Results 20 comments of Tim_Paik

来自一名色弱用户的建议:未匹配到的拼音的声调可以再淡一些,建议比拼音淡。我个人比较难以分清目前的音调是否正确(是青色还是灰色),但实际上是错觉居多,因为如果有一个音调正确的青色在旁边的话就很容易分辨了。 色弱其实并不是没法区别颜色,而是对颜色的基准比平常人更宽,有了对比就很好辨认了,所以建议错误的拼音可以比字更淡,这样就能很好的辨认青色or灰色

I thought maybe it would be better to mention this in the readme or docs? To prevent someone from having similar problems again

@Stapxs 你那之前登录过的能正常登录吗?

additional screenshot from ![swr](

Are you referring to SF Pro? If yes, is it possible for us to use ss06 only on mac devices? Because other devices do not use SF Pro as the...

Is there any progress? Maybe I raise a PR to remove this feature?

I had the same problem, trying to delete `~/.config/pulse/` seems to solve it.

`Noto Sans CJK SC`, file name `/usr/share/fonts/noto-cjk/NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc`

> I believe CJK glyphs are not included in `Noto Sans Mono`. CJK glyphs are only included in `Noto CJK` fonts in the Noto font project. `Noto Sans CJK` uses...