gatling-kafka-plugin copied to clipboard
Failed to build request: No attribute named inputPayload
I am getting this error when i am running the test with more than 40 request per second for at leat 40second.
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
producedData-to-kafka: Failed to build request: No attribute n 1 (100.0%) amed 'inputPayload' is defined
I can see messages are getting dropped .
sample code :
val random: Random = new Random(1) def getProducer(lines: String, properties: Properties): ScenarioBuilder = {
val abcdMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String]();
val it = properties.stringPropertyNames().iterator();
val key:String =;
val value1:String = ""+ properties.get(key);
abcdMap +=(key->value1)
val kafkaProducer: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("custom-producer")
val currentTimeInMs = System.currentTimeMillis().toString;
val newPayload:String = lines.replace("\"${currentTimestamp}\"", currentTimeInMs)
val rValue:String = abcdMap(""+random.nextInt(5000))
val newPayload2 = newPayload.replace("${custom_cid}",rValue)
val newSession = session.set("inputPayload",newPayload2)
With high rps its not able to extract the value from session any reason why this is happening ?