check_mark:
nagios-nrpe-server Nagios component for remote server :heavy_check_mark: Nagios
nanotts speech synthesizer :heavy_multiplication_x: NanoTTS
nast CLI Wireshark :heavy_check_mark:
nasty GnuPG password cracker :heavy_check_mark:
nbtscan scan network for NetBIOS info (Samba) :heavy_check_mark:
ncdu Ncurses disk usage viewer :heavy_check_mark:
ncrack network cracker :heavy_multiplication_x:
ncrypt CLI file encrypt :heavy_multiplication_x: Ncrypt only SHA-1 key hashing
ncursesfm CLI file manager :heavy_multiplication_x: ncursesFM
neofetch system info :heavy_check_mark: neofetch use apt
nemo-fileroller FileRoller for Nemo :heavy_check_mark:
netcat TCP/IP Swiss army knife :heavy_check_mark:
netcatgui GUI for netcat :heavy_multiplication_x: netcatgui
net-creds sniffs data from interface/pcap :heavy_multiplication_x: net-creds
netdata real-time performance monitor :heavy_check_mark: netdata repo <IP>:19999
netdiag network diagnosis tools :heavy_check_mark: trafshow, netwatch, statnet, tcpspray, tcpblast
netdiscover active/passive network address ARP scanner :heavy_check_mark:
nethogs bandwidth hog monitor :heavy_check_mark:
netperf network benchmark :heavy_check_mark:
netplan Ubuntu network manager :heavy_check_mark:
netrw netcat-like, transport files over network :heavy_check_mark:
netsurf lightweight browser :heavy_check_mark:
net-tools network tools :heavy_check_mark: ifconfig, route
netwag GUI for netwox :heavy_check_mark:
netwox networking utilities :heavy_check_mark:
neural-enhance image enhancer :heavy_multiplication_x: neural-enhance
newsboat CLI RSS reader :heavy_check_mark: also newsbeuter
nftables netfilter firewall utility :heavy_check_mark: nft
nginx web/proxy server :heavy_check_mark:
ngrep network traffic grep :heavy_check_mark:
nightingale music player :heavy_multiplication_x: Nightingale
nikola static website generator :heavy_check_mark:
nikto web server security scanner :heavy_check_mark:
nipper-ng security analysis of switches/routers :heavy_multiplication_x:
nitroshare cross-platform network file transfer :heavy_multiplication_x: NitroShare repo
nixnote Evernote client :heavy_multiplication_x: NixNote
nload network load :heavy_check_mark: use apt
nltk NLP for Python :heavy_check_mark:
nmap network scanner :heavy_check_mark:
nmapsi4 GUI for NMap :heavy_check_mark:
nmcli CLI for NetworkManager :heavy_check_mark:
nmon network/CPU/disk performance :heavy_check_mark:
nohang low memory handler :heavy_multiplication_x: nohang
nomacs image viewer :heavy_check_mark: nomacs good for image comparison via sync
notepadqq code editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Notepadqq
notepas code editor :heavy_multiplication_x:
notes-up editor supporting Markdown :heavy_multiplication_x: Notes-up PDF export
novelwriter text editor :heavy_multiplication_x: novelWriter repo
npkill Node.js module remover :heavy_multiplication_x: npkill
npm Node.js package manager :heavy_check_mark:
nstreams tcpdump output analyser :heavy_check_mark:
ntfs-3g NTFS driver :heavy_check_mark: NTFS-3G r/w
ntfsfix fix NTFS :heavy_multiplication_x:
ntfsundelete recover NTFS files :heavy_check_mark:
ntfy push notifier :heavy_multiplication_x: ntfy
ntop top network users :heavy_check_mark:
nuttcp network performance measurement :heavy_check_mark:
nutty network utility :heavy_multiplication_x: Nutty repo ppa:bablu-boy/nutty.0.1
nvidia-smi NVidia GPU management CLI :heavy_multiplication_x:
nvtop GPU monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: nvtop
obnam incremental daily backups with SFTP/GnuPG support :heavy_check_mark:
obs video recording/livestreaming :heavy_multiplication_x: OBS
obsidian Markdown mindmap tool :heavy_multiplication_x: obsidian
oclint C/C++/ObjC static code analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: OCLint repo
ocrfeeder OCR text scanner :heavy_check_mark:
ocrmypdf OCR PDF files :heavy_check_mark:
octave numerical computation library and GUI :heavy_check_mark: Matlab-like
od2txt ODT to text converter :heavy_check_mark:
oletoy file format analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: re-lab
olive video editor :heavy_multiplication_x: olive repo
omd Nagios fork :heavy_multiplication_x: OMD easier set-up than Nagios
onedrive-d OneDrive sync :heavy_multiplication_x: onedrive-d
onetime one-time pad :heavy_check_mark:
onionshare secure communications :heavy_multiplication_x: onionshare
oolite Elite game :heavy_check_mark: Oolite
openarena Quake-like FPS :heavy_check_mark:
openrgb hardware RGB lighting manager :heavy_multiplication_x: OpenRGB
