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NJF [Paper](Tweet)

Neural Jacobian Fields: Learning Intrinsic Mappings of Arbitrary Meshes
N. Aigerman, K. Gupta, V. G. Kim, S. Chaudhuri, J. Saito, T. Groueix
In SIGGRAPH, 2022.



NJF is a neural network architecture that can deform a mesh into another mesh. Its most remarkable strenght is to be agnostic to triangulation i.e. you will get exactly the same deformation results if you retriangulate your input shapes.

NJF is a general approach. To train, you need a folder of meshes, and a list of training pairs (source, target) indexing this folder. NJF can learn parameterization, registration, morphing, ARAP deformations... Please see the paper for the full list of application we explored.


conda create -y -n py39_njf python=3.9
conda activate py39_njf
pip3 install torch torchvision  --extra-index-url
conda install -y -c conda-forge igl
pip install trimesh pytorch_lightning matplotlib easydict cholespy fire
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse -f
# or if on MAC : pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse -f


We provide pretrained weights and a demo script, using Polyscope (python -m pip install polyscope).

python demo_scripts/ -with_WKS 0 -source_mesh ./data/source.obj -target_mesh ./data/target.obj

morph_template_to_any_shape From left to right : template, target, overlay of target and morphed template, morphed template.

We have an example training script using the FAUST dataset. It's a good starting point for your own application.


python training_scripts/

To train on your own data, create a folder of meshes and a json file in that folder called "data.json" containing the (source,target) pairs. Note that, for each pair, the source and target should be in dense correspondences. For instance, if your application is morphing a "template.obj" into other shapes "001.obj", ... "999.obj", then your folder should look like:

|- ...

and your data.json

"pairs": [

The code supports generating STAR (next-gen SMPL) human meshes on the fly, with various features. To use this, you'll need to install STAR and use the flag -compute_human_data_on_the_fly. Follow this additional set of instruction star_on_the_fly_install

Training options

The most important flags are listed below. See for a full list.

  • root_dir_train : location of the root dir to get data from
  • root_dir_test : location of the root dir to get data from
  • no_wks : don't use WKS features. If your data is not clean, you might not be able to compute WKS features.
  • experiment_type : add specific feature depending on the type of experiment. Options are {"TPOSE","REGISTER_TEMPLATE","DEFAULT"}.

Citing this work

  title={Neural Jacobian Fields: Learning Intrinsic Mappings of Arbitrary Meshes},
  author={Aigerman, Noam and Gupta, Kunal and Kim, Vladimir G and Chaudhuri, Siddhartha and Saito, Jun and Groueix, Thibault},