FWIW in my own MySQL to Postgres migrations I've always found it best to map explicitly in the from clause.
Any pointers on how I can find the file? I seemed to have more success when I explicitly set the path to search.
Thanks, haven't used `os.walk` in longer than I care to remember! This is the actual culprit: `./lib/python3.7/site-packages/pony/` (I'm running in a virtualenv) so not related to my own library. Note...
TBH with HTTP/2 coming over the horizon I don't think we really need to work too much about when we load which library. However, I do agree with the general...
How come the errors for `numDomains` weren't being flagged as constraint violations?
FWIW it the respective websites on legacy do seem to have different values. Is it running big queries for each website? I stumbled across the problem as I was testing...
Duplicate ids affect only a few tests (mainly) and only in November. For my purposes it would be sufficient to know which test refers to which website so I can...
FWIW I worked around this on my dataset by stripping the protocol from the URL (most of the new sites are https). But I use a more normalised schema with...
Just a note: the problem isn't really witht the pageid's as these are distinct for each test, the issue is mainly the change from http to https which breaks the...
`crawlid` is `0` for all runs on May 1 in the stats table. In pages the runs are `487` and `488` which are mobile and desktop respectively. There should be...