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BdatEditor export and import files
Is it possible for BdatEditor to export and import files with texts?
It would be easier to use Omegat for localization in my language.
The game has thousands of files with texts. If .bdat has a file and I don't select it before using "View Table" the editor closes. If you have a file it should open or not open at all. A simple bug.
Thanks for the reply. I can extract the bdat files into Json. Some files give error for the difference of file size and byte size, but it works fine. if (file.Length < fileLength)
How can I make Json to bdat? I didn't find this in the code.
Recreating the bdat files hasn't been implemented
Here's a little trick of my own for quickly modifying a large number of values for a table in bdat After using BdatEditor.exe to open bdat, go to any table, Ctrl+a select all the data and Ctrl+c copy, paste it into excel Modify values in excel ctrl+a, ctrl+c copy all the contents of excel, use "Paste Text Only" to paste into word ctrl+h use the replace function, replace ^p with ^t, replace line break symbol (enter) to indent symbol (tab) ctrl + a, ctrl + c copy all the contents of word open the SnIput.exe tool and uncheck all filter settings Back to BdatEditor.exe, click on the top left corner of the table "1", positioning from the first line of the first column to start typing Press F11, SnInput will automatically split the copied data and enter them in sequence