Timandes White
Timandes White
I also think splitting the response is a good idea, but it's probably not compatible with existing codes. I suggest we could provide a parameter, or at least a switch...
Amazing efficiency!
This is a C Client issue. See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-1105 Maybe it'll be fixed in version 3.5.2 or 3.6.0 ... Please close the issue. Thx.
I'm not familiar with that area. Can you help us implement this kind of feature?
Would you try newest version?
See: http://pecl.php.net/package/zookeeper
Did you kill instances before 'getChildren'?
First, I'm not quite sure the situation you mentioned. But I'm sure that Method 'connect' do nothing but save the list of servers. Second, @andreiz uses mt lib of zookeeper....
Simplify the sample client to this: ``` Zookeeper::setDebugLevel(Zookeeper::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); class zookeeper_bug1 { public function connect_cb($type, $event, $string) { echo "Connect Callback\n"; } } $zk = new Zookeeper(); $zk->connect('localhost:2181', array('zookeeper_bug1', 'connect_cb')); while(true){...
Would you try php-zookeeper/php-zookeeper@ab66987 ?