openshot video editor :heavy_check_mark: good all rounder, requires Frei0r-plugins
opensnitch outgoing network connections manager :heavy_multiplication_x: opensnitch
openssh-server OpenSSH :heavy_check_mark:
openvpn VPN :heavy_check_mark:
opera browser :heavy_check_mark: use apt
oprofile system profiler :heavy_check_mark:
optipng optimise PNGs :heavy_check_mark:
orca screenreader :heavy_check_mark:
orchestrator MySQL replication manager :heavy_multiplication_x: orchestrator
osync rsync simplifier :heavy_multiplication_x: osync
outrun delegate tasks to remote machines :heavy_multiplication_x: outrun
p0f passive OS fingerprinting tool :heavy_check_mark: quieter than NMap
pack password analyser :heavy_multiplication_x:
packit network injection/capture tool :heavy_check_mark:
packeth GUI Ethernet packet generator :heavy_check_mark:
packetsender GUI packet generator :heavy_multiplication_x: Packet Sender
pamix PulseAudio mixer :heavy_multiplication_x: PAmix
pandoc DOCX/RTF/HTML/Markdown converter :heavy_check_mark: Pandoc
panwriter Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: panwriter tight integration with pandoc
paper-clip PDF metadata editor :heavy_multiplication_x: paper-clip
parallel multi-threaded Bash scripts :heavy_check_mark: in moreutils
parted disk partitioner :heavy_check_mark: creates GPT partitions, but does not resize
passwordsafe password vault :heavy_check_mark: Password Safe
patator multi brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark: patator
pavucontrol PulseAudio volume control :heavy_check_mark: independently adjust audio streams
pax-utils ELF checking utilities :heavy_check_mark: dumpelf, scanelf, lddtree, pspax etc
pbnj monitor network changes :heavy_check_mark:
pdfbooklet PDF printer :heavy_multiplication_x: PDFbooklet
pdfcrack PDF password cracker :heavy_check_mark:
pdfedit PDF editor :heavy_check_mark: good at text, no image editing
pdfgrep PDF search :heavy_check_mark: PDFgrep
pdfmod PDF editor :heavy_check_mark: simple but good: edit meta data, remove page, extract page
pdfresurrect PDF analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: pdfresurrect
pdnsd proxy DNS server :heavy_check_mark:
pdfmixtool PDF editor :heavy_multiplication_x: pdfmixtool repo
pdftk PDF tool :heavy_check_mark:
pdftotext PDF to text :heavy_check_mark: in poppler-utils
peazip multi-zip GUI and converter :heavy_multiplication_x: PeaZip
pemcracker PEM cracker :heavy_multiplication_x: pemcracker
pentbox security and stability tester :heavy_multiplication_x:
percona-toolkit MySQL toolkit :heavy_check_mark:
perf performance analysis tools :heavy_check_mark: in linux-tools-common
perf-tools-unstable perf helper tools by Brendan Gregg :heavy_check_mark: iosnoop, iolatency, uprobe
perforator perf extender :heavy_multiplication_x: perforator
pewpew server stress tester :heavy_multiplication_x: pewpew
pgadmin3 GUI admin for PostgresSQL :heavy_check_mark:
pgpdump GnuPG/PGP file visualiser :heavy_check_mark:
phatch batch image converter :heavy_check_mark:
phoronix benchmark suite :heavy_multiplication_x: Phoronix
photoflare image editor :heavy_multiplication_x: PhotoFlare
photorec file recovery tool :heavy_multiplication_x: photorec
php7cc PHP 7 incompatible code detector :heavy_check_mark:
php-markdown PHP Markdown renderer :heavy_check_mark:
php-codesniffer phpcs in CLI :heavy_check_mark:
phplint PHP linter :heavy_multiplication_x: phplint
phpunit PHP unit test suite :heavy_check_mark: not Mr Bergmann's PHPUnit
phrasendrescher SSH dictionary attacker :heavy_multiplication_x: pd ssh -d pass.txt -t <IP> -v)
pic graphics programming language :heavy_multiplication_x: piC
picard audio file manager :heavy_check_mark:
pigz multi-threading GZIP :heavy_check_mark:
pingnoo ping analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: pingnoo
pinta clone :heavy_check_mark:
piper mouse config :heavy_multiplication_x: piper
pitivi video editor :heavy_check_mark: suitable for: clips to combine, add audio track, filter
pixelorama sprite editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Pixelorama
pktstat resolve packet details/connections :heavy_check_mark:
playonlinux Microsoft games through Wine :heavy_check_mark:
playshell CLI media player :heavy_multiplication_x: playshell
plecast Wordpress plugin analyser :heavy_multiplication_x:
plumecreator book writing editor :heavy_multiplication_x:
pmd source code analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: PMD Java-based
pmount mount removable devices as normal user :heavy_check_mark:
png2svg PNG to SVG :heavy_multiplication_x: png2svg
