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Contrary loss update direction of CS-FMU and changeless loss of ME-FMU with FMUParameterRegistrator

Open awecefil opened this issue 6 months ago • 2 comments

Currently, I am trying to use FMUParameterRegistrator to do parameter calibration/estimation but encounter some issues.

I do experiments on both ME-type & CS-type FMU:

  • For ME-type FMU
  1. (from FMIZoo.jl) Exporting Tool:Dymola (I dircetly use the FMU from FMIZoo.jl) Result:good, parameter can be tuned correctly after training

  2. (from FMIZoo.jl) Exporting Tool:OpenModelca v1.23.0 (64-bit) Result:the loss doesn't change during training so the parameter is not tuned correctly, below is the loss function I use and part of info during training process

function lossSum(p)
    global neuralFMU, x₀, posData, params, w, counter

    w = p[1].value
    if FMU_SOURCE == "OpenModelica"
        params = Dict(zip(initStates, [w, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0]))  # for OM
    elseif FMU_SOURCE == "Dymola"
        params = Dict(zip(initStates, [0.5, 0.0, w, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]))  # for Dymola

    solution = neuralFMU(x₀; parameters=params, p=p, showProgress=true, saveat=tSave)
    #solution = neuralFMU(x₀; p=p, showProgress=true, saveat=tSave)

    if !solution.success
        return Inf 

    posNet = fmi2GetSolutionState(solution, 1; isIndex=true)
    velNet = fmi2GetSolutionState(solution, 2; isIndex=true)

    loss_value = FMIFlux.Losses.mse(posData, posNet)
    if counter % 100 == 0 || counter == 1
        @info "LossSum[$counter] - Loss: $(round(loss_value.value, digits=5)), p: $(p[1].value)"


    return loss_value
Parameters Before: Params([[0.1]])
t=4.0000e+00s | Δt=1.3271e-01s | STPs=7 | EVTs=0 | 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01        
[ Info: LossSum[0] - Loss: 1.59984, p: 0.1
[ Info: LossSum[1] - Loss: 1.59984, p: 0.09900000000013325
[ Info: LossSum[100] - Loss: 1.59984, p: 0.005808103062422814
[ Info: LossSum[200] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.0730673163153592
[ Info: LossSum[300] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.15119005659167525
[ Info: LossSum[400] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.20746426846536525
[ Info: LossSum[500] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.2559694377722006
[ Info: LossSum[600] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.30465139280630354
[ Info: LossSum[700] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.36115693613792765
[ Info: LossSum[800] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.4481988144390695
[ Info: LossSum[900] - Loss: 1.59984, p: -0.5573190402714133
Parameters After: Params([[-0.6396949635848143]])
p: [-0.6396949635848143, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0]

Actually, I found this issue comes from the wrong return value of neuralFMU(x₀; parameters=params, p=p, showProgress=true, saveat=tSave) in lossSum because the posNet is an array with same value for all time steps and velNet is an array with linear incremental values. For example, the posNet = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, ..., 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] and the velNet = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ..., 40.0], however, both of them should be like a string wave.

By the way, this only happens when doing FMIFlux.train!. It is normal if I run neuralFMU(x₀; parameters=params, p=p, showProgress=true, saveat=tSave) independently.

I am not sure whether canGetAndSetFMUstate="false" may be the possible reason that cause weird FMU solution? Because OpenModelica seems not support ME-type FMU to support this functionality even I follow the guideline of OpenModelica to enable it.

#################### Begin information for FMU ####################
        Model name:                     SpringPendulum1D
        FMI-Version:                    2.0
        GUID:                           {07765a18-d4d2-45bf-9416-dceca504316f}
        Generation tool:                OpenModelica Compiler OpenModelica v1.23.0 (64-bit)
        Generation time:                2024-08-02T16:27:51Z
        Var. naming conv.:              structured
        Event indicators:               0
        Inputs:                         0
        Outputs:                        0
        States:                         2
                0 ["mass.stateSelect", "mass.s"]
                1 ["mass.v"]
        Supports Co-Simulation:         true
                Model identifier:       SpringPendulum1D
                Get/Set State:          true
                Serialize State:        true
                Dir. Derivatives:       true
                Var. com. steps:        true
                Input interpol.:        true
                Max order out. der.:    1
        Supports Model-Exchange:        true
                Model identifier:       SpringPendulum1D
                Get/Set State:          false
                Serialize State:        false
                Dir. Derivatives:       true
##################### End information for FMU #####################
  • For CS-type FMU
  1. (from FMIZoo.jl) Exporting Tool:Dymola (I dircetly use the FMU from FMIZoo.jl) Result:the loss keeps increasing so the result is totally on the contrary like below
Parameters Before: Params([[0.1]])
[ Info: LossSum[1] - Loss: 181.8703, p: 0.1
[ Info: LossSum[100] - Loss: 201.47267, p: 0.00014190570528661807
[ Info: LossSum[200] - Loss: 222.8067, p: -0.10304300700040245
[ Info: LossSum[300] - Loss: 245.72902, p: -0.20853901980968
[ Info: LossSum[400] - Loss: 270.22067, p: -0.3160940123411269
[ Info: LossSum[500] - Loss: 296.40281, p: -0.42552168988779004
[ Info: LossSum[600] - Loss: 324.23064, p: -0.5368072061518109
[ Info: LossSum[700] - Loss: 353.77287, p: -0.6497765138005717
[ Info: LossSum[800] - Loss: 384.96156, p: -0.7641253579239035
[ Info: LossSum[900] - Loss: 417.84708, p: -0.87971473337163
[ Info: LossSum[1000] - Loss: 452.41874, p: -0.9964353941757557
Parameters After: Params([[-0.9964353941757557]])
p: [0.5, -0.9964353941757557, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]

If I negtivelize the return value of loss, the training is relatively normal but I think this is not a good way to do

Parameters Before: Params([[0.1]])
[ Info: LossSum[1] - Loss: 40.81055, p: 0.1
[ Info: LossSum[200] - Loss: 25.41111, p: 0.28985541311617846
[ Info: LossSum[400] - Loss: 14.79257, p: 0.4581509689040884
[ Info: LossSum[600] - Loss: 7.93092, p: 0.6032038680923282
[ Info: LossSum[800] - Loss: 3.82994, p: 0.7242404129508137
[ Info: LossSum[1000] - Loss: 1.60288, p: 0.8213334851987159
[ Info: LossSum[1200] - Loss: 0.54577, p: 0.8955987417197941
[ Info: LossSum[1400] - Loss: 0.12857, p: 0.9491589358950395
[ Info: LossSum[1600] - Loss: 0.01049, p: 0.9853109597389106
[ Info: LossSum[1800] - Loss: 0.00367, p: 1.0079643085069332
[ Info: LossSum[2000] - Loss: 0.02329, p: 1.0210428955494268
Parameters After: Params([[1.0210428955494268]]) 
p: [0.5, 1.0210428955494268, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
  1. (from FMIZoo.jl) Exporting Tool:OpenModelca v1.23.0 (64-bit) Result:good, parameter can be tuned correctly after training


There is two issues when using FMUParameterRegistrator

  1. Wrong FMU output during FMIFlux.train! for ME-type FMU
  2. Contrary update direction of loss during training for CS-type FMU

If more information is needed, please tell me, thank you!

awecefil avatar Aug 05 '24 09:08 awecefil