Results 55 comments of Thom Wright

I'm sorry, I'm not following. Could you elaborate on the example?

Hi, Thanks for this, and sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. Could you give me a quick overview of your use case for this? Thanks!

How large are we talking? Does it get run as one migration? If so, streaming to save memory might not help if it gets turned into one big SQL string...

> That's certainly a possibility! Though in that case I wonder why you have this feature at all, as surely all use cases could be solved this way? Yes, I...

> Is there a chance for this change or something similar to this to get merged as well? > Postgrator does something very similar allowing to call HTTP request during...

Yeah, honestly I'm not sure there's much value in supporting using existing clients - I can't even remember why I introduced it! I guess in case people want to use...

What can you tell me about your database setup? Is it related to #33?

Is it configured in any way, or is it 'out of the box' Postgres, for example from [Dockerhub]( What Postgres version is it? I assume you're using the latest version...

Are you able to provide a reproduction? I'm not sure there's much I can do otherwise. I tried running the tests against `gitpod/workspace-postgres` but it looks like there's no port...

Hi, I have some questions! 1. What is Fly? 2. What is an r-script? Is this a name specific to Fly? 3. Could you give an example of when this...