Tim Whiting

Results 186 comments of Tim Whiting

But you are watching it where you are using it for the page view?

Thanks for this, I'll try to reproduce the error and fix the migration tool

I think we should maybe integrate a dartpad workshop or example for this into the documentation: https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-pad/wiki/Workshop-Authoring-Guide. I'm not sure if workshops are embeddable into external websites currently, but the...

How about: ```dart final boxProvider = Provider((_) => null); void main() { await Hive.initFlutter(); final box = Hive.box('storage'); runApp(ProviderScope(overrides: [boxProvider.overrideWithProvider(Provider((_) => box))], child: MyApp())); } ``` This is off the...

^ That would also work. There are several ways of doing this. Personally I feel like my solution is the simplest in terms of lines of code. But you can...

@wujek-srujek Yes your 1. also works. I don't think you are missing out unless there is other logic that needs to happen when the provider is created for the first...

If a provider you depend on is `.autoDispose` then yourself and all of your dependents must also be `.autoDispose`. In this case making `boxFutureProvider` an `AutoDisposeFutureProvider` means that you have...

It is contagious because otherwise there is no point to have a provider be autoDispose if it is always going to be kept alive by a non auto dispose provider.

The state restoration api design document discusses 3 types of state: http://flutter.dev/go/state-restoration-design 1. Domain state - Actual domain data, usually stored in some sort of database / local cache, controlled...