tuna icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tuna copied to clipboard

An audio effects library for the Web Audio API.


An audio effects library for the Web Audio API.

tuna, tuna, tuna

Effect list:

  • Overdrive (6 different algorithms)
  • Filter
  • Cabinet
  • Delay
  • Convolver (Reverb)
  • Compressor
  • WahWah
  • Tremolo
  • Phaser
  • Chorus
  • Bitcrusher
  • Moog Filter
  • Ping Pong Delay
  • Panner (needs polyfilling, see Panner section [in the wiki] (https://github.com/Theodeus/tuna/wiki)
  • Gain


npm install tunajs

Check the wiki: https://github.com/Theodeus/tuna/wiki/Getting-started

Or a live example: http://codepen.io/Theodeus/pen/oxKjmy?editors=0010

In the wild

This is a very incomplete list of places where Tuna.js is used.

http://www.jamwithchrome.com/ - Jam With Chrome allows you to jam online with your mates across the globe using an assortment of instruments and effects. There's even a mode for dummies!

https://github.com/selfrefactor/tuna-player - A React.js/Electron wrapper around Tuna.js!

https://slasher.chillertv.com/ - interactive experience for the TV show Slasher

http://looplabs.com/beta - Looplabs is a collaborative cloud based music studio that lets anyone, regardless of technical skills or ability, quickly and easily make professional quality music anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

http://www.websynths.com/ - Browser-based microtonal midi instrument

https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-music - Make music with React!

http://bapjs.org/ - Beat making toolkit

https://github.com/jamespfarrell/json-to-web-audio - Make music from Json with json-to-web-audio

http://errozero.co.uk/acid-machine/ - Acid Machine 2, which is exactly what it sounds like! Add up to two Tuna effects per instrument.