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Make Vivaldi integrate with Arc.


Arc for Vivaldi is a custom css file that integrates Vivaldi's UI with Arc (or Arc Grey), a popular GTK theme. Optionally integrate with Arc Grey instead of vanilla Arc.

User drakkar1969 forked this skin and almost completely rewrote it. You might like his fork more than mine, find his fork here

Note: drakkar's css is much nicer and more customizable than mine, and he changed way more of the interface than I did. Moreover he's more active in updating his fork than I am in updating this. My time is mostly being focused on other projects nowadays, especially Isabella. I'll still maintain Arc for Vivaldi until drakkar's fork gets enough attention to replace it, and I will help with issues if you find any. However I highly recommend you switch to drakkar's fork because I don't even use Arc or this skin anymore, and am working on a new one. Sorry for any inconvenience.


First, find style in your Vivaldi install directory. It should be in the following places depending on your platform:

Linux: /opt/vivaldi/resources/vivaldi/style
Windows: %localappdata%\Vivaldi\Application\[version]\resources\vivaldi\style
Mac: /Applications/[version]/Vivaldi Framework.framework/Resources/vivaldi/style


If you just want to integrate with Arc, save arc.css in the style folder. (You should be left with a folder structure like this: resources/vivaldi/style/arc.css)
Then open resources/vivaldi/browser.html in a text and add the following to <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/arc.css" />

If you want to integrate with arc-grey instead of Arc, save arc-grey.css in the same folder as arc.css and then open browser.html again and add <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/arc-grey.css" /> under the code from the last step.

If you want to use the Arc window buttons instead of Vivaldi's default window buttons, save the arc folder in style as well.

Note: You may like the way this theme generally looks but not want to use Arc's window buttons. If you'd prefer not to use Arc's window buttons, open arc.css in a text editor and find line 173 for instructions on how to not use them.

Also note: Arc's scrollbars only get applied to internal pages and, as far as I know, there's nothing I can do about that from within a custom css file for Vivaldi. But I also wrote a userstyle that you can use to apply the scrollbars on websites. Install it here.

Note also: Because Vivaldi features a built-in theme editor, it is easier to create a custom Arc theme and then to use this CSS on top of that theme. This custom CSS is necessary to integrate with Arc because you cannot currently customize every aspect of Vivaldi from the editor. See below.

Arc theme settings: Arc Dark theme settings: Arc Darker theme settings:
Background: #e7e8eb Background: #2f343f Background: #f5f6f7
Foreground: #303030 Foreground: #d3dae3 Foreground: #7a8b94
Highlight: #5294e2 Highlight: #5294e2 Highlight: #5294e2
Accent: #f9f9fa Accent: #383c4a Accent: #2f343f
[ ] Apply Accent Color to Window [ ] Apply Accent Color to Window [x] Apply Accent Color to Window
[x] Transparent Tabs [x] Transparent Tabs [x] Transparent Tabs
Corner Rounding: 2px Corner Rounding: 2px Corner Rounding: 2px
Arc Grey theme settings: Arc Grey Dark theme settings: Arc Grey Darker theme settings:
Background: #e8e8e8 Background: #383838 Background: #f5f5f5
Foreground: #757575 Foreground: #dbdbdb Foreground: #6b6b6b
Highlight: #999999 Highlight: #999999 Highlight: #999999
Accent: #f5f5f5 Accent: #4a4a4a Accent: #4a4a4a
[ ] Apply Accent Color to Window [ ] Apply Accent Color to Window [x] Apply Accent Color to Window
[x] Transparent Tabs [x] Transparent Tabs [x] Transparent Tabs
Corner Rounding: 2px Corner Rounding: 2px Corner Rounding: 2px


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