delayed_display icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
delayed_display copied to clipboard

A widget that enables you to display a child after a delay and with beautiful fading and sliding animation.


A widget that enables you to display a child after a delay and with beautiful fading and sliding animation.


How does it works

All you have to do is to use the widget DelayedDisplay like this for example :

  delay: Duration(seconds: 1),
  child: Text(
    style: TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      fontSize: 35.0,
      color: Colors.white,

And ... That's all ! It will automatically handle fading and sliding animation and will make the Text appear after 1 second delay.

Let's customize it !

Here are the accepted parameters :

Name Type Usage Required Default Value
child Widget The Widget that needs to appear yes null
delay Duration The duration before showing the widget (and animating it) false null
fadingDuration Duration The duration of the fading animation false const Duration(milliseconds: 800)
slidingCurve Curve The curve of the sliding animation false Curves.decelerate
slidingBeginOffset Offset The offset from where the sliding animation will start false const Offset(0.0, 0.35)