txt2img2img copied to clipboard
import onnxruntime as ort--->onnxruntime module is missing
succesfully installed rembg (cpu and gpu) using pip install commands when running the script i get an error when the rembg tries to import onnxruntime as ort
currently fixed with this solution modifing the requirementes of automatic1111 " temporarily added onnxruntime at the end of "requirements_versions.txt" (without specifying a version). Then I ran the webui-user batch/shell script normally, which correctly installed the onnxruntime lib in the stable-diffusion-webui venv. Then I removed onnxruntime from "requirements_version.txt"."
i just wanna let you know that some of us is getting that error maybe you can fix it.
Thank you, @ciabnsr! It would be great if I could include the rembg package the "proper" way without breaking the web UI - let me think about how we can automate those steps you outlined.
Thanks,ciaobnsr. It help me to fixed onnxruntime problem. but still have trouble about this File "D:\stable-diffusion-webui-master\scripts\txt2img2img.py", line 243, in run img2img_result = modules.img2img.img2img( TypeError: img2img() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'img2img_batch_input_dir' and 'img2img_batch_output_dir'
it seems Automatic1111's webui has been updated to include 2 new settings