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onReceive :ReceiveChannel<ApiResponse> never triggers
I have created my Socket Interface with the @Receive observeEvents and @Send sendMessage and also the @Receive observeApiMessage methods. I can observe the events when they happen however the observeApiMessage never gets triggered.
interface FlowSocketApi {
fun observeEvents(): ReceiveChannel<WebSocket.Event>
fun send(message: Any): Boolean
fun observeApiMessage(): ReceiveChannel<FlowSocketResponse>
I have a FlowSocket that implements the FlowSocketApi interface and inside my repository i call this.
flowSocketService.observeApiMessage().consumeAsFlow().asLiveData().observeForever {
it?.let {
println("flowMessagesObserver result")
} ?: run {
println("flowMessagesObserver null")
I never see that print logs
where you able to fix it
where you able to fix it
No...nobody cares for this github project!
This my working code
websocketJob = scope.launch( {
for (event in eventChannel) {
when (event) {
is WebSocket.Event.OnConnectionOpened<*> -> receiveMessages()
is WebSocket.Event.OnConnectionFailed -> onConnectionFailed(event.throwable)
is WebSocket.Event.OnConnectionClosed -> onConnectionDropped(event.shutdownReason)
is WebSocket.Event.OnConnectionClosing -> onConnectionClosing(event.shutdownReason)
is WebSocket.Event.OnMessageReceived -> Unit
private fun receiveMessages() {
messagesJob = scope.launch( {
for (message in myService.observeMessage()) {
when (message) {