Color-Utilities copied to clipboard
RGB to XYZ Converter + RGB/XYZ to CIELAB Converter + Delta-E Calculator - Implemented in C++
A color utilities class that converts RGB to XYZ or CIELAB color spaces and measures the color difference (Delta-E)
Important Notes
- Constructors can take 8-bit RGB format or float format (0.0 to 1.0) as shown in the Instructions section below
- Calculations are quasimetric!
- The conversions calibrate the RGB color to 2° with illumination D65
- Delta-e is calculated using CIE76, which may be validated using this link
- ColorUtils mainly aims at calculating Delta-E for any two given RGB colors
- Since the RGB color space is not perceptually uniform, a couple of conversions are needed in order to compare the colors, thus introducing the conversion functions to the class
Constructing Colors
ColorUtils::rgbColor c1(static_cast<unsigned int>(255), 255, 255); // unsigned int constructor
ColorUtils::rgbColor c2(static_cast<float>(0), 0, 0); // float constructor
ColorUtils::xyzColor cX1(static_cast<float>(255), 0, 0); // float constructor
ColorUtils::CIELABColorSpace cC1(static_cast<float>(255), 255, 255); // float constructor
RGB to XYZ Converter
ColorUtils::xyzColor cX2 = rgbToXyz(c1); // cX2 contains the XYZ value of c1 (white)
XYZ to CIELAB Converter
ColorUtils::CIELABColorSpace cC2 = xyzToCIELAB(xyzColor cX1); // cC2 contains the CIELAB value of cX1 (red)
Delta-E Calculator
float deltaE = getColorDeltaE(rgbColor c1, rgbColor c2); // deltaE = 100.0
Task List
- [ ] Overload the public functions for better compatibility
- [ ] Add more color spaces support (such as CMYK and other variations of RGB)
- [ ] Overload arithmetic operators for each color space
- [ ] Add an option to use dE2000
Feel free to make a pull request or request more features!