nimtomd icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nimtomd copied to clipboard

Convert a Nim file to Markdown

Nim to Markdown

Generated with Nim to Markdown

This Nim package converts Nim code to Markdown. Use nimtomd on your Nim file and transform it into a styled Markdown file.

You can choose to only include global elements (*) and top comments, or you can include everything.


nimtomd [options] <filename>


<filename>                Nim-file to convert into markdown
-h,  --help               Shows the help menu
-o:, --output:[filename]  Outputs the markdown to a file
-ow, --overwrite          Allow to overwrite a existing md file
-g,  --onlyglobals        Only include global elements (*)
-sh                       Skip headings
-si                       Skip imports
-st                       Skip types
-il, --includelines       Include linenumbers
-ic, --includeconst       Include const
-il, --includelet         Include let
-iv, --includevar         Include var


Your code needs to follow the Nim coding style. Checkout the source file for examples.


This is made with nimtomd with the command:

nimtomd -ow -g nimtomd.nim

Output to screen

This prints the Markdown output to the screen:

nimtomd filename.nim

Save output to file

You can force nimtomd to overwrite an existing file by using the option -ow.

nimtomd -ow filename.nim