GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix copied to clipboard
Loading pigeons / stunt jumps crashes the game
Using this mod, there's a random chance for the next pigeon / stunt jump that loads to crash the game if at least one other pigeon / stunt jump has already been exterminated / completed in a given session. They can happen consistently, though a different order can help prevent crashing. For example, if pigeons around have been exterminated in a specific order before reaching the pigeon on the bridge above Acter, approaching it crashes the game. Not to be confused with the bug that crashes the game where exterminating a pigeon may randomly crash the game. Disabling the mod solved the issue.
INI contents:
[MAIN] RecoilFix = 1 DefinitionFix = 1 EmissiveShaderFix = 1 HandbrakeCamFix = 1 AimingZoomFix = 1 FlickeringShadowsFix = 1
[FRAMELIMIT] FpsLimit = 0 CutsceneFpsLimit = 50 ScriptCutsceneFovLimit = 20
[MISC] DefaultCameraAngleInTLAD = 0 PedDeathAnimFixFromTBOGT = 1 DisableCameraCenteringInCover = 1
[EXPERIMENTAL] LodShift = 0.0 LodForceDistance = 0
I don't think I even remotely touch anything related to that. Crashdump and crash log might be necessary.