UnrealImageCapture copied to clipboard
Access violation
Heya, i'm having some issues when trying to use your plugin (which i greatly appreciate that even exists! shame the others got abandoned) which is triggering an access violation when i try to implement it into my scene.
I've got the CameraCaptureManager_BP in my scene with the same settings (it was basically a copy and paste) from your demo scene.
whilst typing this i noticed there wasnt a "/" in the sub directory name, i tested it with a "/" and still same result.
with the same node network in my level BP
And i've also got the ActorSceneCaptureComp2d as a child of my pawn, just like your demo scene.
But within your demo scene I've also tried to move the network to run the "Capture Float Non Blocking" node inside my actor instead of the level BP and disconnected the network in the level BP. This also seems to trigger a memory access violation in the line.
I don't suppose you've yet to run into this? I'm on UE 5.1.1 My end goal would be to get the image in C++ and not to save to disk. It was great to see that others are looking to try and do this as well as we may be having the same goal. Hoping to get the raw 32bit image later down the line though.