Till Stensitzki
Till Stensitzki
Thanks, thats quite helpful!
It could be that I misunderstood the docstring of `generate_bindings`. My understanding was that `niceobj_prefix='Motor'` will automatically put all functions with the prefix into a NiceObj. This should work well...
By the way, it seems the current version of `generate_bindings` is not working at all, correct? It calls ```python header_paths, predef_path = handle_header_path(header_info) ``` But handle_header_path also requires the basedir.
As a stop-gap solution I wrote a simpler [binding generator](https://gist.github.com/Tillsten/2bf80d7c75c7da204f17521acc3ca54e) based on the argnames dict of the low-level binding.
Also related, it there a way to access the original type of a function argument? The types which are accessible via cffi are already in a reduced form (e.g. most...
Is it possible to just modify the `ArgNameGrabber`? My problem is I have no experience with parsing and don't really what kind of node I am looking for. Playing around,...
Same goes for `sympy.fourier_transform(exp(-I*a*t), t, k)`.
I think i have a prototype doing that, if no one works on this before i will have a look after christmas. The whole axis code seems quite convoluted for...
First of all, thanks for you great work. Levmar seems to be faster then scipy.leastsq. 1. No, i did not. 2. No constrains were given. 3. I will try to...
Sorry for the Delay, the problem is more mysterious then i taught. You are right, simply return a float32 does nothing. But without a float64 conversion, the program crashes sometimes....