
Results 21 comments of 小虎故洞

Thanks for your reply. `HTPP_PROXY` is a common environmental variable, using it will cause other programs to proxy. if I want the proxy only effective on Apprise, the dedicated variable...

By the way, you can provide both `HTTP_PROXY` and `APPRISE_PROXY`, either needn’t be deprecated.

For better way to create RSS links, you could use RSSHub Radar (Browser Extensions) and RSSBud on ios14. You can find it in home page from docs.rsshub.app. But the only...


> 有svip吗? 没有,不过我下载并发数和线程数都是设置的1,应该跟这个关系不大

图片补充 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55782476/219951971-35f193de-e19b-4e72-afa4-c5707b4aecde.jpeg) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55782476/219952236-ea30f6f2-a612-4d44-8e95-008b067669bb.jpeg)

> 为什么不行啊,填入cookies之后,点击测试会报错 ![屏幕截图 2023-07-15 132329](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83736218/253720596-f46b6106-9b5b-415a-8635-d2f6059b51c5.png) 在已登录贴吧的浏览器上访问 http://tieba.baidu.com/tbmall/onekeySignin1 ,是否显示为 `error": "forums is signed"`?


> 显示的是其他的`"error":"there is no forum"` 我测试了下,百度贴吧一键签到api返回逻辑是这样的 1. 当贴吧成功签到时,返回 `"error": "success"` 2. 当所有贴吧已经签到过时,返回 `"error": "forums is signed"` 3. 当其他贴吧都已签到且存在7级以下的未签到贴吧时,返回 `"error": "there is no forum"` 贴吧官方的自动签到功能只对七级以上的贴吧生效,除非开会员,这是百度的限制。 以下是样本(按123顺序): ``` { "no": 0, "error":...