Laravel-Uploadable copied to clipboard
Laravel Uploadable trait to automatically upload images and files with minimum configuration
Laravel Uploadable trait to automatically upload images and files with minimum configuration.
This package can help you to easily make uploads, using only one field in the database, and some simple attributes in your model class. With the default configuration, the package makes thumb, medium and normal image uploads. It can be used for other files upload too, like PDF, etc.
composer require kingofcode/laravel-uploadable
This package includes Intervention Image to resize and manage the images.
For Laravel version less than 5.8.10, please use 0.1.7 version, as 0.1.8 added model replication that is supported only for Laravel > 5.8.10
About Upload
This package uses the Laravel File Storage to keep the file management. The files will be stored inside the default disk. For example, if you are using the public disk, to access the images or files, you need to create a symbolic link inside your project:
php artisan storage:link
And then, configure your default filesystem, inside config/filesystems.php to point the public disk:
'default' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'public'),
To use this package, import the Uploadable trait in your model:
use KingOfCode\Upload\Uploadable;
And then, configure your uploadable fields for images and files inside your model.
class Product extends Model
use Uploadable;
protected $fillable = [
// Avoid adding file fields in the fillable array, it can break the correct upload
// Array of uploadable images. These fields need to be existent in your database table
protected $uploadableImages = [
// Array of uploadable files. These fields need to be existent in your database table
protected $uploadableFiles = [
That's all! After this configuration, you can send file data from the client side with the same name of each file field of the model. The package will make the magic!
Change Image Upload Size
The default sizes (width) for images are:
- thumb - 100px
- medium - 300px
- normal - Image width
You can modify these values directly in the $uploadableImages array. The accepted values are: image_width or a number specifying the quantity of pixels.
protected $uploadableImages = [
'image' => ['thumb' => 150, 'medium' => 500, 'normal' => 700],
'perfil_image' => ['thumb' => 120, 'medium' => 'image_width', normal => 2000],
Change Image Upload Types
By default, this package saves thumb, medium and normal images. To disable some upload type, add this array to your model:
protected $imageResizeTypes = [
'medium' => false,
// ... You can disable medium and normal images upload too
Setting the upload folder name
The upload will be made inside a specific folder with the name of the model, but in the plural mode. Eg: for the Product model, the images will be uploaded to the 'images/products' directory, and the other files, inside 'files/products'. If you want to modify this directory, add this code to your model:
public $uploadFolderName = 'products'; // Name of your folder
Getting the File Path inside Views, etc
To get an image file path, you can call getImagePath($imageField, $type) from your object. Eg:
$product = Product::find(1);
$normal_image = $product->getImagePath('image');
$thumb_image = $product->getImagePath('image', 'thumb');
$medium_perfil_image = $product->getImagePath('perfil_image', 'medium');
And to get a simple file path, call getFilePath($fileField):
$product = Product::find(1);
$pdf = $product->getFilePath('pdf');
The basic structure of this package is inspired in the Laravel Auto Upload package
Feel free to comment, open issues and send PR's. Enjoy it!!