Timofei Pushkin
Timofei Pushkin
Если вызывать `VK.executeSync()` с параметром `GroupsService().groupsGetMembers()`, не передавая в него дополнительные поля в параметре `fields`, то запрос падает с ошибкой ``` com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was NUMBER at path...
Improve marker search results ranking to weight text fields differently: results whose title matches the query should be ranked higher than the ones whose location or description matches. E.g. use...
Markers that have a description should be somehow highlighted on the map
Software keyboard state (shown / hidden) in search screen should be retained across screen rotations
Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty at SPbU is divided into several parts, which is reflected in room names. It could be also reflected on the map somehow to help students get...
Add floating action button opening a menu of checkboxes using which a user would be able to pick only the markers they want to see. The categories to choose from...
[`setup_default_logger()`](https://github.com/JetBrains-Research/cuBool/blob/ab425e17000af8763e7b2cdf020589f8b2db371d/python/pycubool/utils.py#L51) creates log files with names in format "cubool-*.textlog" in pycubool's install directory. After this, when pycubool is initialized the next time, if `CUBOOL_PATH` is not set, pycubool iterates over...