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Unit testing on Target Hardware XC8 pic18. Programming target failed
Hi, The Scenario I am working on unit testing with unity using Ceedling. So far, I have been able to run my tests on Simulator. Now I want to run my tests on target hardware. I am trying to incorporate unit test in an already existing released project. I added some modules and test files to my project.
The Development When I try to run these tests on simulator using Ceedling, they run fine (and generates test_build.elf or hex file in the test->out folder). The mdb commands from sim are as follow
device PIC18F25K22
hwtool sim
set oscillator.frequency 32
set oscillator.frequencyunit Mega
set oscillator.rcfrequency 31
set oscillator.rcfrequencyunit Kilo
set uart1io.uartioenabled true
set uart1io.output stdout
set uart1io.outputfile test/simulation/out.txt
set breakoptions.wdtwarnings Ignore
program C:\Users\shahbaz.khan\MPLABXProjects\unit_testing\rm3_wifi_ceedling_ut\build\ceedling\generated\test\out\test_build.elf
Sleep 5000
I build the project from MPLABX (while excluding all the unity/test files) and then I tried to debug the project using command line and it works well. I launched MPLABX debugger (simply running command: mdb.bat) from cmd and run following commands.
device PIC18F25K22
Hwtool icd4
set AutoSelectMemRanges manual
set memories.programmemory true
set memories.programmemory.start 0x0000
set memories.programmemory.end 0x3FFF
set programoptions.eraseb4program true
set programoptions.pgcconfig pulldown
set programoptions.pgcresistor.value 4.7
set programoptions.pgdconfig pulldown
set programoptions.pgdresistor.value 4.7
set programoptions.pgmentry.voltage high
set programoptions.pgmspeed Med
program C:\Users\shahbaz.khan\MPLABXProjects\unit_testing\project_x\dist\default\production\rm3_wifi_ceedling_ut.production.hex
write pin RA2 high
sleep 5000
The Problem
As I already have the test_build.hex file from the testing using ceedling, I am trying to use that build file to flash it in the target hardware using the exact same commands as above and only changing the file path (build file from ceedling) to program
command as
program C:\Users\shahbaz.khan\MPLABXProjects\unit_testing\project_x\build\ceedling\generated\test\out\test_build.elf
I get the follwoing errors
Programming target...
The requested operation cannot continue with the following configuration bit setting(s):
Watchdog Timer Enable bits = On
Would you like MPLAB to change the config setting(s) and continue?
NOTE: This will change configuration memory for this session only. It will not change the configuration bit settings in your code [yes/no]
The following memory area(s) will be programmed:
program memory: start address = 0x0, end address = 0x3fff
configuration memory
EEData memory
User Id Memory
Script GetVersionDE failed with status Type = runScript, Script name = GetVersionDE, Status = 0xa00
The target device is not ready for debugging. Please check your configuration bit settings and program the device before proceeding. The most common causes for this failure are oscillator and/or PGC/PGD settings.
Program failed.
Why is this a Ceedling problem? It best points at the Configuration problem for the MPLAB.