See your issue in
@YaoXinatTHU you are wellcome
@pewpewpeww I will share c++ code tonight. (Now i had out of office)
@pewpewpeww This is code predict sample in c++ [](
@pewpewpeww Utility.h only common funtions for read image, convert string2char. You can ignore it. @jinfagang I don't test on CPU. (So i think it is very low)
@cobbwho default of batch_size is 1. Because if batch_size>1 --> Will be out of memory. An idea for memory, you can split network to 2 or 3 or more parts,...
You can using python OR c++ (Build with vc++ on window)
Different results in different runs with same inputs? Who can help me?
@shahabty How to training with more than class. Currently, i only train susscess for 21 classes
Yes. First step, you must init network(Will take some second). Step2: Using loop for each frame and call Predict (Each frame will take ~0.1-0.2ms) Note: Using GPU, not CPU