UnrealImageCapture copied to clipboard
UnrealImageCapture in UE-5.3
These are the steps I followed to get a minimal version of this pipeline working.
I rebuilt the Plugin for UE-5.3, but could not get the Plugin to work properly (There were errors in the CameraCaptureManager_BP
and I could not place it in the Editors).
Similarly to https://github.com/TimmHess/UnrealImageCapture/issues/35, I ended up porting the source files into a project (MyProject
) and building everything in that project. Here are the notes I took along the way:
- Moved from
, the filesCameraCaptureManager.cpp
. - Solve the linking issues by modifying
public class MyProject : ModuleRules
public MyProject(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {
- You should be able to compile the C++ code now using VSCode's build task.
- Check that things are working by looking for
in the Editor's content manager underC++ Classes
. - Drag and drop
into the viewport. - Place a
actor (from the Place Actor Panel) - Set the
to point to theSceneCapture2D
camera. - Open the Level's Blueprint and connect a
Capture Non Blocking
function to aEnhancedInputComponent
that triggers when the desired key-binding is pressed. - Play the map, and press the selected capture key-binding.