pngcrush PNG compressor :heavy_check_mark:
pnpm leaner Node.js package manager :heavy_multiplication_x: pnpm
pnscan multi-threaded port scanner :heavy_check_mark:
polygen random sentences from grammar definitions :heavy_check_mark:
portainer GUI Docker manager :heavy_multiplication_x: portainer
portdog port scan detector :heavy_multiplication_x: PortDog
portsentry port scan detector :heavy_check_mark:
postgresql PostgreSQL :heavy_check_mark:
potamus music player using directories :heavy_multiplication_x: Potamus
povray CLI raytracer :heavy_check_mark:
powertop power consumption analyser :heavy_check_mark:
ppa-purge disable a PPA :heavy_check_mark:
preload adaptive binary preloader :heavy_check_mark:
prelockd memory/OOM tool :heavy_multiplication_x: prelockd
prettyeq PulseAudio equaliser :heavy_multiplication_x: prettyeq
printer-driver various drivers :heavy_check_mark:
privoxy SOCKS requests to HTTP requests :heavy_check_mark: block UDP leaks in Tor
procdump create core dumps of apps :heavy_multiplication_x: ProcDump
procenv show process environment :heavy_check_mark: procenv
processing programming language :heavy_multiplication_x:
procinfo socklist, lsdev, system stats from /proc :heavy_check_mark:
profile-sync-daemon move browser profiles to RAM :heavy_multiplication_x: profile-sync-daemon systemd Nagios replacement for microservices :heavy_multiplication_x: Prometheus
prowler AWS security tool :heavy_multiplication_x: prowler
proxychains redirect connections through proxy servers :heavy_check_mark:
psad port scan detector :heavy_check_mark: from iptables
psensor temperature sensors GUI :heavy_check_mark:
pspp statistical analysis :heavy_check_mark: PSPP SPSS replacement
pst-utils read Microsoft Outlook .pst files :heavy_check_mark: .pst to .mbox
pstop MySQL top from perf schema :heavy_multiplication_x: ps-top
publican docbook XML publisher :heavy_check_mark:
puddletag music file tag editor :heavy_check_mark:
pulseeffects equalizer for PulseAudio apps :heavy_multiplication_x: pulseeffects ppa:yunnxx/gnome3
putty PuTTY for Linux :heavy_check_mark:
pv pipe view meter :heavy_check_mark: benchmark SSH etc
pwgen password generator :heavy_check_mark:
pychecker Python error checker :heavy_check_mark:
pylint Python code static checker :heavy_check_mark:
pylint3 Python 3 code static checker :heavy_check_mark:
pypy Python JIT compiler :heavy_check_mark:
pyrenamer mass file renamer :heavy_check_mark:
pyrit GPU WPA2 wireless cracker :heavy_check_mark:
python3-csvkit CSV utilities :heavy_check_mark:
python3-enigma Enigma machine library :heavy_check_mark: Py-Enigma
python3-matplotlib plotting system :heavy_check_mark:
python3-pip Python 3 package installer :heavy_check_mark:
python3-psutil psutil :heavy_check_mark: access reporting tools
python3-usb Python 3 USB interface :heavy_check_mark:
python-evdev generic input event interface :heavy_check_mark:
python-mysqldb Python MySQL API :heavy_check_mark:
python-pip Python installer :heavy_check_mark: apt-get install python3-pip
python-setuptools :heavy_check_mark: needed for python-mysqldb
qalc CLI calculator :heavy_check_mark:
qemu processor emulator :heavy_check_mark: apt-get install kvm qemu-kvm qemu-kvmextras
qemu-kvm multiple virtual PCs :heavy_check_mark:
qjournalctl GUI for systemd's journalctl :heavy_multiplication_x: qjournalctl
qmmp music player :heavy_check_mark:
qownnotes notepad with Markdown :heavy_multiplication_x: QOwnNotes
qmplay2 video/YouTube player :heavy_multiplication_x: QMPlay2 GPU acceleration; good options
qpdf CLI PDF editor :heavy_multiplication_x: QPDF
qrencode QR generator :heavy_check_mark: qrencode -o f.png 'txt' # -s height of pixel, -l H highest level of error correction
qtox encrypted chat :heavy_multiplication_x: qTox
qtpfsgui HDR tonemapper :heavy_check_mark:
qtqr GUI QR generator :heavy_check_mark:
qtractor audio/MIDI multitrack sequencer :heavy_check_mark:
qtvirtmanager virtual hosts manager :heavy_multiplication_x: qt-virt-manager
quetoo Quake2 remake :heavy_multiplication_x: quetoo
quiterss RSS reader :heavy_check_mark: uses WebKit
qupzilla lightweight Chromium-based browser :heavy_check_mark:
rabbitvcs SVN GUI :heavy_check_mark:
radamsa general purpose fuzzer :heavy_multiplication_x: radamsa
radeon-profile Radeon GPU profiler :heavy_multiplication_x: radeon-profile
radeontop Radeon GPU top :heavy_check_mark:
rand random character generator :heavy_check_mark:
rapidscan web vulnerability Scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: rapidscan
rapidsvn SVN GUI :heavy_check_mark:
rarcrack RAR cracker :heavy_multiplication_x: rarCrack
