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Penetration Testing Guide
Getting Started
Install sphinx and the "Read The Docs" theme:
$ pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
I've tried to stick to a layout throughout (early on I did not, if you see pages that don't match the style I'm about to describe, feel free to fix them).
Section Headings
The page title should be at the top of the page and use the following syntax. Note that the #'s must appear above and below the title, and must span the width of the title.
Page Title
Sections, subsections, etc use a similar syntax, but do not require an overline:
If anything lower than the subsubsection is required, it is suggested that bold text is used.
Code Examples
Code blocks can be placed like so:
.. code-block:: bash
code goes here
If possible, avoid showing prompt characters (e.g. $, #, or C:>) unless necessary for the example.
For inline code, use:
:code:`inline code goes here`
Additional Markup
There is a very useful basic guide to Sphinx/reStructuredText here:
How to compile after making alterations:
$ pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
$ make clean && make html
The compiled html will be in the _build directory.