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A simple HTTP web framework written in Pony
A simple HTTP web framework written in Pony
Context: Store data that can be used by the request handler as well as any middleware.
Middleware Chaining: Easily add multiple middlewares to the route that can execute functions both before and after the request handler.
Explicit Route Matches: A request can only match exactly one or no route so that there are no unintended matches.
Route Parameters: Allow the router to parse the incoming URL path for you by specifying a route parameter. The router will then store a dynamic value in the context.
File Server: Easily serve static files and set custom NotFound handlers.
- Install corral
corral add
corral fetch
to fetch your dependencies -
use "jennet"
to include this package -
corral run -- ponyc
to compile your application
Named Parameters
use "net"
use "http_server"
use "jennet"
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
let tcplauth: TCPListenAuth = TCPListenAuth(env.root)
let server =
Jennet(tcplauth, env.out)
.> get("/", H)
.> get("/:name", H)
.serve(ServerConfig(where port' = "8080"))
if server is None then env.out.print("bad routes!") end
primitive H is RequestHandler
fun apply(ctx: Context): Context iso^ =>
let name = ctx.param("name")
let body =
[ "Hello"; if name != "" then " " + name else "" end; "!"
ctx.respond(StatusResponse(StatusOK), body)
consume ctx
As you can see, :name
is a named parameter. The values are accessible via the Context. In this example :name can be retrieved by c.param("name")
Named parameters only match a single path segment:
Path: /user/:username
/user/jim match
/user/greg match
/user/greg/info no match
/user/ no match
There are also catch-all parameters that may be used at the end of a path:
Pattern: /src/*filepath
/src/ match
/src/somefile.html match
/src/subdir/somefile.pony match
The router uses a compact prefix tree algorithm (or Radix Tree) since URL paths have a hierarchical structure and only make use of a limited set of characters (byte values). It is very likely that there are a lot of common prefixes, which allows us to easily match incoming URL paths.
see also: julienschmidt/httprouter
Using Middleware
use "net"
use "collections"
use "http_server"
use "jennet"
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
let tcplauth: TCPListenAuth = TCPListenAuth(env.root)
let handler =
{(ctx: Context, req: Request): Context iso^ =>
ctx.respond(StatusResponse(StatusOK), "Hello!".array())
consume ctx
let users = recover Map[String, String](1) end
users("my_username") = "my_super_secret_password"
let authenticator = BasicAuth("My Realm", consume users)
let server =
Jennet(tcplauth, env.out)
.> get("/", handler, [authenticator])
.serve(ServerConfig(where port' = "8080"))
if server is None then env.out.print("bad routes!") end
This example uses Basic Authentication (RFC 2617) with the included BasicAuth middleware.
Serving Static Files
use "net"
use "files"
use "http_server"
use "jennet"
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
let tcplauth: TCPListenAuth = TCPListenAuth(env.root)
let fileauth: FileAuth = FileAuth(env.root)
let server =
Jennet(tcplauth, env.out)
.> serve_file(fileauth, "/", "index.html")
.serve(ServerConfig(where port' = "8080"))
if server is None then env.out.print("bad routes!") end
Serving Static Directory
use "net"
use "http_server"
use "files"
use "jennet"
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
let tcplauth: TCPListenAuth = TCPListenAuth(env.root)
let fileauth: FileAuth = FileAuth(env.root)
let server =
Jennet(tcplauth, env.out)
// a request to /fs/index.html would return ./static/index.html
.> serve_dir(fileauth, "/fs/*filepath", "static/")
.serve(ServerConfig(where port' = "8080"))
if server is None then env.out.print("bad routes!") end