rare CLI regex parser :heavy_multiplication_x: rare
raspiraw RaspPi RAW processing :heavy_multiplication_x: raspiraw
ratproxy passive web app security assessor :heavy_check_mark:
rats rough auditing tool for security :heavy_check_mark:
rawtherapee RAW file editor :heavy_check_mark: RawTherapee
rclone rsync for cloud drives :heavy_multiplication_x: RClone repo
rclonebrowser GUI for rclone :heavy_multiplication_x: RcloneBrowser
rcrack cracker via rainbow tables :heavy_multiplication_x:
rdiff-backup remote incremental backup :heavy_check_mark:
realvnc remote desktop client :heavy_check_mark:
reaver router WPS PIN brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark:
recoll desktop/network GUI search engine :heavy_check_mark:
recsveditor CSV editor :heavy_multiplication_x: reCsvEditor Java-based
rednotebook calendar and notebook :heavy_check_mark: RedNotebook
redshift diurnal screen colour temp adjuster :heavy_check_mark: deps: Geoclue-2.0
redshift-gtk GUI for redshift :heavy_check_mark:
reformat text formatter :heavy_check_mark: line length, margin
remarkable Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Remarkable deps: python3-markdown, python3-bs4, wkhtmltopdf
remmina Gnome GUI remote desktop client :heavy_check_mark:
remmina-plugin-vnc VNC plugin for Remmina :heavy_check_mark:
remnux Linux malware analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: REMnux
retext ReText/Markdown editor :heavy_check_mark: Retext
retroshare encrypted IM/filesharing :heavy_multiplication_x: RetroShare
rdesktop CLI remote desktop client :heavy_check_mark: grdesktop for GUI
recode file charset conversion :heavy_check_mark:
recoverjpeg recover JPGs/MOVs :heavy_check_mark: from SD card
regexxer file regex view and replace :heavy_check_mark:
richochet Tor chat :heavy_multiplication_x: richochet
rig random person id generator :heavy_check_mark:
rkhunter rootkit hunter :heavy_check_mark:
rmlint dups and cruft remover :heavy_multiplication_x: rmlint repo
rnd64 multi-threaded random data generator :heavy_multiplication_x: RND64
rng-tools daemon to use hardware TRNG :heavy_check_mark: includes rngtest
rooster CLI password manager :heavy_multiplication_x: rooster scrypt, AES-256, HMAC-SHA256
rosaimagewriter USB Flash tool :heavy_multiplication_x:
rosegarden music editor :heavy_check_mark:
rsmangler word permutations :heavy_multiplication_x:
rsnapshot filesystem snapshot :heavy_check_mark:
rssh restricted shell :heavy_check_mark: give user only: scp, sftp, rsync
rst2pdf ReText to PDF :heavy_check_mark:
rsyncrypto rsync encryption :heavy_check_mark:
rtgen rainbow table generator :heavy_multiplication_x: rtgen md5 loweralpha-numeric 1 5 0 3800 33554432 0
ruby Ruby interpreter :heavy_check_mark: irb
rustbuster web fuzzer :heavy_multiplication_x: rustbuster
rustc Rust compiler :heavy_multiplication_x:
rustdesk remote desktop :heavy_multiplication_x: rustdesk repo
rymdport encrypted file sharing :heavy_multiplication_x: rymdport
s-tui CLI hardware monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: s-tui
samhain IDS :heavy_check_mark:
sampler CLI visualisation tool :heavy_multiplication_x: sampler
sane document scan tools :heavy_check_mark:
sane-airscan SANE network scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: sane-airscan
savedesktop desktop config save :heavy_multiplication_x: SaveDesktop
sbackup simple backup :heavy_check_mark:
scalpel file recovery/data carver :heavy_check_mark: scalpel
scamper network measurement tool :heavy_check_mark:
scrcpy Android screen connector :heavy_check_mark: scrcpy
screenruler pixel ruler :heavy_check_mark:
screenstudio screencast creator :heavy_multiplication_x: ScreenStudio
scribus desktop publisher/PDF editor :heavy_check_mark:
scrypt encryption utility :heavy_check_mark: scrypt
secure-delete wipe files/swap/memory :heavy_check_mark:
sendemail CLI email client :heavy_check_mark:
sendmail mail agent :heavy_check_mark:
sentry brute-force blocker :heavy_multiplication_x: sentry
sfk comprehensive file utilities :heavy_multiplication_x: Swiss File Knife
sg3-utils SCSI utilities :heavy_check_mark:
shellcheck Bash lint :heavy_check_mark: ShellCheck
shellnoob shell code generator :heavy_multiplication_x: shellnoob
shellpic preview images in SSH :heavy_multiplication_x: shellpic
sherlock OSINT tool :heavy_multiplication_x: sherlock
shotcut video editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Shotcut
shwr HTML presentations :heavy_multiplication_x: Shwr
siege server stress tester :heavy_check_mark:
sigil eBook editor :heavy_multiplication_x: Sigil
