Karl Nelson

Results 337 comments of Karl Nelson

Sure thing. Right now I am just debating the priorities for this particular task relative to others. My main large tasks appear to be - Implementation of the reverse bridge...

Py4j is intended for a different audience than JPype. It exists to create an RPC like connection between Python and Java. I often encourage projects that require a transient transactional...

This one is still waiting for access to an OSX machine. I believe the solution would be to spawn JVM in a separate thread and then use a message to...

I will have to see if I can replicate this. I don't currently have that setup available in my installed software, but it should have been covered in the CI.

It works for me. I believe your problem is a site issue. ``` (python-3.7-x86) C:\cygwin64\home\nelson85\devel\open\jpype>python Python 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 14 2019, 23:09:19) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type...

Jpype 0.6.3 has a number of crashes including one when the JVM finder grabs the wrong architecture dll. Though the orginal report appears correct. Jpype 0.7.0 has addressed all of...

It somewhat depends on version. Older versions require a modification to the header file should be found with grep on TRACING. Newer versions merely require giving `--enable-tracing` to setup.py when...

One last note, I do not have a pattern to get the visual studio to debug JPype. The issue is that JVM intentionally triggers a segfault during startup as part...

You can try the project/debug/windows directory on how to diagnose this type of issue. As far as I am aware problems with starting up are usually site specific problems, (mismatched...

Missing DLLS would definitely prevent the JVM from running. It seems like the issue has been diagnosed. Assuming you can correct the missing 32-bit DLLs, it should work.