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jsonmasking copied to clipboard

Replace fields in json, replacing by something, don't care if property is in depth objects. Very useful to replace passwords credit card number, etc.

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Json Masking

Replace fields in json, replacing by something, don't care if property is in depth objects. Very useful to replace passwords, credit card number, etc.

This library matching insensitive values with field namespaces. You can use wildcard * to allow any char in pattern;


var example = new 
	SomeValue = "Demo",
	Password = "SomePasswordHere",
	DepthObject = new 
		Password = "SomePasswordHere2",
		Card = new 
			Number = "555500022223333"
	CreditCardNumber = "5555000011112222",
	Card = new 
		Number = "555500022223333"

var exampleAsString = JsonConvert.Serialize(example); // value must be a json string to masked

// note that password is only replaced when is in root path
var blacklist = new string[] { "password", "card.number", "*.card.number" "creditcardnumber" };
var mask = "******";

var maskedExampleAsString = exampleAsString.MaskFields(blacklist, mask);



	"SomeValue" : "Demo",
	"Password" : "******",
	"DepthObject" : {
		"Password" : "SomePasswordHere2",
		"Card" : {
			"Number" : "******"
	"CreditCardNumber" : "******",
	"Card" : {
		"Number" : "******"

Install via NuGet

PM> Install-Package JsonMasking

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