silver-searcher source code grep :heavy_multiplication_x: TSS
simplebackup backup utility :heavy_check_mark:
simplescreenrecorder record programs :heavy_multiplication_x: SSR
simon voice recognition :heavy_check_mark:
singlefilez webpage archiver :heavy_multiplication_x: SingleFileZ
sipcrack SIP log-in dumper/cracker :heavy_check_mark:
sipvicious audit SIP-based VoIP systems :heavy_multiplication_x:
sirikali GUI for gocryptfs/encfs/securefs :heavy_multiplication_x: SiriKali
skeema CLI MySQL schema management :heavy_multiplication_x: skeema
sk1 vector graphics editor :heavy_multiplication_x: sK1
skipfish web app recon tool :heavy_check_mark:
skrooge money accounting :heavy_check_mark:
skype VoIP telephony :heavy_multiplication_x: skype
slack-desktop team messenger :heavy_check_mark: proprietary
slate pixel art editor :heavy_multiplication_x: slate
slowhttptest server stress tool :heavy_check_mark:
slurm bandwidth monitor :heavy_check_mark:
smartdeblur restore blurred images :heavy_multiplication_x: SmartDeblur
smartmontools monitor/control storage that supports SMART :heavy_check_mark: contains smartctl
smbclient Samba client :heavy_check_mark:
smbmap SMB network mapper :heavy_multiplication_x: smbmap
smc GUI system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: smc
smem memory reporting tool :heavy_check_mark:
smemstat memory monitoring tool :heavy_check_mark:
smilla-enlarger image upscaler :heavy_multiplication_x: smilla-enlarger
smplayer video player :heavy_check_mark: GPU acceleration
snapper BTRFS filesystem snapshots :heavy_check_mark:
sngrep SIP messages flow viewer :heavy_check_mark: Sngrep wiki
snort IDS :heavy_check_mark:
sntop poll servers :heavy_check_mark: uses ping
socat relay for bidirectional data transfer :heavy_check_mark:
softethervpn VPN :heavy_multiplication_x:
sonic-pi coding synth :heavy_check_mark:
sol-r ray tracer :heavy_multiplication_x: Sol-R
sox CLI audio file manipulator :heavy_check_mark:
sparta internal network infrastructure pen tool :heavy_multiplication_x: sparta
sparkleshare Dropbox alternative using SSH and Git :heavy_check_mark:
spectre-meltdown-checker Spectre and Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker :heavy_multiplication_x: spectre-meltdown-checker
speedtest-cli CLI Internet bandwidth speed tester :heavy_check_mark: speedtest-cli pip install speedtest-cli
speedometer CLI network traffic monitor :heavy_check_mark:
spek acoustic spectrum analyser :heavy_check_mark: spek
spirit MySQL online schema changer :heavy_multiplication_x: spirit
splint C linter :heavy_check_mark:
sqlbrute brute-force SQL injection :heavy_multiplication_x: SQLBrute
sqlcipher SQLite encryption :heavy_check_mark:
sqlite3 SQLite :heavy_check_mark:
sqlitebrowser SQLite GUI :heavy_check_mark: simpler than sqliteman
sqliteman SQLite GUI :heavy_check_mark: SQLiteStudio is better for unicode data import
sqlitestudio SQLite GUI :heavy_multiplication_x: SQLiteStudio repo
sqlmap SQL injection tool :heavy_check_mark: SQLMap repo
sqlninja Microsoft SQL Server injection :heavy_multiplication_x: sqlninja
sqlsus MySQL attacker :heavy_multiplication_x:
srm secure file deletion :heavy_multiplication_x: SRM slow, punishing on SSDs
ssldump SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyser :heavy_check_mark:
sshguard SSH brute-force protection :heavy_check_mark: SSHGuard more intelligent than fail2ban
sslscan SSL scanner :heavy_check_mark:
ssh-audit SSH config analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: ssh-audit
sshfs mount remote filesystem :heavy_check_mark: GNOME already does this through gvfs
sshpass send password to SCP etc from script :heavy_check_mark:
sshsysmon server monitoring via SSH :heavy_multiplication_x: SshSysMon repo
sshtalk SSH chat server :heavy_multiplication_x:
sshuttle VPN over SSH :heavy_check_mark: sshuttle TCP, not UDP or ICMP
stacer GUI system monitor/manager/optimiser :heavy_multiplication_x: Stacer
standardnotes cross-platform encrypted notes app :heavy_multiplication_x: standardnotes repo includes Android
statsprocessor word generator :heavy_multiplication_x:
statusok website/API monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: statusok
strace system call tracer :heavy_check_mark:
stress CPU/memory/disk stresser :heavy_check_mark:
stress-ng advanced system stresser :heavy_check_mark:
structure-synth 3D structure generator :heavy_check_mark:
stunnel SSL tunnel for own apps :heavy_check_mark: STunnel
subbrute enumerate DNS records/subdomains :heavy_multiplication_x: subbrute
subversion SVN :heavy_check_mark:
