Matthieu Penant
Matthieu Penant
See also
I think it's related to this: The thing is, I cannot switch to PackageReference as I have an project. Will keep investigating for a possible solution.
official announcement: - ASP.NET Core 3.0 will only run on .NET Core, so you cannot have a dependency on it, if you want to serve .net framework clients as...
@upn0rth did you try the solution provided by @Slion ? If it fixed your issue, you can close this.
@AytekinTurkoglu @williamyuzhang is it still an issue with the latest version of Squirrel?
@zJesusJavier do you still have this issue with the latest version of Squirrel?
@alex8b The UAC dialog should show, no matter the way you execute your app that requires it, isn't it? Squirrel SquirrelAwareApp is the way to go to filter which exe...
@christiandersen @squaredinfinity did you upgrade squirrel from one version to another? I had the same issue when migrating my applications from 1.4.0 to 1.9.1. Once on 1.9.1, the shortcut were...
@janih78 Are you still experiencing this issue with the latest version of Squirrel?