aptly_api_cli copied to clipboard
Command line interface, able to make calls to the complete aptly REST API inclusive further features, written in python and ready to be integrated to a CI-Workflow (JENKINS).
Why do we need another aptly cli interface?
- Because aptly-api-cli has a lot of more features build in.
- aptly-api-cli is made accessible to the python community
- aptly-api-cli utils are already integrated into a CI Workflow
- Additional scripts are offered (see ci-scripts folder), which can be used along your CI jobs (e.g. jenkins)
This python command line interface, executes calls to the Aptly server remotely, without blocking the Aptly database. All functionality from here http://www.aptly.info/doc/api/ is extended by even more useful features, like showing or cleaning out snapshots, packages for couple of repos or mirrors.
You can make either use of the aptly_api_request.py as a starting point for your own application or just use the cli (aptly_api_cli.py) bundled with this repository to execute your requests via command line or run scripts, calling the cli, integrated into a CI Workflow.
This project is in use on production for www.lambdanow.com running on a JENKINS server.
mkvirtualenv aptly-cli
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
./aptly-api-cli --help
python setup.py install
aptly-cli --help
or create a debian package (see debian folder) and install it, locally.
Get started
Quickstart: Look into the ci-scripts folder to explore aptly-cli in action.
How to configure aptly server on a CI with JENKINS?
We use upstart: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ to ensure, aptly server is running (here on Ubuntu 12.04).
Therefore, please create a file: /etc/init/aptly.conf
with content:
description "starting aptly"
author "[email protected]"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
setuid jenkins
/usr/bin/aptly api serve -config=/var/lib/jenkins/.aptly.conf -listen=":9003"
end script
Command Line Options
Show this help message and exit
-h, --help
Build documentation
cd docs
make html
Further functionalities improving your aptly CI workflow.
Create configuration file
Creates standard config file (aptly-cli.conf) at $HOME directory.
aptly_api_cli --create_config
Please Note: You can configure the following keys:
- basic_url: the basic url
- port: the port
- prefixes_mirrors: prefixes for all mirrors that you have created
- repos_to_clean: reponames, which should be searched for to be cleaned out
- package_prefixes: package-prefixes, which should be searched for to be cleaned out
- save_last_pkg: Number of package-versions for each prefix, that should be kept
- save_last_snap: Number of snapshot-versions for each prefix, that should be kept
See an working example (aptly-cli.conf):
# aptly-cli config file
prefixes_mirrors=cloudera, erlang, mongodb2, mongodb_, nginx, puppetmaster, rabbitmq, redis, saltstack2014.7, saltstack2015.5, saltstack_, git
repos_to_clean=unstable-repo, stable-repo
package_prefixes=cluster-manager, puppet-config, ingest-api, camus-etl, aptly-cli
# 3rd party s3 buckets to publish switch to
repos=3rdparty-eu-west-1, 3rdparty-us-east-1
# Pre and postfix of the staging snapshots
staging_snap_pre_post=3rdparty-s3-repo, 3rdparty-staging_snapshot
Get last n snapshots sorted by prefix
Returns the last n snapshots by prefix or optional postfix.
aptly_api_cli --get_last_snapshots=PREFIX NR_OF_VERS [POSTFIX]
Clean out last n snapshots by prefix
Cleans the last n snapshots by prefix or optional postfix.
aptly_api_cli --clean_last_snapshots=PREFIX NR_OF_VERS [POSTFIX]
List all repos and packages
List all repos with their containing packages.
aptly_api_cli --list_repos_and_packages
Get last n packages by reponame and sorted by prefix
Returns the last n packages by reponame, prefix or optional postfix.
aptly_api_cli --get_last_packages=REPO_NAME PREFIX NR_OF_VERS [POSTFIX]
Clean last n packages by reponame and sorted by prefix
Delete the last n packages by reponame, prefix or optional postfix.
--clean_last_packages=REPO_NAME PREFIX NR_OF_VERS [POSTFIX]
Diff all mirror snapshots
Sorts list of snapshots and makes a diff between the last two.
aptly_api_cli --diff_both_last_snapshots_mirrors
Clean all mirror snapshots
Cleans out snapshots, which were taken from mirrors (from config)
aptly_api_cli --clean_mirrored_snapshots
Clean all packages from repos
Cleans out packages globally, which were taken from repo names (from config)
aptly_api_cli --clean_repo_packages
Publish 3rd party staging snapshot to production
Publish the last 3rd party staging snapshot to production (e.g. s3 bucket), only if new content is available. The taken snapshot stems from the script 'update-3rdparty-staging.sh'.
aptly_api_cli --publish_switch_3rdparty_production
CI - Scripts
This script is called by other scripts, just to check if aptly server is alive.