sucrack su multi-threaded brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark:
sunflow raytracer :heavy_check_mark: Java-based
suricata IDS :heavy_check_mark:
sux su for X :heavy_check_mark:
svar voice activated recorder :heavy_multiplication_x: svar
svg-edit SVG editor :heavy_multiplication_x:
swaks SMTP test tool :heavy_check_mark:
swatch log file event notifier :heavy_check_mark:
sxid SUID/SGID/dir checker :heavy_check_mark:
symphytum personal database :heavy_multiplication_x: symphytum
syncthing sync cloud/network app :heavy_multiplication_x: Syncthing
synfig vector 2D animation :heavy_check_mark:
sysbench system benchmarker :heavy_check_mark: info
sysdig system exploration/troubleshooting :heavy_check_mark:
sysmontask GUI system monitor, Windows-style :heavy_multiplication_x: SysMonTask
sysstat system stats/benchmarking :heavy_check_mark: sar is binary log reader
system-config-lvm LVM partitioning GUI :heavy_check_mark:
system-config-samba Samba GUI :heavy_check_mark:
systemd-ui systemd GUI :heavy_check_mark: systemadm
systemdgenie systemd utility :heavy_multiplication_x: systemdgenie
systemtap kernel instrumentation :heavy_check_mark:
sysv-rc-conf SysV runlevel config :heavy_check_mark: use apt
tabview CLI CSV viewer :heavy_multiplication_x: tabview pip install tabview
taskwarrior CLI ToDo list :heavy_multiplication_x: Taskwarrior
tasque task manager :heavy_check_mark:
tcpdump CLI network traffic analyser :heavy_check_mark:
tcpflow TCP flow recorder :heavy_check_mark:
tcpick TCP stream sniffer/connection tracker :heavy_check_mark:
tcpreplay replay saved tcpdump files :heavy_check_mark:
tcpslice extract from/stitch tcpdump files :heavy_check_mark:
tcpspy TCP/IP connections logger :heavy_check_mark:
tcptrace graphical tcpdump output :heavy_check_mark:
tcptrack monitor tcp network connections :heavy_check_mark:
tcpxtract extract files from network traffic :heavy_check_mark:
terminalizer record terminal actions :heavy_multiplication_x: terminalizer
terminator multiple terminals :heavy_check_mark:
terminix CLI emulator :heavy_multiplication_x: terminix
termpix CLI image viewer :heavy_multiplication_x: termpix
termshark TUI Wireshark :heavy_multiplication_x: termshark
testdisk disk/partition recovery tool :heavy_check_mark: TestDisk
tesseract-ocr OCR processor :heavy_check_mark:
texmaker LaTeX editor :heavy_check_mark:
textadept minimalist cross-platform text editor :heavy_multiplication_x: textadept repo
textosaurus text editor (Qt/Scintilla) :heavy_multiplication_x: textosaurus
texttospeech text speaker :heavy_multiplication_x: texttospeech
thonny Python editor/IDE :heavy_check_mark: Thonny
thorium lighter faster Chromium :heavy_multiplication_x: thorium
tkdiff GUI for diff :heavy_multiplication_x: tkdiff
tig CLI Git info viewer :heavy_check_mark:
tiger report root vulnerabilities :heavy_check_mark:
tigervnc remote desktop :heavy_check_mark:
tightvnc remote desktop :heavy_check_mark:
timeshift system restore utility :heavy_check_mark:
tinyproxy non-caching HTTP proxy :heavy_check_mark:
tlp laptop power manager :heavy_multiplication_x: TLP
tmsu file tagging app :heavy_multiplication_x: TMSU
tmux CLI multiplexer :heavy_check_mark:
todo.txt CLI ToDo notes :heavy_multiplication_x: todo.txt
tofromdos EOL character converter :heavy_check_mark:
tomahawk media player :heavy_check_mark:
tor anonymising overlay :heavy_check_mark: get source, not repo version
torsocks use SOCKS-friendly apps with Tor :heavy_check_mark: e.g. SSH
trace-cmd kernel function tracing analyser :heavy_check_mark:
traceroute trace packets :heavy_check_mark:
trafshow show network traffic :heavy_check_mark: see Netdiag
transmageddon media file converter :heavy_check_mark:
trash-cli CLI trash bin control :heavy_check_mark: trash-empty, trash-list
tree CLI directory tree lister :heavy_check_mark:
treeline TreePadLite/XML/bookmark editor :heavy_check_mark: Treeline
treepadlite notes manager :heavy_multiplication_x: TreePadLite
trelby screenwriting program :heavy_multiplication_x: Trelby
trickle bandwidth throttler :heavy_check_mark:
trimage PNG/JPG compressor :heavy_check_mark:
trupax encrypt files and folders :heavy_multiplication_x: TruPax
tshark CLI Wireshark :heavy_check_mark:
tsung HTTP benchmark and database tester :heavy_check_mark: TSung sophisticated
tt-rss tiny tiny RSS :heavy_check_mark:
ttf-mscorefonts-installer Microsoft TTF fonts :heavy_check_mark:
tuc improved cut :heavy_multiplication_x: tuc
tuptime historical (total) uptime :heavy_check_mark:
tuxguitar music app including scoresheet :heavy_check_mark: Tuxguitar
