InviteCount icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
InviteCount copied to clipboard

🏆 InviteCount is the best bot to manage your server invites! Easy to setup, and complete!



InviteCount is used by + 1 500,000 users in + 1 300 servers!

🌐 Dashboard

InviteCount has a powerful dashboard which allow you to manage your servers easily! Configure join/leave messages, change server prefix, server language, etc...

💪 Features

InviteCount has a total of 24 commands!

⚙️ Config commands

+configjoin        Config join messages
+setjoin           Disable/Enabled join messages
+testjoin          Try join messages configuration
+configdm          Config join messages in dm
+setdm             Disable/Enabled join messages in dm
+testdm            Try join messages in dm configuration
+configleave       Config leave messages
+setleave          Disable/Enabled leave messages
+testleave         Try leave messages configuration

You can use +config to show your server global config.

🔑 Admin commands

+addbonus          Add bonus invites to a member.
+removebonus       Remove bonus invites from a member.
+removeinvites     Clear member or server invites.
+restoreinvites    Restore member or server invites.
+sync-invites      Synchronize ManageInvite database with server invites.

🎉 Giveaways commands

+gstart     Create a giveaway
+gend     Stop a giveaway
+greroll     Make a new winner from a giveaway
+glogs     Set logs channel for giveaways
+glist     List of all currents givaways
+messages     Show your messages or the messages of the mentionned member.

👤 User commands

Everyone can use user commands, there aren't restricted.

Invite command

+invites (@user)   Show your invites or the invites of the mentionned member.
+leaderboard       Show the server leaderboard.
+membercount       Show members stats.

Infos commands

+help              Show the list of the commands.
+botinfos          Show informations about InviteCount.
+add               Show the InviteCount's invite link.
+support           Join the support server.

👑 Owner commands

+eval              Execute javascript code.
+reload            Reload a command or languages.
+servers-list      Show the servers list.

The main bot InviteCount don't use this code anymore.
You can test the new version by adding them on your discord.
