docker-fr24feed-piaware-dump1090 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-fr24feed-piaware-dump1090 copied to clipboard

Docker image of dump1090-fa, fr24feed, FlightAware, adsbexchange, Plane Finder, OpenskyNetwork,, ADSBHub and Radarbox.

Fr24feed and FlightAware with dump1090 as a Docker image

Build status GitHub issues

Latest image version Docker Image Size (latest semver)


Please consider following this project's author, Thom-x, and consider starring the project to show your ❤️ and support.

Docker image of Fr24feed, FlightAware and dump1090.

Feed FlightRadar24 and FlightAware, allow you to see the positions of aircrafts on a map.

Image of dump1090 webapp


  • Docker
  • RTL-SDR DVBT USB Dongle (RTL2832)

Getting started

Run :

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8754:8754 \
	--device=/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
	-v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \
	-e "PLANEFINDER_SHARECODE=dslmfksdlmk" \
	--tmpfs /run:exec,size=32M \
	--tmpfs /planefinder/log:exec,size=32M \
	--tmpfs /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/data:size=32M \

Go to http://dockerhost:8080 to view a map of reveived data. Go to http://dockerhost:8754 to view the FR24 Feeder configuration panel.

Note : remove -e "PANORAMA_ID=MY_PANORAMA_ID" or -e "LAYERS_OWM_API_KEY=MY_OWM_API_KEY" from the command line if you don't want to use this feature.
Note : --tmpfs is used to avoid writing data on HDD/SD Card
Note : -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" is needed for MLAT, or you can have issues with time synchronization.



To disable starting a service you can add an environement variable :

Environment Variable Value Description Default value
SERVICE_ENABLE_DUMP1090 false Disable dump1090 service true
SERVICE_ENABLE_PIAWARE false Disable piaware service true
SERVICE_ENABLE_FR24FEED false Disable fr24feed service true
SERVICE_ENABLE_HTTP false Disable http service true
SERVICE_ENABLE_IMPORT_OVER_NETCAT false Disable import over netcat false
SERVICE_ENABLE_ADSBEXCHANGE false Disable adsbexchange feed false
SERVICE_ENABLE_PLANEFINDER false Disable plane finder feed false



Resgister on

Run :

docker run -it --rm \
	-e "SERVICE_ENABLE_DUMP1090=false" \
	thomx/fr24feed-piaware /usr/bin/piaware -plainlog

When the container starts you should see the feeder id, note it. Wait 5 minutes and you should see a new receiver at (use the same IP as your docker host), claim it and exit the container.

Add the environment variable PIAWARE_FEEDER_DASH_ID with your feeder id.

Environment Variable Configuration property Default value
PIAWARE_FEEDER_DASH_ID feeder-id (required) empty
PIAWARE_RECEIVER_DASH_TYPE receiver-type other
PIAWARE_RECEIVER_DASH_PORT receiver-port 30005



Run :

docker run -it --rm \
	-e "SERVICE_ENABLE_DUMP1090=false" \
	thomx/fr24feed-piaware /bin/bash

Then : /fr24feed/fr24feed/fr24feed --signup and follow the instructions, for technical steps, your answer doesn't matter we just need the sharing key at the end.

Finally to see the sharing key run cat /etc/fr24feed.ini, you can now exit the container.

Add the environment variable FR24FEED_FR24KEY with your sharing key.

Environment Variable Configuration property Default value
FR24FEED_RECEIVER receiver beast-tcp
FR24FEED_FR24KEY fr24key (required) empty
FR24FEED_BS bs no
FR24FEED_RAW raw no
FR24FEED_LOGMODE logmode 1
FR24FEED_LOGPATH logpath /tmp
FR24FEED_MLAT mlat yes
FR24FEED_MLAT_DASH_WITHOUT_DASH_GPS mlat-without-gps yes

Ex : -e "FR24FEED_FR24KEY=0123456789"

ADS-B Exchange

Add the environment variable ADSBEXCHANGE_UUID with a UUID generated by In case of multiple receivers, please use a different UUID for each receiver.

Add the environment variable SERVICE_ENABLE_ADSBEXCHANGE and set it to true.

Environment Variable Configuration property Default value
SERVICE_ENABLE_ADSBEXCHANGE enable this feed client false
ADSBEXCHANGE_UUID uuid (required) empty

Configure the MLAT coordinates so that adsbexchange MLAT can work. (see its own section below) If you don't want to supply your exact coordinates, please set the ADSBEXCHANGE_MLAT environment variable to false. (you won't get MLAT results and won't contribute to MLAT)

Add the environment variable ADSBEXCHANGE_STATION_NAME, it will be used for the mlat map / sync status. You can check that your MLAT is working correctly by searching for your station name here: (MLAT map marker is snapped to a 5 mile grid and then offset randomly to avoid stacking markers, the precise lat / lon for MLAT are not publicly accessible at adsbexchange)

The ADS-B Exchange Anywhere map will be available at:

Ex : -e "SERVICE_ENABLE_ADSBEXCHANGE=true" -e "ADSBEXCHANGE_UUID=8398f51e-a61d-11ec-b909-0242ac120002" -e "ADSBEXCHANGE_STATION_NAME=MyStation"

Exact coordinates for MLAT

Get your exact coordinates and altitude above sealevel in meters from one these websites:

It's important for MLAT accuracy that these aren't off by more than about 10 m / 30 ft.

