TigoAntiCheat copied to clipboard
Client Screenshot on Injection Menu Key Combination
FiveM allows one to take screenshots of a client. When a key combination for a cheat menu is pressed first take a screenshot of client and make it wait a good amount of time for the client to actually open the menu before a screenshot is taken with Citizen.Wait(5000), after screenshot is taken, autoban. That way you can get the client screenshot, and probably capture the Cheat Menu open, and it's definite proof in case of a ban appeal. https://forum.cfx.re/t/api-dev-resource-screenshot-basic-make-screenshots-of-clients-games/234165
This is a good idea, will see if this can be realized in the near future
exports['screenshot-basic']:requestScreenshotUpload('https://api.imgur.com/3/upload', 'imgur', {
headers = {
['authorization'] = string.format('Client-ID %s', CLIENT_ID),
['content-type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
}, function(data)
local resp = json.decode(data)
--SEND LINK (resp.data.link) WITH CODE HERE