typora Markdown/Mermaid editor :heavy_check_mark: Typora
uberwriter Markdown editor :heavy_multiplication_x: UberWriter repo
ubuntu-tweak Ubuntu config tool :heavy_check_mark: use apt
udptunnel tunnel UDP over TCP :heavy_check_mark:
ugui_flif GUI for FLIF :heavy_multiplication_x: UGUI_FLIF
ufraw RAW processor :heavy_check_mark: UFRaw
uftrace C program tracer :heavy_check_mark:
ufw firewall :heavy_check_mark:
ugrep advanced grep :heavy_check_mark: ugrep
umplayer video player :heavy_multiplication_x: supposed better DVD playback than VLC
uncrustify code formatter :heavy_check_mark:
unetbootin ISO to USB boot :heavy_check_mark:
unhide find hidden processes :heavy_check_mark:
unhtml remove HTML tags from file :heavy_check_mark:
unison CLI file sync tool :heavy_check_mark: unison
unison-gtk GUI for unison :heavy_check_mark:
units CLI unit converter :heavy_check_mark:
unoconv Microsoft Office .doc converter :heavy_multiplication_x: Unoconv
unshield extract .cab files from InstallShield :heavy_check_mark:
unsnap migrate Snap to Flatpak :heavy_multiplication_x: unsnap
unsort jumbles lines in file :heavy_check_mark:
upscayl image upscaler :heavy_multiplication_x: upscayl
urlwatch webpage update monitor :heavy_check_mark:
usbimager leightweight USB image writer :heavy_multiplication_x: usbimager
usbview GUI lsusb :heavy_check_mark: usbview
usermanager GUI user/group manager :heavy_multiplication_x: UserManager
valac Vala compiler :heavy_check_mark:
valentinastudio MySQL/PostgreSQL/MSSQL browser :heavy_multiplication_x: Valentina Studio
valgrind memory debugger and profiler :heavy_check_mark:
valkyrie GUI for valgrind :heavy_check_mark:
vbindiff visual binary file compare :heavy_check_mark:
vega web app tester :heavy_multiplication_x: Java-based
vegeta HTTP load tester :heavy_multiplication_x: vegeta
ventoy create bootable USB drives :heavy_multiplication_x: Ventoy repo
veracrypt TrueCrypt replacement :heavy_multiplication_x: VeraCrypt
veusz GUI scientific plotter :heavy_check_mark: Veusz
vidalia Tor GUI frontend :heavy_check_mark:
video-trimmer video editor :heavy_multiplication_x: video-trimmer
vim code/text editor :heavy_check_mark:
vinagre GNOME remote desktop client :heavy_check_mark:
vinetto interrogate thumbs.db files :heavy_check_mark:
virt-manager GUI VM manager :heavy_check_mark: virt-manager good options range; still 'experimental'
virtualbox virtual machines :heavy_check_mark: Virtual Box GPU acceleration
vizex disk usage visualiser :heavy_multiplication_x: vizex
visual studio code code editor/IDE :heavy_multiplication_x: Visual Studio Code also vscodium and a snap
vivaldi highly-customisable browser :heavy_multiplication_x: Vivaldi
vmware virtual machines :heavy_check_mark: GPU acceleration
vnstat CLI network traffic monitor :heavy_check_mark:
vobcopy CD/MP4 track copier :heavy_check_mark:
voiphopper VoIP security testing tool :heavy_multiplication_x:
voipong VoIP sniffer/call detector :heavy_multiplication_x:
vokoscreen screencast creator :heavy_check_mark:
vpaint vector paint :heavy_multiplication_x: VPaint
vrfy verify email addresses :heavy_check_mark:
vrms virtual Richard Stallman: list non-free packages :heavy_check_mark:
vscodium VS Code without telemetry :heavy_multiplication_x: VSCodium
w3af web app vulnerability framework :heavy_check_mark:
waidps wireless auditing + IDS :heavy_multiplication_x: waidps
wallpaperd wallpaper rotator :heavy_multiplication_x:
wammu (old) phone manager, info exporter :heavy_check_mark:
wapiti web app vulnerability scanner :heavy_check_mark:
warehouse flatpak manager :heavy_multiplication_x: warehouse
warpinator LAN file transfer :heavy_check_mark: warpinator
watchman directory monitor tool :heavy_multiplication_x: watchman
wavemon wireless network monitor :heavy_check_mark:
wbox HTTP testing tool and config-less HTTP server :heavy_check_mark:
wdiff word diff :heavy_check_mark: extended diff
webcamoid webcam tool :heavy_multiplication_x: Webcamoid
weborf HTTP network file sharing :heavy_check_mark: weborf
webp webp-pixbuf-loader :heavy_check_mark:
webshag web server auditor :heavy_multiplication_x:
webslayer web app brute-forcer :heavy_multiplication_x:
wfuzz web app brute-forcer :heavy_check_mark: wfuzz
wget web file retriever :heavy_check_mark:
whatweb web scanner :heavy_check_mark:
whipper CD ripper :heavy_multiplication_x: whipper
whiptail TUI shell interface :heavy_check_mark:
whois WHOIS client :heavy_check_mark:
whowatch user login monitoring :heavy_check_mark:
whycanticonnect connection analyser :heavy_multiplication_x: Why Can't I Connect?