Environment Variable Configuration property Default value
MLAT_EXACT_LAT decimal latitude empty
MLAT_EXACT_LON decimal longitude empty
MLAT_ALTITUDE_MSL_METERS altitude above MSL in m empty

Plane Finder

First-time users should obtain a PlaneFinder Share Code.

In order to obtain a PlaneFinder Share Code, we will start a temporary container running pfclient, which will run through a configuration wizard and generate a share code.

Run :

docker run -it --rm \
	-p 30053:30053 \
	-e "SERVICE_ENABLE_DUMP1090=false" \
	thomx/fr24feed-piaware /planefinder/pfclient

Once the container has started, you should see a message such as:

2020-04-11 06:45:25.823307 [-] We were unable to locate a configuration file and have entered configuration mode by default. Please visit: to complete configuration.

At this point, open a web browser and go to http://dockerhost:30053. Replace dockerhost with the IP address of your host running Docker. You won't be able to use the URL given in the log output, as the IP address given will be the private IP of the docker container.

In your browser, go through the configuration wizard. When finished, you'll be given a PlaneFinder Share Code. Save this in safe place.

You can now kill the container by pressing CTRL-C.

Add the environment variable SERVICE_ENABLE_PLANEFINDER and set it to true.

Environment Variable Configuration property Default value
PLANEFINDER_SHARECODE generated share code (required) empty


Add custom properties

Note : you can add any property to either fr24feed or piaware configuration file by adding an environment variable starting with PIAWARE_... or FR24FEED_....

Example :

Environment Variable Configuration property value Configuration file
FR24FEED_TEST=value test value fr24feed.init
FR24FEED_TEST_DASH_TEST=value2 test-test value2 fr24feed.init
PIAWARE_TEST=value test value piaware.conf

Dump1090 & Web UI

Environment Variable Default value Description
HTML_DEFAULT_TRACKER FlightAware Which flight tracker website to use by default. Possible values are FlightAware and Flightradar24
HTML_RECEIVER_STATS_PAGE_FLIGHTAWARE empty URL of your receiver's stats page on FlightAware. Usually
HTML_RECEIVER_STATS_PAGE_FLIGHTRADAR24 empty URL of your receiver's stats page on Flightradar24. Usually<ID>
HTML_RECEIVER_STATS_PAGE_ADSBEXCHANGE empty URL of your receiver's stats page on ADS-B Exchange. Usually<ID>
HTML_RECEIVER_STATS_PAGE_PLANEFINDER empty URL of your receiver's stats page on PlaneFinder. Usually<ID>
HTML_FR24_FEEDER_STATUS_PAGE empty URL of your local FR24 Feeder Status page. Usually http://:8754/ (depends on the port you indicated when starting the container)
DUMP1090_ADDITIONAL_ARGS empty Additial arguments for dump1090 e.g.: --json-location-accuracy 2

Ex : -e "HTML_SITE_NAME=My site"

DUMP1090 forwarding

Environment Variable Default value Description
SERVICE_ENABLE_IMPORT_OVER_NETCAT false Enable netcat forwarding the beast-output of a remote dump1090 server to the local dump1090 beast-input
DUMP1090_LOCAL_PORT empty Must be the same port as specified as --net-bi-port in DUMP1090_ADDITIONAL_ARGS
DUMP1090_REMOTE_HOST empty IP of remote dump1090 server
DUMP1090_REMOTE_PORT empty Port of remote dump190 server specified as argument --net-bo-port on remote system

RTL_TCP forwarding

WARNING: This kind of forwarding is using a lot of bandwidth and could be unstable in WiFi environments.

Environment Variable Default value Description
RTL_TCP_OVER_NETCAT false Use dump1090 in combination with netcat to feed data from rtl_tcp server. (Requires appox. 35-40Mbit/s). Example RTL_TCP command: ./rtl_tcp -a -f 1090000000 -s 2400000 -p 30005 -P 28 -g -10
RTL_TCP_REMOTE_HOST empty IP of rtl_tcp server
RTL_TCP_REMOTE_PORT empty Port of rtl_tcp server

Terrain-limit rings (optional):

If you don't need this feature ignore this.

Create a panorama for your receiver location on

Environment Variable Default value Description
PANORAMA_ID Panorama id
PANORAMA_ALTS 1000,10000 Comma seperated list of altitudes in meter

Note : the panorama id value correspond to the URL at the top of the panorama, altitudes are in meters, you can specify a list of altitudes.


If you don't want to download the limit every time you bring up the container you can download${PANORAMA_ID}&refraction=0.25&alts=${PANORAMA_ALTS} as upintheair.json and mount it in /usr/lib/fr24/public_html/upintheair.json.

Open Weather Map layers:

If you don't need this feature ignore this.

If you provide an API key OWM layers will be available.
Create an account and get an API key on
Be aware that OWM provides a free trier for its API, after some time you will have to pay.

Environment Variable Default value Description

Ex : -e "LAYERS_OWM_API_KEY=dsf1ds65f4d2f65g"

Build it yourself

Clone this repo.

docker build .