This script is called, whenever we release new software as debian package to staging or production repositories (No 3rd Party).
publish.sh 'cluster-manager' 'unstable'
This script starts the 3rdPartyMirror update chain beginning from staging:
Local Repos API
Local repositories management via REST API.
List all local repos
aptly_api_cli --repo_list
Create empty local repository with specified parameters. REPO_NAME is the name of the repository to create. COMMENT, DISTRIBUTION (e.g.: precise) and COMPONENT (e.g.: main) are optional.
aptly_api_cli --repo_create=REPO_NAME [COMMENT] [DISTRIBUTION] [COMPONENT]
Show basic information about a local repository. REPO_NAME is the name of the repository.
aptly_api_cli --repo_show=REPO_NAME
Show Package
Show all packages of a local repository. REPO_NAME is the name of the repository. PACKAGE_TO_SEARCH (Name of the Package to search for), WITH_DEPS (e.g.: 0 or 1), FORMAT (e.g.: compact or detail) are optional. Please see http://www.aptly.info/doc/api/ for more details.
aptly_api_cli --repo_show_packages=REPO_NAME [PACKAGE_TO_SEARCH] [WITH_DEPS] [FORMAT]
Edit information of a local repository.
Delete repository.
aptly_api_cli --repo_delete=REPO_NAME
Add Packages
Add packages to local repo by key
aptly_api_cli --repo_add_packages_by_key=REPO_NAME PACKAGE_REFS
Delete Packages
Delete packages from repository by key
aptly_api_cli --repo_delete_packages_by_key=REPO_NAME PACKAGE_REFS
File Upload API
Upload package files temporarily to aptly service. These files could be added to local repositories using local repositories API.
All uploaded files are stored under <rootDir>/upload directory (see configuration). This directory would be created automatically if it doesn’t exist.
Uploaded files are grouped by directories to support concurrent uploads from multiple package sources. Local repos add API can operate on directory (adding all files from directory) or on individual package files. By default, all successfully added package files would be removed.
List Directories
Lists all upload-directories.
aptly_api_cli --file_list_dirs
Upload files
Upload file to local upload-directory
aptly_api_cli --file_upload=UPLOAD_DIR FILE
Add Package
Add package from upload folder to local repo
aptly_api_cli --repo_add_package_from_upload=REPO_NAME UPLOAD_DIR PACKAGE_NAME
List files
List uploaded files
aptly_api_cli --file_list
Delete directory
Delete upload directory
aptly_api_cli --file_delete_dir=UPLOAD_DIR
Delete file
Delete a file in upload directory
aptly_api_cli --file_delete=UPLOAD_DIR FILE
Snapshot API
Snapshot management APIs.
Snapshot is a immutable package reference list taken from local repository, mirror or result of other snapshot processing.
Create snapshot from local repo
Create snapshot from local repo by giving the snapshot and repo name as parameter. A description is optional.
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_create_from_local_repo=SNAPSHOT_NAME REPO_NAME [DESCRIPTION]
Create snapshot by package references
Create snapshot by package references. The snapshot name, a comma separated list of snapshots and package references should be given as parameter. A description is optional.
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_create_by_pack_refs=SNAPSHOT_NAME SOURCE_SNAPSHOTS PACKAGE_REF_LIST [DESCRIPTION]
Snapshot show
Show basic information about snapshot
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_show=SNAPSHOT_NAME
Snapshot show packages
Show all packages the snapshot is containing or optionally search for one.
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_show_packages=SNAPSHOT_NAME [PACKAGE_TO_SEARCH] [WITH_DEPS] [FORMAT]
Update snapshot
Rename snapshot and optionally change description
Snapshot list
Lists all available snapshots
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_list
Snapshot diff
List differences of two snapshots
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_diff=LEFT_SNAPSHOT_NAME RIGHT_SNAPSHOT_NAME
Snapshot delete
Delete snapshot by name. Optionally force deletion.
aptly_api_cli --snapshot_delete=SNAPSHOT_NAME [FORCE_DELETION]
Publish API
Manages published repositories.
Publish list
List all available repositories to publish to
aptly_api_cli --publish_list
Publish snapshot or repository to storage
Publish drop
Drop published repo content
aptly_api_cli --publish_drop=PREFIX DISTRIBUTION [FORCE_REMOVAL]
Publish switch
Switching snapshots to published repo with minimal server down time.
Misc API
Returns aptly version
aptly_api_cli --get_version
Package API
APIs related to packages on their own.
Package show
Show packages by key
aptly_api_cli --package_show_by_key=PACKAGE_KEY