wicd wireless manager :heavy_check_mark:
wifite CLI wireless auditor/attacker :heavy_check_mark:
wig web app info gatherer :heavy_multiplication_x: wig e.g CMS version
winff GUI media converter using ffmpeg/avconv :heavy_check_mark: uses ffmpeg
wings3d 3D modeller :heavy_check_mark:
wireguard VPN :heavy_multiplication_x: WireGuard
wireshark GUI network traffic analyser :heavy_check_mark:
wkhtmltopdf HTML to PDF :heavy_check_mark: WebKit-based
wordgrinder CLI wordprocessor :heavy_multiplication_x: WordGrinder
workrave RSI timer :heavy_check_mark:
wpscan WordPress scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: wpscan repo
wpseku WordPress security scanner :heavy_multiplication_x: WPSeku
wrk2 HTTP benchmarker :heavy_multiplication_x: wrk2
wtop Apache top :heavy_multiplication_x: wtop
wuzz CLI HTTP inspection tool :heavy_multiplication_x: wuzz
x264 video encoder :heavy_check_mark:
x265 video compressor :heavy_multiplication_x: x265
x2go remote GUI connection :heavy_multiplication_x: X2Go with SSH
x86info CPU info :heavy_check_mark:
xa65 6502 CPU cross-assembler :heavy_check_mark: xa65
xanmod kernel performance patch :heavy_multiplication_x: XanMod
xaos fractals :heavy_check_mark:
xauth X authentication - needed for remote X GUI :heavy_check_mark:
xcalib X monitor calibration :heavy_check_mark: includes screen inverter
xchm .chm file reader :heavy_check_mark:
xclip CLI to X clipboard :heavy_check_mark:
xdebug phpN-xdebug :heavy_check_mark: where 'N' is version
xdg-app app sandbox :heavy_multiplication_x: ppa:alexlarsson/xdg-app
xdotool simulate keyboard/mouse inputs :heavy_check_mark:
xfractint fractals :heavy_check_mark:
xicc set ICC colour profile for X :heavy_check_mark:
xiphos Bible :heavy_check_mark:
xmlcopyeditor XML editor :heavy_check_mark:
xmlint XML linter :heavy_check_mark:
xnee X user-action recorder :heavy_check_mark:
xnretro retro photo effects :heavy_multiplication_x:
xowa Wikipedia reader :heavy_multiplication_x: Xowa
xplico network analysis :heavy_multiplication_x: Xplico browser-based
xplot simple data plotter :heavy_check_mark:
xpra attach/detach X programs :heavy_check_mark:
xprobe remote OS identification :heavy_check_mark: NMap-like, calls xprobe2
xrandr-invert-colors X screen inverter :heavy_multiplication_x: xic xcalib alternative
xrdp RDP server :heavy_check_mark:
xresprobe X resolution probe :heavy_check_mark:
xsane document scanner GUI :heavy_check_mark:
xscreensaver-data-extra extra GNOME screensavers :heavy_check_mark:
xsensors temperature sensors GUI :heavy_check_mark:
xspy keylogger :heavy_multiplication_x: !
xsser XSS auditor :heavy_multiplication_x:
xsuspender suspend inactive X11 apps :heavy_multiplication_x: xsuspender
xul-ext-lightning Thunderbird calendar :heavy_check_mark:
xsel access X clipboard (pipe in/out) :heavy_check_mark:
xz-utils xz files :heavy_check_mark:
yara EXE malware identifier :heavy_check_mark:
youtube-dl YouTube downloader :heavy_check_mark:
youtube-dl-gui youtube-dl GUI :heavy_multiplication_x: youtube-dl-gui
yersinia network vulnerability checker :heavy_check_mark:
zabbix network monitoring package :heavy_check_mark:
zap zed attack proxy :heavy_multiplication_x: web app vulnerabilities
zbar-tools QR and barcode utilities :heavy_check_mark: zbarimg
zeal programming language docs browser :heavy_check_mark: Zeal
zeit GUI for at and cron :heavy_multiplication_x: zeit
zenith TUI system monitor :heavy_multiplication_x: zenith
zenity shell dialog boxes :heavy_check_mark:
zenmap NMap GUI :heavy_check_mark:
zentyal server GUI set-up + MS Exchange replacement :heavy_check_mark:
zerotier easy VPN :heavy_multiplication_x: ZeroTier
zim 'desktop wiki' notepad :heavy_check_mark:
zint barcode generator :heavy_multiplication_x: zint
zipcmp zip contents comparison :heavy_check_mark:
zmap large network scanner :heavy_check_mark: no actual connects like NMap, open ports
zopfli zlib/gzip compressor :heavy_check_mark: zopfli
zurmo CRM :heavy_multiplication_x: Zurmo
zzuf app fuzzer :heavy_check_mark: zzuf


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