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Update 1.3.1
Clean up and update for Bukkit > b2311 (MC 1.3.1)
I signed up to tell you... THIS PLUGIN IS TOO AWESOME TO DIE D;
No worries, it is not dead - I've just been extremely busy recently (and am technically on vacation now...) I will merge this and release a new version as soon as I have time again :-)
thanks :D I have a friend from an old server who never bought minecraft (nor could). Hes the only guy who i want allowed into the server *that didnt buy the game
bump? :p
Still busy - but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this plugin ;-)
I tried working on new 1.3.2 but i dont find any clue how to create a serverside only patch. New Session System is too difficulty D: Got any idea?
I tried compiling the plugin for 1.3.2 using your modification for 1.3.1 and the hosts edit to remove the need for a server mod, but it gives this error on player rename: http://pastebin.com/2aveuK0R
Do you have any idea what might be the issue?
The client side error seems to be in par3WorldProvider.registerWorld(this); in the constructor of World.java Which is called from this.worldClient = new WorldClient(this, new WorldSettings(0L, par1Packet9Respawn.gameType, false, this.mc.theWorld.getWorldInfo().isHardcoreModeEnabled(), par1Packet9Respawn.terrainType), par1Packet9Respawn.respawnDimension, par1Packet9Respawn.difficulty, this.mc.mcProfiler); in NetClientHandler.java
Since that references Packet9Respawn which your code makes use of that makes me think the parameters for Packet9Respawn have changed once more in 1.3.2 and it needs something else to be added/changed, I just don't know what.
Edit: I fixed it by changing p9.a and p9.b as well: p9.a = p.getWorld().getEnvironment().getId(); p9.b = p.getWorld().getDifficulty().getValue();
I don't know why that p9.a = (int)p.getWorld().getSeed(); was in there, if it was actually used in earlier versions, but it isn't now. Works fine with my changes.