goodwe-sems-home-assistant copied to clipboard
Extending of attributes
Hello , great work, i am using your plugin to water heating and i cannot found some sems attributes stored in powerflow ,like actual load,battery status.... I extended you script function update(self) of this code.
#add info from pwerflow \n
res_data = jsonResponseFinal['data']['powerflow']
self._attributes.update({'pv': float(res_data['pv'][:-3]),
'battery': float(res_data['bettery'][:-3]),
'load': float(res_data['load'][:-3]),
'loadstatus': int(res_data['loadStatus']),
'grid': float(res_data['grid'][:-3]),
'gridstatus': int(res_data['gridStatus'])})
Can you please implement those attributes to sems plugin in next versions ?