asterisk-voicekit-modules icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Non-blocking Asterisk modules for accessing VoiceKit services for speech recognition and speech synthesis.


This document provides a brief description of the VoiceKit modules for Asterisk. Each module may be used individually although there are shared thitd party repositories.

Following presentation may be helpful for Russian speakers as an introduction:


See INSTALL files for corresponding modules.


See 'examples' directory for dial-plan and configuration examples.

You may also build Docker image or use pre-built one with STT and TTS demo using your API credentials.

Building demo Docker image

  1. Put your API credentials into api_key and secret_key variables at container-mnt/grpcstt.conf and container-mnt/grpcstt.conf

  2. Build image:

docker build -t asterisk-voicekit-demo .
  1. Run container in foreground mode:
docker run -it --network=host --mount type=bind,src="$PWD/container-mnt",dst=/mnt asterisk-voicekit-demo

NOTE: System-wide Asterisk must be stopped if running!

Using pre-built Docker image

  1. Put your API credentials into api_key and secret_key variables at container-mnt/grpcstt.conf and container-mnt/grpcstt.conf

  2. Run container in foreground mode:

docker run -it --network=host --mount type=bind,src="$PWD/container-mnt",dst=/mnt tinkoffcreditsystems/asterisk-voicekit-modules:`git describe --tags`

NOTE: System-wide Asterisk must be stopped if running!

NOTE: The modules repository must be at recent release tag for git describe --tags to work properly!

For full list of pre-built images see:

Configuring SIP client

  1. Install Ekiga:
sudo apt-get install ekiga
  1. Configure Ekiga:
  • Set "Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> SIP settings -> Outbound proxy" to "localhost"
  • Add account at "Edit -> Accounts" with following settings:
    • Name: demo-user
    • Registrar: sip
    • User: demo-user
    • Authentication user: demo-user
    • Password: lBwzDjXAwMs94Sn
  • Add contact at "Chat -> Add contact" with following settings:
    • Name: Voicekit parrot
    • Address: sip:parrot
  1. Call contact Voicekit parrot


Since Asterisk is distributed under the GPLv2 license, and the VoiceKit modules are loaded by and directly interface with Asterisk, the GPLv2 license applies to the VoiceKit modules too.

See COPYING files for corresponding modules for details.