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Go DDD example application. Complete project to show how to apply DDD, Clean Architecture, and CQRS by practical refactoring.

Results 33 wild-workouts-go-ddd-example issues
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sup, Im currently struggling to find an appropriate architecture for building Microservices in Go. Everyone says something different - no crystal-clear standardization. It'd be great if you can show me...

Given the repository in __repository.go__: ```go type Repository interface { AddTraining(ctx context.Context, tr *Training) error //... } ``` we are creating new structs which implement that interface using code such...

I was wondering how to debug the go code in development? Normaly i would use `delve` to set breakpoints in VSCode , but i'm not quite sure how to do...

OpenTelemetry is important for app observability. It includes logging, metrics and tracing. It'll be great you could consider integrate and demo it in the ddd example app. Thanks!

I just found this awesome post: https://hindenbug.io/the-power-of-generics-in-go-the-repository-pattern-for-gorm-7f8891df0934. What do you think guys? On reddit the discussion is hot too: https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/u9bti2/the_power_of_generics_in_go_the_repository. I'm repeating (manually or by code generation) a lot of...

Hi! I really like this project of yours. I have the following problem, please help. In internal/trainings/app/command I see there is a services.go, similarly in internal/trainings/app/query I also want a...

Hello Guys, Initially, I want to say "Thank you" for your articles and the book. ## Problem Updating message is the most blur process for me. ## Context I have...

Thanks for your work! Why repositories do calls such as `training.CanUserSeeTraining`? Looks like domain logic. We need to test it in all repository implementations instead of testing once on domain...

Thank you for your repo and articles. This is awesome work! I'm trying to rewrite my legacy service to the yours approach. And I have a question: How to guarantee...

Hi all, Update: it's working fine on a mac. The problem seems to be on Window's machines. I've cloned the repo and followed the instructions in the `README.md` for the...