Add explanations in the user guide about why we want seeding in rlberry, and how to see torch in the user guide. And reseed torch in the init of ExperimentManager.
Adastop do not reuse the seed of the experiment manager. Have a warning if user put a seed in expmanager args.
Be able to use tensorboard with rlberry-trained agents (new feature)
Proposition of outline for Deep rl part of user-guide: - Deep RL experimental design with rlberry - Accessing the neural networks of an agent - hyperparameter optimization in rlberry EDIT:...
Hello, There are some minor compatibility issues in [StableBaselinesAgent](https://rlberry-py.github.io/rlberry/generated/rlberry.agents.stable_baselines.StableBaselinesAgent.html#rlberry.agents.stable_baselines.StableBaselinesAgent). In particular: [WriterWrapper](https://rlberry-py.github.io/rlberry/generated/rlberry.wrappers.WriterWrapper.html#rlberry.wrappers.WriterWrapper) does not work with `StableBaselinesAgent`, it would be nice to be able to access easily evaluations of an...
Change gym_make to be able to record gif for gymnasium envs. For instance, we could get inspiration from https://gist.github.com/botforge/64cbb71780e6208172bbf03cd9293553
The user guide for external libraries needs updating, in order to merge gymnasium and stablebaselines in 1 page and to simplify the stablebaselines page.
I think the outputs in rlberry are not always super nice. It would be interesting to use structured logs, for example dumping the rewards and various metrics in a text...