Learning-to-Reweight-Examples-for-Robust-Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Higher icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Learning-to-Reweight-Examples-for-Robust-Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Higher copied to clipboard

how is this different from https://github.com/danieltan07/learning-to-reweight-examples/

Open sdafkldkfaj opened this issue 4 months ago • 0 comments

Hi, thanks for this awesome work!

I came across another implementation: https://github.com/danieltan07/learning-to-reweight-examples/, but your version seems so much cleaner. I wonder if you may know the main difference between your version and theirs? I have experience with DL models but have no experience implementing meta-learning stuff, so any information would be much appreciated, thanks!

sdafkldkfaj avatar Apr 12 '24 20:04 sdafkldkfaj